Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Zeke Apollyon

High Cardinal of the Global Order of Satan

Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 15th of December 2020 and released on the 1st of January 2021

As the new year begins, it would appear that it is presenting itself to us as a fertile ground in which to seed the ideas and ideals for new mental paradigms and lifestyles. 2020 has, undoubtedly, helped us dismantle all kinds of structures that were previously perceived as being immovable – and it is on their ruins that we have already begun to build possible, alternative and parallel new worlds.

And it is precisely because this fundamental concept has been accepted in to our remote and immediate future that we, at Metralla Rosa, are beginning our new year of interviews with an outstanding and entirely relevant guest. Founding member and High Cardinal of The Global Order of Satan, Zeke Apollyon, joins us in this episode to kick start our year with what is clearly an extraordinary discussion: What does it mean to live under Satan’s rules? What does he believe it is that defines him as a Satanist? Is Satanism a philosophical construction or a religious practice? Why does humanity continue to have so many fears when it comes to the discussion of a concept that was created by men themselves, in order to deal with their own shadows?

You will be able to hear first hand, during this kind, open and conciliatory conversation with Zeke, that many of the answers are, indeed, very different from what must surely have been assumed until now. Thanks to this conversation you will discover the personal journey of a sensitive and intelligent man who, by redefining his own search for individuality, has vindicated his personal choices, absorbing a faith that is agnostic, progressive, inclusive and, above all, compassionate and humanistic.

Is it necessary to worship the devil in order to join a Satanic order? Is the devil merely an intellectual construct that frees you from the need of seeing yourself as a lamb of God? Is Lucifer, the morning star, merely a metaphor used to cast away the shadows within us? Discover the answers to these and many other questions in this, the conversation that Metralla Rosa has chosen to welcome you to 2021 with.

And now, enjoy the interview!

If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us continue to produce interviews with inspiring guests and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles on all our content. Thank you so much.

Further Information:

Related Links
Zeke Apollyon: Instagram | Twitter
The Global Order of Satan: Website | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | International Pages

References during the interview
Cardinal (Catholic Church) 00:43 | The Global Order of Satan 00:44 | Satanism 00:56 | Satan 01:06 | Christianity 01:57 | Abrahamic Religions 01:59 | Nihilism 02:07 | Theology 02:19 | Devil Worship (Theistic Satanism) 02:22 | Atheism 02:24 | Atheistic Satanism (LaVeyan Satanism) 02:29 | Global Order of Satan Pillars 02:50 | Autonomy 03:58 | Feminist 05:13 | Reproductive Rights 05:20 | Religious Right (conservatism) 05:38 | Satanic Panic (worldwide) 05:58 | Dogma 06:04 | Planned Parenthood 06:28 | Pro Choice 07:29 | The Satanic Temple 07:38 | Lucien Greaves 09:39 | Bavaria 13:39 | Kreuzpflicht 13:46 | Darren Cullen 13:50 | Trolling 14:06 | Hail Satan? (documentary) 15:58 | Bible 17:03 | Genesis 18:07 | Eve 18:11 | Tree of Knowledge 18:16 | Parable 18:50 | Supernatural 21:29 | Performance Art 24:37 | Magic 25:13 | Shadow Work 26:09 | Cult 30:41 | Religion 31:16 | Spirituality 31:26 | Yoga 31:33 | Meditation 31:34 | Tai Chi 31:37 | Ayurveda 31:40 | Totalitarianism 32:15 | Autocracy 32:!9 | Romance Literature 32:22 | Activism 34:05 | Tony Robbins 36:41 | Pastoral Care 37:24 | Pop Culture 39:00 | The Devil Rides Out 39:32 | Rosemary’s Baby 39:33 | The Devil 40:53 | Cosmology 40:59 | Dualistic Cosmology 41:01 | Zoroastrianism 41:05 | Hebrew Bible 41:08 | Christ (Jesus) 41:19 | God 41:32 | Confirmation Bias 46:11 | Pareidolia 46:14 | Guns N’ Roses 47:05 | Anton LaVey 47:39 | Ideology 48:51 | The Satanic Bible 49:21 | The Satanic Witch 49:26 | Anatole France 50:47 | The Revolt of the Angels 50:48 | Paradise Lost 50:54 | Jex Blackmore 51:55 | George Carlin 53:18 | The Autonomy Project (Bodily Autonomy) 54:54 | Judeo-Christianity 59:59 | Industrial Revolution 01:01:40 | Colonisation 01:01:44 | Polytheism 01:02:00 | Monotheism 01:02:05 | Heroin 01:03:01 | Agnostic 01:04:55 | Neo-Nazism 01:07:26 | Psychic Vampire 01:10:53 | Vampire 01:11:05 | Homeostasis 01:15:32 | Seven Deadly Sins 01:19:10 | Lucifer 01:25:15

