Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
As we approach the end of a year in which nightlife around the world has suffered so many fundamental changes and transformations, it seemed essential to us that we talked to a DJ, performer and music producer with the stature of Jonatán Mijares, better known on the scene as J Mom Coco.
Coco began his musical training at the age of 3, growing up in a family of musicians and composers steeped in musical discipline and virtuoso performances. Growing up he was, in fact, part of an ensemble made up of his father and brothers with whom he performed, earning the respect and admiration of audiences far and wide, causing music to become not only a form of artistic expression for Coco, but also a way in which to grow, organise and understand his visions on art and life.
By the age of 17, Coco was experimenting with electronic beats, remixing other musicians’ tracks, creating his own fusions of sound and experiencing nightlife, not only as a DJ, but also by coming up with ideas and themes for his own events as well as producing them, providing him with a 360 degree vision of the night-industries.
After many years polishing his skills on stage by playing almost daily, writing music and producing events, Coco has achieved the level of self-confidence and respect from his peers that is necessary in order to see a career succeed in a city with a nightlife as eclectic and competitive as London. However, just when everything was beginning to take off on what seemed to be the path of guaranteed success, March 2020 arrived and the rest, as they say, is history.
In this interview, Coco talks about his elegant and long running Soho Sessions, that are broadcast digitally on his social media platforms, and which were almost prescient of the realities ahead, as we have since become witnesses to the darkest and most depressing moments of the industry, during these months of social isolation, with the nocturnal secrecy of the European underground seemingly set in stone for the foreseeable future. So, prepare to fall in love with the uncompromising and tremendous pose of a luxurious DJ in this stimulating and uncensored interaction.
And now, enjoy the interview!
Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 1st of December 2020 and released on the 15th of December 2020
Related Links
Website | Soundcloud | Spotify | YouTube | The DJ List | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Hona Records
References during the interview
J Mom Coco 00:52 | DJ 00:54 | Music Producer 00:55 | Coronavirus 01:37 | Nightlife 01:48 | Electronic Music 01:50 | Activist 01:57 | Fabric 02:33 | Ministry of Sound 02:34 | The Egg 02:35 | Universal Credit 02:41 | Lockdown 03:48 | Curaçao 03:55 | Soundcloud 06:18 | Spotify 06:19 | Rave 06:32 | Soho Sessions 07:42 | Fitzrovia Sessions 08:18 | Live Streaming 08:28 | Copyright & Copyright Infringement 08:45 | Streaming 08:56 | Chronic Pancreatitis 11:27 | Parents: Miryam Monasterios & Juan Ricardo Mijares 14:07 | PDVSA 16:06 | Bayer 16:07 | Osmonics 16:09 | Pianoforte 18:17 | Violin 18:19 | Viola 18:20 | (Transverse) Flute 18:24 | Ballet 18:29 | Fencing (Esgrima) 18:35 | Glass Art 18:42 | Pan Pipes 18:50 | Saxophone 18:57 | Maracay 19:43 | Parque Carabobo 21:06 | La Mariposa 21:08 | Caracas 21:09 | La Lagunita 21:07 | DJ Mixer 22:38 | Los Poetas Malditos 27:30 | Unloved album 32:02 | Clombosi Album (unavailable) 32:12 | Björk 33:02 | Kula Shaker 33:03 | The Chemical Brothers 33:05 | The Prodigy 33:06 | Garbage 33:08 | The Cardigans 33:10 | Dance Music 33:15 | Pearl Jam 33:25 | Nirvana 33:26 | Kurt Cobain 36:13 | Parkinson’s Disease 36:32 | Hona Music 45:45 | Amy Mitchell 45:53 | Alessandro Ugo 45:55 | Anaïs Traore 45:58 | Don’t Tell Him 46:48 | Pride 46:53 | Drag Queen 47:01 | Elliot Rossi AKA Shae G’Day 49:14 | Rocketman 49:18 | Toxic Masculinity 51:20 | James McFadzean 51:40 | Choto Matte 52:13 | Danny Beard 52:26 | Shae G’Day 52:27 | Britain’s Got Talent 52:56 | Borrachito 53:58 | Body Positivity 57:09 | Brexit 59:34 | SIDA/HIV/AIDS 01:01:22 | Piel: J Mom Coco ft Juan Ricardo Mijares 01:01:48 | Way Out: Ellen Allien 01:04:48 | Orchestra of Bubbles 01:04:56 | Children: Robert Miles 01:05:06 | WAP: Cardi B 01:05:27 | Electronica 01:05:46 | Jóga (A state of emergency): Björk 01:06:03 | Everybody’s Free (To Feel Good): Rozalla 01:06:44 | Temporary: New album 01:07:27
Borrachito | Unloved | Temporary
BPM110 | Fitzrovia Sessions | Soho Sessions
All images, sounds and videos used by kind permission of J Mom Coco and Hona Records, taken from their Website, Soundcloud page and YouTube channel.
