Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

con Daniela Galán L

Episode 01 (pilot)

Visual artist | Art Historian | Art Curator


Daniela Galán’s London career has been one brimming with significant challenges.

As a cultural manager, her great impulse and motivation was to work towards raising the exposure of outstanding Latin American women artists in the United Kingdom and Europe. As an artist, Daniela produces very strong, forceful work – both visually and contentwise – in which conceptual discourse is constantly intertwined with her defiant vision of the expressive potential of matter.

Joyful, inquisitive and open to all kinds of dialogue, Daniela is a dynamic woman and an activist who is fully committed to defending issues that are closest to her heart. This was best seen through her efforts to create a fair and balanced representation of the work of formidable Latin American women artists living in the diaspora, who face double discrimination on a daily basis – for cultural and gender reasons. For this Daniela began cultural projects filled with risk, optimism and a new sense of community, such as AMALGAMA and ‘Why is it Art?‘.

In this episode of Metralla Rosa, Carla interprets all the milestones of a short but very intense career. Daniela talks about her cultural idols, her doubts, her certainties and her most controversial insights into today’s art market. Enjoy this interview and discover why we dare to predict that Daniela will be an agent of true change and transformation of the arts inside and outside the Americas.

Now, enjoy the interview!

Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 20th of August 2019 and released on the 15th of November 2019.

Further Information:

Related Links | Amalgama | Buy ‘Amalgama’ book | Why is it Art? | Flawa

References during the interview
Goldsmiths University of London 14:20 | Beatriz Gonzalez 16:40 + 36:57 | Larmagazine 19:50 | Alejandro Obregón 36:44 | Fernando Botero 36:46 | Luis Caballero 36:47 | Enrique Grau 36:48 | Doris Salcedo 36:58 | Mateo López 37:07 | Cindy Sherman 37:20 | Frida Kahlo 38:10 | Tecla Tofano 38:30 | Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985 Exhibition & Catalogue 38:37 | Feliza Bursztyn 38:46 | Johanna Calle 38:49 | Carmen Herrera 38:56 | Ana Mendieta 39:51 | Mari Carmen Ramirez 40:28 | Renata Fernandez 43:55 | Vanessa Enriquez 44:33 + 45:15 | Instituto Cervantes of London 46:44

Related Images:

Image Credits
Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | The Weight of the Name – steel and silver gelatine, 2016-18 | The Weight of the Name – steel and silver gelatine, 2016-18 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon

Interview Credits:

Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

Episodio 01 (programma pilota)

Artista Visiva | Storica dell’Arte | Curatore dell’Arte


Daniela Galán, a Londra, ha maturato una carriera fatta di abbondanti scommesse.

Come responsabile culturale ha spinto e lavorato molto per conferire maggiore visibilità al lavoro delle artiste latinoamericane di rilievo nel Regno Unito e in Europa. Come artista, Daniela ha maturato un’opera solida e forte – sia nelle forme visive che nei contenuti – dove il discorso concettuale si interseca continuamente con una visione che vuole stimolare la riflessione sulle potenzialità espressive della materia.

Allegra, aperta, inquisitiva e disponibile ad ogni tipo di dialogo, Daniela è una donna d’azione e un’attivista pienamente impegnata a difendere le lotte che hanno conquistato il suo cuore. Ed è proprio come manifestazione del suo impegno di creare una giusta rappresentazione dell’opera di formidabili artiste latinoamericane nella diaspora, che affrontano quotidianamente una doppia discriminazione – per ragioni culturali e di genere – che Daniela ha dato vita a iniziative culturali piene di rischio, ottimismo e una nuova dialettica di comunità: AMALGAMA e ‘Why is it Art?‘.

In questo episodio di Metralla Rosa Carla percorre tutte le tappe di una carriera breve ma molto intensa. Daniela riflette sui propri idoli culturali, i propri dubbi, le certezze e le visioni più controverse del mercato dell’arte attuale. Goditi questa intervista e scopri perché osiamo prevedere che Daniela sarà un vero agente di cambiamento e trasformazione delle arti dentro e fuori dalle Americhe

E ora godetevi l’intervista!

Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 20 agosto 2019 e rilasciata il 15 novembre 2019.