Founding Pillars:

Satanism helps define how we live our lives & interact with other people. The founding pillars of a Satanic organisation guide and empower you to live a Satanic lifestyle. No single founding pillar should be raised higher than any other. Our actions should be guided by them collectively.

  • Self-fulfilment and personal understanding allow us to support ourselves and therefore others.
  • Respect the inviolable body, autonomous will, and sovereign right of every individual to guide their own life and being; remembering that enjoyment of these rights is predicated on respect for the same in others.
  • Science, evidence, reason, and critical thinking should guide our beliefs about our universe. Truly critical thinking can only be achieved by challenging your own preconceptions and opinions, providing a more balanced outlook to help us make better informed decisions.
  • Act with empathy, compassion, and wisdom towards yourself and others.
  • Justice always takes precedence over laws, institutions, and religious texts, as long as the pursuit of it does not countermand the pillars.
  • All people make mistakes. Allow them to correct those mistakes, as we seek acceptance in others over our own.

Personal Photos:

Kreuzpflicht Campaign:

In 2018 a new law in Bavaria, the Kreuzpflicht (crucifix obligation) required that all public buildings hang a cross in their entrances, despite the German constitution stating there should be a separation of church and state. Darren Cullen, a satirical artist, supported by members of The Global Order of Satan sent dozens of crucifixes to public buildings across Germany. These were run of the mill crucifixes with one key difference: the hanging hook was on the bottom edge, forcing them to be hung upside down.

Congregation & Rituals:


All images and videos used by kind permission of The Global Order of Satan and Zeke Apollyon, taken from their websites, YouTube channel and Instagram account.

Alto Cardinale dell’Ordine Globale di Satana

Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 15 dicembre 2020 e rilasciata il 1 gennaio 2021

Sta per iniziare un nuovo anno che appare pronto ad essere terreno fertile per il diffondersi di nuovi paradigmi mentali e nuovi stili di vita. Il 2020 ci ha indubbiamente aiutato a smantellare strutture di ogni tipo; sulle rovine di ciò che pensavamo fosse irremovibile abbiamo già iniziato a costruire mondi possibili, alternativi, e paralleli.

In grande sintonia con questa nozione di ristrutturazione delle vite a breve e lungo termine, a Metralla Rosa iniziamo un nuovo anno di interviste con un ospite d’eccezione. Membro fondatore e Alto Cardinale dell’Ordine Globale di Satana (The Global Order of Satan), Zeke Apollyon si unirà a noi in questo episodio dove iniziamo l’anno con una conversazione decisamente straordinaria: cosa significa vivere secondo le regole di Satana? In cosa crede una persona che si definisce satanista? Il satanismo è un costrutto filosofico o una pratica religiosa? Come mai l’umanità nutre ancora così tante riserve nel discutere un concetto che gli uomini stessi hanno creato per affrontare la propria ombra?

Zeke ci porta per mano, e con il suo parlare pacato ci accompagna lungo questa conversazione aperta e pacifica. Qui potrete sentire da fonte attendibile concetti ben diversi da quelli che sicuramente immaginavate finora. In questa conversazione scoprirete il percorso personale di un uomo sensibile e intelligente, che ha ridefinito la sua ricerca dell’individualità e rivendicato le sue scelte personali, assorbendo una fede agnostica, progressista, inclusiva ma soprattutto compassionevole e umanistica.

Bisogna adorare il diavolo per entrare in un ordine satanista? Il diavolo è un mero costrutto intellettuale che ti libera dal bisogno di vederti come un agnello di Dio? È forse Lucifero, la Stella del mattino, solo una metafora usata per scacciare le ombre che abbiamo dentro di noi? Scopri le risposte a queste e a molte altre domande in questa intervista con cui Metralla Rosa vi dà il benvenuto nel 2021.

