Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Coming Soon

Coming soon – The reinvention of my first ever column, Metralla Rosa.

When I first started writing it, in Venezuela back in the 90s, it was all about looking at the world through my own pink lenses, sharing my particular views on apparently unimportant things – female masturbation, lipstick rituals and gynaecological experiences to name a few…but above all else it was unapologetically pop, feminine and feminist.

This new digital incarnation of Metralla Rosa will bring you – via in depth interviews – the perspectives, work and thoughts of the many super inspiring people I have had the pleasure of discovering during my every day life since I moved to London ten years ago.

It will take the form of a podcast and You Tube channel during which you will hear from inspiring, soulful and game changing people we all want to know more intimately.

I cannot wait for the launch in November – watch this space!

Prossimamente – La reinvenzione della mia prima rubrica, Metralla Rosa.

Quando iniziai a scriverla in Venezuela, negli anni ’90, si trattava di guardare il mondo attraverso i miei occhiali rosa, condividendo le mie opinioni particolari su argomenti apparentemente marginali come la masturbazione femminile, i rituali del rossetto e le esperienze ginecologiche, solo per citarne alcune….ma soprattutto era pop, femminile e femminista senza alcun compromesso.

Questa nuova incarnazione digitale di Metralla Rosa vi porterà – attraverso interviste approfondite – le prospettive, il lavoro e la visione delle tante persone super-ispiratrici che ho avuto il piacere di conoscere nella mia vita di tutti i giorni da quando mi sono trasferita a Londra dieci anni fa.

Uscirà in formato podcast e canale YouTube. Sentirete parlare persone stimolanti, piene di cuore e in grado di cambiare le regole del gioco, persone che tutti noi vogliamo conoscere più intimamente.

Non vedo l’ora che sia novembre per il lancio – seguite questo spazio!

Próximamente – La reinvención de mi primera columna, Metralla Rosa.

Cuando la comencé a escribir, en Venezuela en los años 90, se trataba de mirar al mundo a través de mis lentes rosas, compartiendo mis opiniones particulares sobre temas aparentemente marginales como la masturbación femenina, los rituales de lápiz labial y las experiencias ginecológicas, por nombrar algunos…. pero sobre todo era pop, femenino y feminista sin compromiso.

Esta nueva encarnación digital de Metralla Rosa te traerá, a través de entrevistas en profundidad, las perspectivas, el trabajo y las visiones de las muchas personas tan inspiradoras que he tenido el placer de conocer en mi vida diaria desde que me mudé a Londres hace diez años.

Tomará la forma de un podcast y un canal en YouTube durante el cual escucharás hablar personas estimulantes, conmovedoras y capaces de cambiar las reglas del juego que todos queremos conocer de forma más íntima.

Espero con impaciencia el lanzamiento en noviembre – ¡sigue este espacio!

con Pepa Duarte

Ep 53

Actriz | Creadora Teatral | Profesora de Drama

20th May 2024

con Alfredo Chacón

Ep 52

Poeta | Escritor | Antropólogo

15th March 2024

with Mai Nguyen Tri

Ep 51

Butoh Dancer | Choreographer

1st March 2024

con Carsten Todtmann

Ep 50

Editor | Fotógrafo | Librero

1st January 2024

with Momtaz Begum-Hossain

Ep 49

Journalist | Author

26th November 2023

con Juanita Euka

Ep 48

Cantante | Compositora

15th April 2022

con Javier Weyler

Ep 47

Baterista | Músico

1st April 2022

con Phaxsi Coca

Ep 46

Músico | Activista Cultural

1st March 2022

with Julie Bloom

Ep 45


15th February 2022

con Elena Saraceni

Ep 44

Curadora de Arte

15th January 2022

with Chris Inperspective

Ep 43

DJ | Musician | Music Producer

15th July 2021

with Adele Brydges

Ep 42

Ceramic Artist

1st July 2021

with Sue Dray

Ep 41

Artist | Fashion Illustrator | Art Tutor

15th June 2021

con Luzmira Zerpa

Ep 40

Músico | Cantante | Sanadora

2nd June 2021

with Susan Diamond

Ep 39


15th May 2021

with Gaël Le Cornec

Ep 38

Actor | Writer | Director

1st May 2021

with Cal Jader

Ep 37

DJ | Music Promoter | Events Producer

15th April 2021

con Jael de la Luz

Ep 36

Historiadora | Feminista | Escritora

1st April 2021

con Enriqueta Ahrensburg

Ep 35

Artista Plástica

15th March 2021

with Carl Randall

Ep 34


1st March 2021

with Frank Gambino

Ep 33

Artist | Art Tutor

15th February 2021

con Gorka Cortázar

Ep 32

Artista Digital | Programador

1st February 2021

con Eliane Correa

Ep 31

Compositora | Pianista | Productora musical

15th January 2021

with Zeke Apollyon

Ep 30

High Cardinal of the Global Order of Satan

1st January 2021

con J Mom Coco

Ep 29

DJ | Productor Musical | Performer

15th December 2020

with Yurim Gough

Ep 28

Ceramicist | Artist

1st December 2020

con Karlina Veras

Ep 27


1st November 2020

with Frederic Aranda

Ep 26


15th October 2020

con Renata Fernández

Ep 25

Artista Plástica

1st October 2020

with Natacha Marro

Ep 24

Shoe Designer

15th September 2020

with Tonderai Munyevu

Ep 23

Writer | Actor | Director

1st September 2020

con Ektor Rodriguez

Ep 22

Artista | Diseñador | Artesano

15th August 2020

con Lya Reis Guerrero

Ep 21

Baterista | Percusionista | Surfer

1st August 2020

with Bronwen Murphy

Ep 20

Podcast Creator | Life Coach

15th July 2020

with Armando Alemdar Ara

Ep 19

Artist | Art Historian

1st July 2020

con Efren Prieto

Ep 18

Periodista | Acróbata Aéreo | Yogi

15th June 2020

with Tabish Khan

Ep 17

Art Critic | Writer | Speaker

1st June 2020

with Rob Goodwin

Ep 16

Artist | Designer | Maker

15th May 2020

con Teresa Guanique

Ep 15

Directora de FLAWA | Socióloga

1st May 2020

with Iluá Hauck da Silva

Ep 14

Visual Artist | Art Historian

15th April 2020

with Trisha Goddard

Ep 13

TV Presenter | Producer | Mental Health Activist

1st April 2020

with Dulcie Ball

Ep 12

Artist | Entrepreneur | Author

15th March 2020

with Antonio Branco & Riccardo T

Ep 11

Performance Artists | Dancers | Models

1st March 2020

with Olly Smith

Ep 10

Wine expert | TV presenter | Author

15th February 2020

con Itziar Bilbao Urrutia

Ep 09

Artista | Dominatrix | Tarot

1st February 2020

with Nick Cuthell

Ep 08

Visual Artist

15th January 2020

con Giuseppe Claudio Insalaco

Ep 07

Attore | Ballerino | Modello

1st January 2020

con Silvia Demetilla

Ep 06

Directora Editorial | Escritora | Músico

1st January 2020

con Gledys Ibarra

Ep 05


15th December 2019

con Gabriel Moreno

Ep 04

Músico | Cantautor | Poeta

1st December 2019

with Oliver Gingrich

Ep 03


15th November 2019

con Rosso Emerald Crimson

Ep 02

Artista Visiva

15th November 2019

con Daniela Galán L

Ep 01 (pilot)

Artista Plástica | Historiadora del Arte | Curadora de Arte

15th November 2019

Tarot Reading With Itziar

Trailer 19th September 2019