Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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This interview was recorded on the 16th of June 2020 and released on the 15th of July 2020
Independent, warm, receptive and open to experiencing life from a positive and consciously empowered perspective, today’s guest, Bronwen, is not only an in demand Floor Manager within the UK television industry and a Cambridge qualified, working Life Coach, she is also the creator of a podcast that we strongly recommend: Show Love Podcast.
This Podcast was born from the need to transform a traumatic personal experience into one of collective learning and, like all projects that come about from a clearly honourable initiative, ‘Show Love’ show has exceeded expectations, on every level. The idea of the podcast was to create a space in which to talk about things that may initially appear uncomfortable but which will, ultimately, bring about liberation, transformation and growth. And it is thanks to the fact that Bronwen has tackled topics such as suicide, self-love (seen from both a feminine and masculine point of view), mental health, spiritual life and romanticism in times of online dating, that this show has managed to capture the public’s imagination and find itself climbing high up in the iTunes charts on several occasions.
Bronwen is a fantastic woman. A woman who believes in the therapeutic power of human interaction and who, with every professional step she takes, tries to turn that faith into a life choice. In this episode, whilst talking to Carla, she demonstrates how a desire to live life and love life can be both irrepressible and complementary. This conversation has the curious, joyous and playful tone that you would expect from two women who share the same vitality for life and interests in love.
And now, enjoy the interview!
This episode of Metralla Rosa is dedicated to Billy Yates, 1976-2017. Never forgotten.
Mental Health support
The National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) | Samaritans | SANE | NHS Mental Health helplines | Mind
Related Links
Bronwen Murphy: Instagram | Twitter
Floor Manager/Life Coach: Email
Show Love Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
References during the interview
Television Floor Manager 01:16 | Show Love Podcast 01:26 | Self Love 03:25 | Lad Culture 04:47 | Life Coach 06:04 | Banter 07:07 | 8 Minute Millionaire 08:46 | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 09:24 | Danny Wicks: Show Love Podcast 4 – Core 10:41 | Meditation 12:43 | Mindfulness 12:50 | Jeff Brazier 16:40 | Runner 21:09 | TV Gallery 21:12 | TV Director 21:13 | SM:tv Live 24:06 | Ant & Dec 24:07 | Spice Girls 24:09 | Bono 25:05 | U2 25:12 | Britney Spears 25:41 | The Miracle Morning 27:21 | Hal Elrod 27:23 | Covid-19 41:09 | Zoom Calls 41:57 | Bumble 51:06 | Happy Place Podcast 58:38 | Fern Cotton 58:41 | Happy Place Festival 58:37 | Gaia Rose 59:26 | The Divine Feminine 59:34 | Show Love Podcast 10 – Rose 59:45 | The Elephant in the Room 01:00:56 | The Power of Vulnerability 01:02:28 | Brené Brown 01:02:29
Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 16 giugno 2020 e rilasciata il 15 luglio 2020
Indipendente, cordiale, sensibile e disposta a fare esperienza della vita da un punto di vista positivo e di emancipazione consapevole, Bronwen, la nostra invitata di oggi, oltre a essere una professionista molto richiesta dell’industria televisiva londinese, e un’affidabile coach specializzata in problemi di crescita personale, è anche l’ideatrice di un podcast a cui consigliamo di dare uno sguardo: Show Love Podcast.
Questo podcast nasce dall’esigenza di trasformare un’esperienza traumatica personale in formazione collettiva, e, come tutti i progetti che nascono da un’iniziativa assolutamente lodevole, questo show ha superato le sue stesse aspettative sotto molti aspetti diversi. Il concetto di questo show è realizzare uno spazio per parlare di cose che possono sembrare a prima vista imbarazzanti, ma che, tuttavia, producono liberazione, trasformazione e crescita. E, grazie al fatto che Bronwen abbia saputo affrontare temi come il suicidio, l’autostima (intesa da un punto di vista femminile, ma anche maschile), la salute mentale, la vita spirituale e il romanticismo ai tempi delle città virtuali, questo show è riuscito a interessare molte persone e a collocarsi tra i più ascoltati da iTunes in varie occasioni.
Bronwen è una donna fantastica. Una donna che crede nel potere terapeutico dell’interazione umana e che, ad ogni meta professionale che raggiunge, cerca di trasformare questa convinzione in una scelta di vita. In questo show si incontra con Carla per farci vedere che insieme sono una miscela esplosiva in cui la forza di ognuna è inesauribile, oltre che complementare. Questa conversazione ha il tono divertente, allegro e giocoso che hanno le conversazioni tra due donne che condividono la stessa gioia di vivere e un comune interesse per l’amore.
E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!