E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!

Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Zeke Apollyon: Instagram | Twitter
The Global Order of Satan: Website | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | International Pages

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Cardinal (Catholic Church) 00:43 | The Global Order of Satan 00:44 | Satanism 00:56 | Satan 01:06 | Christianity 01:57 | Abrahamic Religions 01:59 | Nihilism 02:07 | Theology 02:19 | Devil Worship (Theistic Satanism) 02:22 | Atheism 02:24 | Atheistic Satanism (LaVeyan Satanism) 02:29 | Global Order of Satan Pillars 02:50 | Autonomy 03:58 | Feminist 05:13 | Reproductive Rights 05:20 | Religious Right (conservatism) 05:38 | Satanic Panic (worldwide) 05:58 | Dogma 06:04 | Planned Parenthood 06:28 | Pro Choice 07:29 | The Satanic Temple 07:38 | Lucien Greaves 09:39 | Bavaria 13:39 | Kreuzpflicht 13:46 | Darren Cullen 13:50 | Trolling 14:06 | Hail Satan? (documentary) 15:58 | Bible 17:03 | Genesis 18:07 | Eve 18:11 | Tree of Knowledge 18:16 | Parable 18:50 | Supernatural 21:29 | Performance Art 24:37 | Magic 25:13 | Shadow Work 26:09 | Cult 30:41 | Religion 31:16 | Spirituality 31:26 | Yoga 31:33 | Meditation 31:34 | Tai Chi 31:37 | Ayurveda 31:40 | Totalitarianism 32:15 | Autocracy 32:!9 | Romance Literature 32:22 | Activism 34:05 | Tony Robbins 36:41 | Pastoral Care 37:24 | Pop Culture 39:00 | The Devil Rides Out 39:32 | Rosemary’s Baby 39:33 | The Devil 40:53 | Cosmology 40:59 | Dualistic Cosmology 41:01 | Zoroastrianism 41:05 | Hebrew Bible 41:08 | Christ (Jesus) 41:19 | God 41:32 | Confirmation Bias 46:11 | Pareidolia 46:14 | Guns N’ Roses 47:05 | Anton LaVey 47:39 | Ideology 48:51 | The Satanic Bible 49:21 | The Satanic Witch 49:26 | Anatole France 50:47 | The Revolt of the Angels 50:48 | Paradise Lost 50:54 | Jex Blackmore 51:55 | George Carlin 53:18 | The Autonomy Project (Bodily Autonomy) 54:54 | Judeo-Christianity 59:59 | Industrial Revolution 01:01:40 | Colonisation 01:01:44 | Polytheism 01:02:00 | Monotheism 01:02:05 | Heroin 01:03:01 | Agnostic 01:04:55 | Neo-Nazism 01:07:26 | Psychic Vampire 01:10:53 | Vampire 01:11:05 | Homeostasis 01:15:32 | Seven Deadly Sins 01:19:10 | Lucifer 01:25:15

Pilastri Fondatori:

Il satanismo aiuta a definire il modo in cui viviamo e interagiamo con gli altri. I pilastri fondamentali di un’organizzazione satanica vi guidano e vi danno la possibilità di vivere uno stile di vita satanico. Nessun pilastro portante può essere portato al di sopra degli altri. Le nostre azioni vanno guidate da tutti i pilastri insieme.

  • L’auto-realizzazione e la conoscenza di sé ci permettono di sostenerci da soli e quindi poter sostenere gli altri.
  • Rispetta il corpo inviolabile, la volontà individuale autonoma e il diritto sovrano di ogni individuo di orientare la propria vita e il proprio essere; ricorda che il godimento di questi diritti si basa sul rispetto degli stessi negli altri.
  • La scienza, le evidenze, la ragione e il pensiero critico devono guidare le nostre convinzioni riguardo al nostro universo. Un vero pensiero critico può essere raggiunto solo mettendo in discussione i propri preconcetti e le proprie opinioni, fornendo una prospettiva più equilibrata per aiutarci a prendere decisioni più informate.
  • Comportati con empatia, compassione e saggezza verso te stesso e gli altri.
  • La giustizia ha sempre la precedenza sulle leggi, le istituzioni e i testi religiosi, purché il suo perseguimento non sia in contrasto con i pilastri.
  • Tutti commettono errori. Permettete loro di correggere questi errori, così come noi cerchiamo l’accettazione negli altri dei nostri.