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us to continue producing free content and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles. Thank you so much.
Giunti alla fine di un anno in cui la vita notturna delle città, e del mondo in generale, ha subito una gran quantità di cambiamenti e di trasformazioni, ci è sembrato fondamentale conversare con un DJ, esecutore e produttore di brani musicali del calibro di Jonatán Mijares, meglio conosciuto come J Mom Coco.
Coco ha iniziato la sua formazione musicale scolastica a soli 3 anni, essendo cresciuto in una famiglia di strumentisti e compositori amanti della musica, impegnati a dare il massimo nell’esecuzione. Infatti si è formato in un gruppo composto da suo padre e dai suoi fratelli. La band si esibiva in pubblico in varie occasioni, guadagnandosi il rispetto e l’ammirazione di spettatori provenienti da posti sempre più lontani. E così, per Coco la musica è sempre stata una forma di espressione artistica, ma anche un modo di crescere, interpretare e organizzare il proprio modo di concepire l’arte e la vita.
A soli 17 anni Coco si cimentava nella prova dei ritmi elettronici mescolando le tracce sonore di altri musicisti, ma anche creando i propri mix e facendo esperienza della notte non solo come DJ, ma anche come produttore di eventi e come generatore di idee in grado di offrirgli una visione a 360 gradi dell’ambiente creativo notturno.
Dopo molti anni passati a perfezionarsi sulla pista, suonando quasi ogni giorno, organizzando e producendo eventi, Coco ha raggiunto il livello di autostima e l’apprezzamento da parte dell’industria necessari per assistere al decollo della sua carriera, in una città con un’offerta notturna così eclettica e competitiva come quella di Londra. Tuttavia, proprio nel momento in cui tutto cominciava a scorrere nella direzione di quello che sembrava essere sicuramente un percorso di successo, arrivò marzo del 2020 e il resto è storia.
In questa intervista, Coco ci racconta perché le sue eleganti Soho Sessions, diffuse digitalmente attraverso le piattaforme dei social media, sono state in qualche modo premonitrici della realtà che si stava avvicinando, cosa ha significato essere testimone dell’aspetto più deprimente e oscuro dell’industria musicale durante i mesi dell’isolamento sociale, e perché la clandestinità notturna sembra essere scolpita nella roccia del futuro della notte europea. Preparatevi per questo stimolante incontro senza censure e per innamorarvi dell’atteggiamento tremendista e senza compromessi di un DJ di grande spessore.
E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!
Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 1 dicembre 2020 e rilasciata il 15 dicembre 2020
Link correlati
Website | Soundcloud | Spotify | YouTube | The DJ List | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Hona Records
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
J Mom Coco 00:52 | DJ 00:54 | Music Producer 00:55 | Coronavirus 01:37 | Nightlife 01:48 | Electronic Music 01:50 | Activist 01:57 | Fabric 02:33 | Ministry of Sound 02:34 | The Egg 02:35 | Universal Credit 02:41 | Lockdown 03:48 | Curaçao 03:55 | Soundcloud 06:18 | Spotify 06:19 | Rave 06:32 | Soho Sessions 07:42 | Fitzrovia Sessions 08:18 | Live Streaming 08:28 | Copyright & Copyright Infringement 08:45 | Streaming 08:56 | Chronic Pancreatitis 11:27 | Parents: Miryam Monasterios & Juan Ricardo Mijares 14:07 | PDVSA 16:06 | Bayer 16:07 | Osmonics 16:09 | Pianoforte 18:17 | Violin 18:19 | Viola 18:20 | (Transverse) Flute 18:24 | Ballet 18:29 | Fencing (Esgrima) 18:35 | Glass Art 18:42 | Pan Pipes 18:50 | Saxophone 18:57 | Maracay 19:43 | Parque Carabobo 21:06 | La Mariposa 21:08 | Caracas 21:09 | La Lagunita 21:07 | DJ Mixer 22:38 | Los Poetas Malditos 27:30 | Unloved album 32:02 | Clombosi Album (unavailable) 32:12 | Björk 33:02 | Kula Shaker 33:03 | The Chemical Brothers 33:05 | The Prodigy 33:06 | Garbage 33:08 | The Cardigans 33:10 | Dance Music 33:15 | Pearl Jam 33:25 | Nirvana 33:26 | Kurt Cobain 36:13 | Parkinson’s Disease 36:32 | Hona Music 45:45 | Amy Mitchell 45:53 | Alessandro Ugo 45:55 | Anaïs Traore 45:58 | Don’t Tell Him 46:48 | Pride 46:53 | Drag Queen 47:01 | Elliot Rossi AKA Shae G’Day 49:14 | Rocketman 49:18 | Toxic Masculinity 51:20 | James McFadzean 51:40 | Choto Matte 52:13 | Danny Beard 52:26 | Shae G’Day 52:27 | Britain’s Got Talent 52:56 | Borrachito 53:58 | Body Positivity 57:09 | Brexit 59:34 | SIDA/HIV/AIDS 01:01:22 | Piel: J Mom Coco ft Juan Ricardo Mijares 01:01:48 | Way Out: Ellen Allien 01:04:48 | Orchestra of Bubbles 01:04:56 | Children: Robert Miles 01:05:06 | WAP: Cardi B 01:05:27 | Electronica 01:05:46 | Jóga (A state of emergency): Björk 01:06:03 | Everybody’s Free (To Feel Good): Rozalla 01:06:44 | Temporary: New album 01:07:27
Borrachito | Unloved | Temporary
BPM110 | Fitzrovia Sessions | Soho Sessions
All images, sounds and videos used by kind permission of J Mom Coco and Hona Records, taken from their Website, Soundcloud page and YouTube channel.
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.
Llegando al final de un año en el que la vida nocturna de las ciudades y del mundo en general sufrió tantas alteraciones y transformaciones, nos parecía esencial conversar con un DJ, performer y productor musical de la talla de Jonatán Mijares, mejor conocido en la escena musical como J Mom Coco.
Coco inició su formación académica en la música a los 3 años, creció en una familia de instrumentistas y compositores aficionados a la disciplina musical, y a la excelencia en su desempeño. De hecho, durante su crecimiento fue parte de una agrupación conformada por su padre y sus hermanos, con la que se presentaban en diversos escenarios públicos y se ganaban el respeto y la admiración de audiencias cada vez menos locales, y para Coco, la música ha sido siempre una forma de expresión artística pero también un modo de crecer, entender y organizar sus visiones acerca del arte y de la vida.
Ya a los 17 años Coco experimentaba con beats electrónicos mezclando los tracks de otros músicos, pero también creando sus propias fusiones, y vivenciando la noche no solo como dj, sino también como productor de eventos y como generador de ideas que pudieran proporcionarle una visión de la industria nocturna de 360 grados.
Después de muchos años puliendose en el ruedo, tocando casi a diario, componiendo y produciendo eventos, Coco ha logrado el nivel de seguridad en si mismo y el respeto de la industria que son necesarios para ver despegar su carrera, en una ciudad con una oferta nocturna tan ecléctica y competitiva como la de Londres. Sin embargo, justamente cuando todo comenzaba a fluir en la dirección de lo que parecía ser un camino de exito seguro llegó marzo del 2020 y el resto es historia.