Questo episodio di Metralla Rosa è dedicato a Billy Yates, 1976-2017. Mai dimenticato.
Mental Health support
The National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) | Samaritans | SANE | NHS Mental Health helplines | Mind
Link correlati
Bronwen Murphy: Instagram | Twitter
Floor Manager/Life Coach: Email
Show Love Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Television Floor Manager 01:16 | Show Love Podcast 01:26 | Self Love 03:25 | Lad Culture 04:47 | Life Coach 06:04 | Banter 07:07 | 8 Minute Millionaire 08:46 | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 09:24 | Danny Wicks: Show Love Podcast 4 – Core 10:41 | Meditation 12:43 | Mindfulness 12:50 | Jeff Brazier 16:40 | Runner 21:09 | TV Gallery 21:12 | TV Director 21:13 | SM:tv Live 24:06 | Ant & Dec 24:07 | Spice Girls 24:09 | Bono 25:05 | U2 25:12 | Britney Spears 25:41 | The Miracle Morning 27:21 | Hal Elrod 27:23 | Covid-19 41:09 | Zoom Calls 41:57 | Bumble 51:06 | Happy Place Podcast 58:38 | Fern Cotton 58:41 | Happy Place Festival 58:37 | Gaia Rose 59:26 | The Divine Feminine 59:34 | Show Love Podcast 10 – Rose 59:45 | The Elephant in the Room 01:00:56 | The Power of Vulnerability 01:02:28 | Brené Brown 01:02:29
Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 16 de junio de 2020 y publicada el 15 de julio de 2020
Independiente, cálida, receptiva y abierta a experimentar la vida desde una perspectiva positiva y de empoderamiento consiente, Bronwen, nuestra invitada de hoy, además de ser una solicitada profesional de la industria televisiva británica, y una solvente coach capacitada en temas de desarrollo personal, es también la creadora de un podcast que recomendamos tener en la mira: Show Love Podcast.
Este Podcast surge de la necesidad de transformar una experiencia traumática personal en aprendizaje colectivo, y como todos los proyectos que surgen de una iniciativa a todas luces loable, este show ha superado sus propias expectativas en muchos y muy distintos sentidos. La idea de este Podcast es crear el espacio para hablar acerca de cosas que pueden resultar incómodas a primera vista, pero que sin embargo, traen consigo liberación, transformación y crecimiento. Y gracias a que Bronwen ha sabido abordar temas como el suicidio, el amor propio (entendido desde un punto de vista femenino pero también masculino), la salud mental, la vida espiritual y el romanticismo en tiempos de citas virtuales, este show ha logrado interesar a muchos y posicionarse entre los mas escuchados de iTunes en varias oportunidades.
Bronwen es una mujer fantástica. Una mujer que cree en el poder terapéutico de la interacción humana y que con cada paso profesional que da intenta convertir esa fé en elección de vida. En este show se junta con Carla para demostrar cómo el hambre y las ganas de comer pueden ser inextinguibles además de complementarias. Esta conversación tiene el tono curioso, alegre y juguetón que tienen las conversaciones entre dos mujeres que comparten la misma vitalidad por la vida e idéntico interés en el amor.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Este episodio de Metralla Rosa está dedicado a Billy Yates, 1976-2017. Siempre recordado.
Mental Health support
The National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) | Samaritans | SANE | NHS Mental Health helplines | Mind
Enlaces relacionados
Bronwen Murphy: Instagram | Twitter
Floor Manager/Life Coach: Email
Show Love Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Menciones durante la entrevista
Television Floor Manager 01:16 | Show Love Podcast 01:26 | Self Love 03:25 | Lad Culture 04:47 | Life Coach 06:04 | Banter 07:07 | 8 Minute Millionaire 08:46 | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 09:24 | Danny Wicks: Show Love Podcast 4 – Core 10:41 | Meditation 12:43 | Mindfulness 12:50 | Jeff Brazier 16:40 | Runner 21:09 | TV Gallery 21:12 | TV Director 21:13 | SM:tv Live 24:06 | Ant & Dec 24:07 | Spice Girls 24:09 | Bono 25:05 | U2 25:12 | Britney Spears 25:41 | The Miracle Morning 27:21 | Hal Elrod 27:23 | Covid-19 41:09 | Zoom Calls 41:57 | Bumble 51:06 | Happy Place Podcast 58:38 | Fern Cotton 58:41 | Happy Place Festival 58:37 | Gaia Rose 59:26 | The Divine Feminine 59:34 | Show Love Podcast 10 – Rose 59:45 | The Elephant in the Room 01:00:56 | The Power of Vulnerability 01:02:28 | Brené Brown 01:02:29