Personal Photos:

Kreuzpflicht Campaign:

In 2018 a new law in Bavaria, the Kreuzpflicht (crucifix obligation) required that all public buildings hang a cross in their entrances, despite the German constitution stating there should be a separation of church and state. Darren Cullen, a satirical artist, supported by members of The Global Order of Satan sent dozens of crucifixes to public buildings across Germany. These were run of the mill crucifixes with one key difference: the hanging hook was on the bottom edge, forcing them to be hung upside down.

Congregation & Rituals:


All images and videos used by kind permission of The Global Order of Satan and Zeke Apollyon, taken from their websites, YouTube channel and Instagram account.

Alto Cardenal de la orden Global de Satán

Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 15 de diciembre de 2020 y publicada el 1 de enero de 2021

Comienza un nuevo año que pareciera presentarse como terreno fértil para la germinación de nuevos paradigmas mentales y nuevos estilos de vida. El 2020 nos ha ayudado – sin duda – a desmantelar estructuras de toda índole y sobre las ruinas de lo que pensábamos seria inamovible, ya hemos comenzado a construir mundos posibles, alternativos, paralelos.

Justamente en sintonía con esta noción vital estructural del futuro remoto y del futuro inmediato, en Metralla Rosa damos comienzo a un nuevo año de entrevistas con un invitado fuera de serie. Miembro fundador y Cardenal de la orden Global de Satán (The Global Order of Satan), Zeke Apollyon nos acompaña en este episodio para inaugurar el año con una discusión a todas luces extraordinaria: ¿Qué significa vivir bajo las reglas de Satán? En que cree quien se define a si mismo como satánico? Es el satanismo una construcción filosófica o una práctica religiosa? ¿Por qué la humanidad sigue teniendo tantas reservas en relación a la discusión de un concepto que los mismos hombres han creado para lidiar con su propia sombra?

De la mano y la palabra amable de Zeke, y gracias a esta conversación abierta y conciliatoria, podrás escuchar de fuente confiable cosas muy distintas a las que seguramente has asumido hasta ahora. Gracias a esta conversación descubrirás el viaje personal de un hombre sensible e inteligente, que ha re-definido su búsqueda de individualidad y reivindicado sus elecciones personales, absorbiendo una fe que es agnóstica, progresista, incluyente, y sobre todo, compasiva y humanista.

¿Es necesario rendirle culto al diablo para afiliarte a una orden satanista? ¿Es el diablo una mera construcción intelectual que te libera de la necesidad de verte a ti mismo como un cordero de Dios? ¿Es Lucifer, lucero de la mañana, simplemente una metáfora utilizada para iluminar nuestras sombras? Descubre las respuestas a estas y muchas otras preguntas en esta conversación con la que Metralla Rosa le da la bienvenida al 2021.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Zeke Apollyon: Instagram | Twitter
The Global Order of Satan: Website | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | International Pages