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati | Amalgama | Buy ‘Amalgama’ book | Why is it Art? | Flawa

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Goldsmiths University of London 14:20 | Beatriz Gonzalez 16:40 + 36:57 | Larmagazine 19:50 | Alejandro Obregón 36:44 | Fernando Botero 36:46 | Luis Caballero 36:47 | Enrique Grau 36:48 | Doris Salcedo 36:58 | Mateo López 37:07 | Cindy Sherman 37:20 | Frida Kahlo 38:10 | Tecla Tofano 38:30 | Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985 Exhibition & Catalogue 38:37 | Feliza Bursztyn 38:46 | Johanna Calle 38:49 | Carmen Herrera 38:56 | Ana Mendieta 39:51 | Mari Carmen Ramirez 40:28 | Renata Fernandez 43:55 | Vanessa Enriquez 44:33 + 45:15 | Instituto Cervantes of London 46:44

Immagini correlate:

Crediti immagine
Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | The Weight of the Name – steel and silver gelatine, 2016-18 | The Weight of the Name – steel and silver gelatine, 2016-18 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon

Crediti dell’intervista:

Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

Episodio 01 (programa piloto)

Artista Plástica | Historiadora del Arte | Curadora de Arte


Daniela Galán ha desarrollado en Londres una carrera llena de apuestas relevantes.

Como gestora cultural su gran impulso y motivación ha sido el de trabajar en función de lograr una mayor visibilidad de la obra de relevantes mujeres artistas latinoamericanas en el Reino Unido y Europa. Como artista Daniela ha desarrollado una obra de una gran solidez y contundencia – tanto en su forma plástica como en su contenido – en la que el discurso conceptual se entrelaza constantemente con sus desafiantes visiones acerca de la potencialidad expresiva de la materia.

Alegre, abierta, inquisitiva y despierta a toda clase de dialogo, Daniela es una mujer de acción y una activista plenamente abocada a la defensa de luchas que la atrapan desde el corazón. Y ha sido justamente gracias a su búsqueda por crear una representación equitativa de la obra de formidables mujeres artistas latinoamericanas en la diaspora, que enfrentan a diario doble discriminación – por razones culturales y de género – que Daniela ha parido iniciativas culturales llenas de riesgo, optimismo y una nueva dialéctica de lo comunitario como AMALGAMA y ‘Why is it Art?’.

En este episodio de Metralla Rosa, Carla intercepta todos los hitos de una carrera corta pero muy intensa. Daniela especula acerca de sus Idolos culturales, sus dudas, sus certezas y sus visiones mas polémicas del actual mercado del arte. Disfruta esta entrevista y descubre porque nos atrevemos a vaticinar que Daniela será un agente de verdadero cambio y transformación de las artes dentro y fuera de Las Americas.

¡Y ahora sí, disfruten la entrevista!

Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 20 de agosto del 2019 y se publicó el 15 de noviembre de 2019.

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados | Amalgama | Buy ‘Amalgama’ book | Why is it Art? | Flawa

Menciones durante la entrevista
Goldsmiths University of London 14:20 | Beatriz Gonzalez 16:40 + 36:57 | Larmagazine 19:50 | Alejandro Obregón 36:44 | Fernando Botero 36:46 | Luis Caballero 36:47 | Enrique Grau 36:48 | Doris Salcedo 36:58 | Mateo López 37:07 | Cindy Sherman 37:20 | Frida Kahlo 38:10 | Tecla Tofano 38:30 | Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985 Exhibition & Catalogue 38:37 | Feliza Bursztyn 38:46 | Johanna Calle 38:49 | Carmen Herrera 38:56 | Ana Mendieta 39:51 | Mari Carmen Ramirez 40:28 | Renata Fernandez 43:55 | Vanessa Enriquez 44:33 + 45:15 | Instituto Cervantes of London 46:44

Imágenes relacionadas:

a href=””>

Créditos de las imágenes
Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | Devil’s Landscape – concrete and metal, 2018 | The Weight of the Name – steel and silver gelatine, 2016-18 | The Weight of the Name – steel and silver gelatine, 2016-18 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Mercury – concrete and metal, 2018 | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon | Amalgama – exhibition at Art Number 23, London, 2019. Photographs ©Ingrid Guyon

Créditos de la entrevista:

Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

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