Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
An entrepreneur, businesswoman, dreamer and visionary, Silvia Demetilla conveys great calm and serenity when she speaks, but shows the tenacity and determination of a legion of Kamikaze soldiers when she acts.
Of Argentine nationality and with a stoic temperament, Silvia is the founder, engine and heart of La Tundra Revista, the only cultural magazine in Spanish to circulate as a physical, paper version in the UK and (since 2018) Spain – as well as the rest of the world, via its online version – undermining the conventional wisdom regarding what can and cannot survive in the publishing market.
A quarterly magazine, they avoid using photographs and choose instead to illustrate their theme-based stories with drawings and illustrations by emerging artists. They focus on narrative, poetry and independent musical movements rather than submitting to fashions, trends, gossip, and the whims of the celebrity ecosystem.
After 8 years of continued publishing success, La Tundra has expanded its quarterly themed editions with the first London Spanish Book and Zine Fair. Judging by the reader’s feedback and the quality of the offer, this marks the prelude to a new adventure in the world of publishing and reading, which seems set for a long and happy life.
La Tundra is not only a crucial point of reference for those of us who are part of the diaspora, as we strive to build bridges towards cultural diversity, but it also monitors the pulse of the Hispanic-American bilingual ideology. Conversing with Silvia, it is clear that she is La Tundra.
Yet, Silvia possesses the humility that comes from knowing she doesn’t personally wish for the protagonism she desires for her creation. In an era of rampant narcissism such as ours, hats off to her!
And now, enjoy the interview!
Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 10th of September 2019 and released on the 01st of January 2020
Related Links
La Tundra Revista | Sapo de Otro Pozo | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair | alasVALS YouTube Channel | Buy alasVALS CD ‘Felicidad Equidistante‘
References during the interview
La Tundra Revista 01:04 | ISER – Instituto Superior de Enseñanza Radiofónica 03:28 | Sapo de Otro Pozo Blog 03:43 | Mientras Leo 14:56 | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair 27:56 | InSpire 30:14 | Club de Español – The Feminist Library 30:39 | ‘Flash Fiction‘ with Karlina Veras 30:49 | Patricia Diaz 31:04 | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair Facebook Page 31:31 | OWRI – Open World Research Initiative 32:00 | The University of Manchester 32:08 | Institute of Modern Languages 32:12 | The European Bookshop 32:30 | Fanzine 33:40 | Jael García (Jael de la Luz) 33:42 | Presencias de allá para acá 33:50 | Tundra 40:23 | alasVALS (YouTube Channel) 47:10
Nubes Prestadas by alasVALS | Etereotango by alasVALS | Azules alas by alasVALS
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Imprenditrice, impresaria, sognatrice e visionaria, Silvia Demetilla è una donna che trasmette immensa calma e serenità quando parla, ma possiede la tenacia e la determinazione di una legione di soldati kamikaze quando deve agire.
Di nazionalità argentina e temperamento stoico, Silvia è fondatrice, motore e cuore de La Tundra Revista, l’unica rivista culturale in spagnolo a circolare nel Regno Unito e in Spagna (dal 2018) nella sua versione cartacea – e nel resto del mondo grazie alla sua versione online – sfidando tutti i luoghi comuni su ciò che si suppone sia destinato a sopravvivere nel mercato editoriale.
Le pubblicazioni trimestrali sono tematiche. Evitano riferimenti fotografici e illustrano i loro articoli con disegni e illustrazioni di artisti emergenti. Puntano inoltre su narrativa, poesia e movimenti musicali indipendenti invece di rendere omaggio alle mode, alle tendenze, ai pettegolezzi e ai capricci dell’ecosistema delle celebrità.
Dopo 8 anni di ininterrotto successo editoriale, La Tundra ha ampliato le sue edizioni tematiche trimestrali con la prima London Spanish Book and Zine Fair, e a giudicare dalla risposta del pubblico e dalla qualità dell’offerta, è preludio di una nuova avventura legata al mondo dell’editoria e della lettura, che avrà anch’essa una lunga e felice vita.
La Tundra è un punto di riferimento fondamentale per noi della diaspora che vogliamo costruire ponti verso la diversità culturale, misurando al tempo stesso il polso dell’ideologia bilingue ispano-americana. Parlando con Silvia è chiaro che La Tundra è lei.
Nonostante ciò, Silvia ha l’umiltà che viene dal sapere con certezza che non vuole necessariamente per sé il protagonismo a cui aspira per la sua creazione. In un’epoca di narcisismo dilagante come la nostra, leviamo il cappello!
E ora, godetevi l’intervista!
Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 10 settembre 2019 e rilasciata il 01 gennaio 2020
Link correlati
La Tundra Revista | Sapo de Otro Pozo | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair | alasVALS YouTube Channel | Buy alasVALS CD ‘Felicidad Equidistante‘
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
La Tundra Revista 01:04 | ISER – Instituto Superior de Enseñanza Radiofónica 03:28 | Sapo de Otro Pozo Blog 03:43 | Mientras Leo 14:56 | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair 27:56 | InSpire 30:14 | Club de Español – The Feminist Library 30:39 | ‘Flash Fiction‘ with Karlina Veras 30:49 | Patricia Diaz 31:04 | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair Facebook Page 31:31 | OWRI – Open World Research Initiative 32:00 | The University of Manchester 32:08 | Institute of Modern Languages 32:12 | The European Bookshop 32:30 | Fanzine 33:40 | Jael García (Jael de la Luz) 33:42 | Presencias de allá para acá 33:50 | Tundra 40:23 | alasVALS (YouTube Channel) 47:10
Nubes Prestadas by alasVALS | Etereotango by alasVALS | Azules alas by alasVALS
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Emprendedora, empresaria, soñadora y visionaria, Silvia Demetilla es una mujer que transmite una inmensa calma y serenidad cuando habla, pero que acciona con la tenacidad y la determinación de una legión de soldados kamikaze.