En esta entrevista Coco nos cuenta porque sus elegantes Soho Sessions, difundidas digitalmente a travez de sus plataformas de social media, fueron casi premonitorias de la realidad que se avecinaba, como ha sido ser testigo del lado mas depresivo y oscuro de la industria durante los meses de aislamiento social, y porque la clandestinidad nocturna parece estar escrita en piedra en el futuro de la noche europea. Prepárate para una estimulante interacción sin censura y para enamorarte de la descomprometida y tremendista postura de un DJ de lujo.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 1 de diciembre de 2020 y publicada el 15 de diciembre de 2020
Enlaces relacionados
Website | Soundcloud | Spotify | YouTube | The DJ List | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Hona Records
Menciones durante la entrevista
J Mom Coco 00:52 | DJ 00:54 | Music Producer 00:55 | Coronavirus 01:37 | Nightlife 01:48 | Electronic Music 01:50 | Activist 01:57 | Fabric 02:33 | Ministry of Sound 02:34 | The Egg 02:35 | Universal Credit 02:41 | Lockdown 03:48 | Curaçao 03:55 | Soundcloud 06:18 | Spotify 06:19 | Rave 06:32 | Soho Sessions 07:42 | Fitzrovia Sessions 08:18 | Live Streaming 08:28 | Copyright & Copyright Infringement 08:45 | Streaming 08:56 | Chronic Pancreatitis 11:27 | Parents: Miryam Monasterios & Juan Ricardo Mijares 14:07 | PDVSA 16:06 | Bayer 16:07 | Osmonics 16:09 | Pianoforte 18:17 | Violin 18:19 | Viola 18:20 | (Transverse) Flute 18:24 | Ballet 18:29 | Fencing (Esgrima) 18:35 | Glass Art 18:42 | Pan Pipes 18:50 | Saxophone 18:57 | Maracay 19:43 | Parque Carabobo 21:06 | La Mariposa 21:08 | Caracas 21:09 | La Lagunita 21:07 | DJ Mixer 22:38 | Los Poetas Malditos 27:30 | Unloved album 32:02 | Clombosi Album (unavailable) 32:12 | Björk 33:02 | Kula Shaker 33:03 | The Chemical Brothers 33:05 | The Prodigy 33:06 | Garbage 33:08 | The Cardigans 33:10 | Dance Music 33:15 | Pearl Jam 33:25 | Nirvana 33:26 | Kurt Cobain 36:13 | Parkinson’s Disease 36:32 | Hona Music 45:45 | Amy Mitchell 45:53 | Alessandro Ugo 45:55 | Anaïs Traore 45:58 | Don’t Tell Him 46:48 | Pride 46:53 | Drag Queen 47:01 | Elliot Rossi AKA Shae G’Day 49:14 | Rocketman 49:18 | Toxic Masculinity 51:20 | James McFadzean 51:40 | Choto Matte 52:13 | Danny Beard 52:26 | Shae G’Day 52:27 | Britain’s Got Talent 52:56 | Borrachito 53:58 | Body Positivity 57:09 | Brexit 59:34 | SIDA/HIV/AIDS 01:01:22 | Piel: J Mom Coco ft Juan Ricardo Mijares 01:01:48 | Way Out: Ellen Allien 01:04:48 | Orchestra of Bubbles 01:04:56 | Children: Robert Miles 01:05:06 | WAP: Cardi B 01:05:27 | Electronica 01:05:46 | Jóga (A state of emergency): Björk 01:06:03 | Everybody’s Free (To Feel Good): Rozalla 01:06:44 | Temporary: New album 01:07:27
Borrachito | Unloved | Temporary
BPM110 | Fitzrovia Sessions | Soho Sessions
All images, sounds and videos used by kind permission of J Mom Coco and Hona Records, taken from their Website, Soundcloud page and YouTube channel.
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.
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