Menciones durante la entrevista
Cardinal (Catholic Church) 00:43 | The Global Order of Satan 00:44 | Satanism 00:56 | Satan 01:06 | Christianity 01:57 | Abrahamic Religions 01:59 | Nihilism 02:07 | Theology 02:19 | Devil Worship (Theistic Satanism) 02:22 | Atheism 02:24 | Atheistic Satanism (LaVeyan Satanism) 02:29 | Global Order of Satan Pillars 02:50 | Autonomy 03:58 | Feminist 05:13 | Reproductive Rights 05:20 | Religious Right (conservatism) 05:38 | Satanic Panic (worldwide) 05:58 | Dogma 06:04 | Planned Parenthood 06:28 | Pro Choice 07:29 | The Satanic Temple 07:38 | Lucien Greaves 09:39 | Bavaria 13:39 | Kreuzpflicht 13:46 | Darren Cullen 13:50 | Trolling 14:06 | Hail Satan? (documentary) 15:58 | Bible 17:03 | Genesis 18:07 | Eve 18:11 | Tree of Knowledge 18:16 | Parable 18:50 | Supernatural 21:29 | Performance Art 24:37 | Magic 25:13 | Shadow Work 26:09 | Cult 30:41 | Religion 31:16 | Spirituality 31:26 | Yoga 31:33 | Meditation 31:34 | Tai Chi 31:37 | Ayurveda 31:40 | Totalitarianism 32:15 | Autocracy 32:!9 | Romance Literature 32:22 | Activism 34:05 | Tony Robbins 36:41 | Pastoral Care 37:24 | Pop Culture 39:00 | The Devil Rides Out 39:32 | Rosemary’s Baby 39:33 | The Devil 40:53 | Cosmology 40:59 | Dualistic Cosmology 41:01 | Zoroastrianism 41:05 | Hebrew Bible 41:08 | Christ (Jesus) 41:19 | God 41:32 | Confirmation Bias 46:11 | Pareidolia 46:14 | Guns N’ Roses 47:05 | Anton LaVey 47:39 | Ideology 48:51 | The Satanic Bible 49:21 | The Satanic Witch 49:26 | Anatole France 50:47 | The Revolt of the Angels 50:48 | Paradise Lost 50:54 | Jex Blackmore 51:55 | George Carlin 53:18 | The Autonomy Project (Bodily Autonomy) 54:54 | Judeo-Christianity 59:59 | Industrial Revolution 01:01:40 | Colonisation 01:01:44 | Polytheism 01:02:00 | Monotheism 01:02:05 | Heroin 01:03:01 | Agnostic 01:04:55 | Neo-Nazism 01:07:26 | Psychic Vampire 01:10:53 | Vampire 01:11:05 | Homeostasis 01:15:32 | Seven Deadly Sins 01:19:10 | Lucifer 01:25:15

Pilares Fundacionales:

El satanismo ayuda a definir cómo vivimos nuestras vidas e interactuamos con otras personas. Los pilares fundamentales de una organización satánica te guían y te dan poder para vivir un estilo de vida satánico. Ningún pilar fundacional debe elevarse más alto que otro. Nuestras acciones deben estar guiadas por ellos colectivamente.

  • La autorealización y la comprensión personal nos permiten apoyarnos a nosotros mismos y, por lo tanto, a los demás.
  • Respetar el cuerpo inviolable, la voluntad autónoma y el derecho soberano de cada individuo a guiar su propia vida y ser; recordando que el goce de estos derechos se basa en el respeto de los mismos en los demás.
  • La ciencia, la evidencia, la razón y el pensamiento crítico deben guiar nuestras creencias sobre nuestro universo. El pensamiento verdaderamente crítico solo se puede lograr desafiando nuestras propias creencias preconcebidas y opiniones, proporcionando una perspectiva más equilibrada que nos ayude a informarnos mejor antes de tomar decisiones.
  • Actúa con empatía, compasión y sabiduría hacia ti mismo y hacia los demás.
  • La justicia siempre prevalece sobre las leyes, las instituciones y los textos religiosos, siempre que su persecución no anule los pilares fundacionales.
  • Todas las personas cometen errores. Permítale a los demás corregir esos errores, al mismo tiempo que buscamos la aceptación de los demás sobre los nuestros.

Personal Photos:

Kreuzpflicht Campaign:

In 2018 a new law in Bavaria, the Kreuzpflicht (crucifix obligation) required that all public buildings hang a cross in their entrances, despite the German constitution stating there should be a separation of church and state. Darren Cullen, a satirical artist, supported by members of The Global Order of Satan sent dozens of crucifixes to public buildings across Germany. These were run of the mill crucifixes with one key difference: the hanging hook was on the bottom edge, forcing them to be hung upside down.

Congregation & Rituals:


All images and videos used by kind permission of The Global Order of Satan and Zeke Apollyon, taken from their websites, YouTube channel and Instagram account.


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Jim Shannon

Art director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
Visit her Website

Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
Visit La Pecora Nera website

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La Pecora Nera

Associazione Culturale
Cultural Partners with Metralla Rosa
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O. T. Editores

Casa Editorial
Partners with Metralla Rosa
Visit their Linktree