De nacionalidad Argentina y temperamento estoico, Silvia es la fundadora, el motor y el corazón de La Tundra Revista. La única revista cultural en español que circula en su versión impresa en papel en el Reino Unido y España (desde el 2018), – y en el resto del mundo gracias a su versión online – desafiando todos los lugares comunes de lo que se supone está destinado a sobrevivir en el mercado editorial.
Sus publicaciones trimestrales son temáticas. Evitan las referencias fotográficas e ilustran sus artículos con dibujos e ilustraciones de artistas emergentes. Además, apuestan a la narrativa, la poesía y las movidas musicales independientes en lugar de rendir pleitesía a las modas, las tendencias, los chismes, y los caprichos del ecosistema de las celebridades.
Después de 8 años de aciertos editoriales ininterrumpidos, La Tundra ha expandido sus ediciones temáticas trimestrales con la primera ‘London Spanish Book and Zine Fair’, y a juzgar por la respuesta de la audiencia y la calidad de la oferta, la antesala de una nueva aventura asociada al universo editorial y la lectura, que también tendrá una larga y feliz vida.
La Tundra es una referencia fundamental para quienes desde la diáspora deseamos tender puentes hacia la diversidad cultural, midiéndole al mismo tiempo el pulso al ideario bilingüe hispanoamericano. Y conversar con Silvia nos deja claro que ella es La Tundra.
Sin embargo, Silvia tiene la humildad que otorga la convicción de saber que no necesariamente desea para sí el protagonismo que aspira para su creación. Y en una era de narcisismo desbocado como la nuestra, ante ella nos quitamos el sombrero!
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 10 de septiembre de 2019 y se publicó el 01 de enero de 2020
Enlaces relacionados
La Tundra Revista | Sapo de Otro Pozo | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair | alasVALS YouTube Channel | Buy alasVALS CD ‘Felicidad Equidistante‘
Menciones durante la entrevista
La Tundra Revista 01:04 | ISER – Instituto Superior de Enseñanza Radiofónica 03:28 | Sapo de Otro Pozo Blog 03:43 | Mientras Leo 14:56 | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair 27:56 | InSpire 30:14 | Club de Español – The Feminist Library 30:39 | ‘Flash Fiction‘ with Karlina Veras 30:49 | Patricia Diaz 31:04 | The London Spanish Book & Zine Fair Facebook Page 31:31 | OWRI – Open World Research Initiative 32:00 | The University of Manchester 32:08 | Institute of Modern Languages 32:12 | The European Bookshop 32:30 | Fanzine 33:40 | Jael García (Jael de la Luz) 33:42 | Presencias de allá para acá 33:50 | Tundra 40:23 | alasVALS (YouTube Channel) 47:10
Nubes Prestadas by alasVALS | Etereotango by alasVALS | Azules alas by alasVALS
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Cantante | Compositor | Activista Cultural
15th December 2024Artist
15th August 2024Actriz | Creadora Teatral
20th May 2024Poeta | Escritor | Antropólogo
15th March 2024Butoh Dancer | Choreographer
1st March 2024Editor | Fotógrafo | Librero
1st January 2024Journalist | Author
26th November 2023Cantante | Compositora
15th April 2022Baterista | Músico
1st April 2022Músico | Activista Cultural
1st March 2022Artist
15th February 2022Curadora de Arte
15th January 2022DJ | Musician | Music Producer
15th July 2021Ceramic Artist
1st July 2021Artist | Fashion Illustrator | Art Tutor
15th June 2021Músico | Cantante | Sanadora
2nd June 2021Artist
15th May 2021Actor | Writer | Director
1st May 2021DJ | Music Promoter | Events Producer
15th April 2021Historiadora | Feminista | Escritora
1st April 2021Artista Plástica
15th March 2021Artist
1st March 2021Artist | Art Tutor
15th February 2021Artista Digital | Programador
1st February 2021Compositora | Pianista | Productora musical
15th January 2021High Cardinal of the Global Order of Satan
1st January 2021DJ | Productor Musical | Performer
15th December 2020Ceramicist | Artist
1st December 2020Escritora
1st November 2020Photographer
15th October 2020Artista Plástica
1st October 2020Shoe Designer
15th September 2020Writer | Actor | Director
1st September 2020Artista | Diseñador | Artesano
15th August 2020Baterista | Percusionista | Surfer
1st August 2020Podcast Creator | Life Coach
15th July 2020Artist | Art Historian
1st July 2020Periodista | Acróbata Aéreo | Yogi
15th June 2020Art Critic | Writer | Speaker
1st June 2020Artist | Designer | Maker
15th May 2020Directora de FLAWA | Socióloga
1st May 2020Visual Artist | Art Historian
15th April 2020TV Presenter | Producer | Mental Health Activist
1st April 2020Artist | Entrepreneur | Author
15th March 2020Performance Artists | Dancers | Models
1st March 2020Wine expert | TV presenter | Author
15th February 2020Artista | Dominatrix | Tarot
1st February 2020Visual Artist
15th January 2020Attore | Ballerino | Modello
1st January 2020Actriz
15th December 2019Músico | Cantautor | Poeta
1st December 2019Artist
15th November 2019Artista Visiva
15th November 2019Artista Plástica | Historiadora del Arte | Curadora de Arte
15th November 2019