Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
Teresa Guanique, the protagonist of this episode of Metralla Rosa, is an ode to Latin pro-activity, dedicated to the creation of urban initiatives that are made to counteract cultural hegemonies.
She is the creator and director of FLAWA: Festival of Latin American Women in Arts, a festival that took place for the first time in London in 2019, and which will continue to be held annually, highlighting the work of creative women linked to music, poetry, literature, film, visual arts and theatre.
If there is anyone familiar with all the cultural movements that are creating spaces in London for the reintegration of the diaspora, it is Teresa. She brings together many of these initiatives as they challenge artistic and sociocultural homogeneity.
In this interview we also talk about femicide, her fascination with graphic novels, the need to defend and protect a citizen’s right to diversity, not only for immigrants but also for the benefit of everyone, and of the inherent relationship that exists between racism, colonialism and gender discrimination.
Teresa is a committed and active sociologist. A woman who doesn’t only theorise about social dynamics, but acts in order to create the spaces society needs to generate the reality of alternative communities and multicultural cohesion.
In her spare time, she is a member of traditional South American dance groups, attends events that celebrate Latin culture throughout the city, and has gifted us – after many hours of hard work – a festival that celebrates female Latin American artists, offering them a unique platform within the great city of London.
And now, enjoy the interview!
Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 30th of December 2019 and released on the 1st of May 2020
LAWA: Latin American Women’s Aid
Movimiento Jaguar Despierto
No Longer Invisible: A study into the Latin American Community in London
Related Links
Teresa Guanique: Instagram
FLAWA: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
AMALGAMA: Website | Instagram | Facebook
References during the interview
FLAWA 00:48 | LAWA Latin American Women’s Aid 20:47 | Universidad Católica Andrés Bello 23:13 | Movimiento Jaguar Despierto 25:23 | Flamenco Sevillana 27:27 | Grupo Rajatabla 27:43 | Expresion Inka UK 28:30 | Somos Chibchas 31:00 | Cumbia 31:05 | Currulao 31:06 | Joropo 31:24 | Merengue 31:28 | No Longer Invisible 32:35 | Councils (London) 33:43 | Boroughs (London) 33:47 | Grassroots (Movimiento Sociale) 36:11 | Man Booker International Prize 37:40 | AWAN – Arab Women Artists Now 38:05 | Rich Mix 38:30 | Movimientos 39:20 | BAME black, asian & minority ethnic 41:57 | Elephant & Castle 47:03 | Genesis Cinema 48:49 | Gledys Ibarra (on Metralla Rosa) 51:17 | The Latin Stage 51:25 | British Council 51:34 | Ellas y sus cosas 52:24 | AMALGAMA 52:54 | Latinx Scratch 53:32 | Clapton Church (Round Chapel) 54:37 | King’s College 54:40 | Luzmila Carpio 54:54 | Rolling Stone Magazine 55:20 | Lemebel 55:41 | Augusto Pinochet 55:49 | Colectiva 01:00:13 | Salsa 01:01:13 | Reggaeton 01:01:14 | Empanada 01:01:22 | Bossa Nova 01:01:49 | Waltz 01:01:52 | Aya of Yop City 01:03:16 | Brixton 01:05:12 | Elephant & Castle 01:05:29 | Peckham 01:06:07 | Jobo 01:06:23 | Tooting 01:06:50 | Mamón 01:06:51 | Clapton 01:07:13
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Teresa Guanique, la protagonista di questo episodio di Metralla Rosa, è un’ode alla latinità proattiva, e si dedica alla creazione di iniziative urbane che contrastino le egemonie culturali.
Teresa è la creatrice e direttrice di FLAWA: Festival of Latin American Women in Arts. Questo festival si è svolto per la prima volta a Londra nel 2019, e che continuerà a svolgersi ogni anno per valorizzare il lavoro delle donne creative, è legato alla musica, alla poesia, alla narrazione, al cinema, alle arti figurative e alle arti sceniche.
Se c’è qualcuno che conosce bene tutti i movimenti culturali che si svolgono a Londra per creare spazi di integrazione culturale dalla diaspora, è Teresa. Lei funge quasi da cardine attraverso cui irradiano molteplici iniziative, sfidando l’omogeneità artistica e socio-culturale.
In questa intervista parliamo anche di femminicidio, di quanto Teresa sia affascinata dalla narrativa grafica, della necessità di difendere e proteggere la diversità come diritto del cittadino non solo dell’immigrato ma a beneficio del mondo intero, e del legame innato che sempre esiste tra razzismo, colonialismo e discriminazione di genere.
Teresa è una sociologa impegnata, attiva e partecipativa. Una donna che non solo teorizza sulle dinamiche sociali, ma soprattutto agisce per creare spazi di incontro di cui la società ha bisogno per generare realtà comunitarie alternative di grande coesione multiculturale.
Balla con gruppi di danza folkloristica nel tempo libero, partecipa ad eventi che celebrano la cultura latinoamericana in tutta la città, e ha donato a noi tutti – non senza ore di duro lavoro – un festival che celebra le donne creatrici latinoamericane, offrendo loro una visibilità senza precedenti nella grande capitale londinese.
E ora, godetevi l’intervista!
Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 30 dicembre 2019 e rilasciata il 1 maggio 2020
LAWA: Latin American Women’s Aid
Movimiento Jaguar Despierto
No Longer Invisible: A study into the Latin American Community in London
Link correlati
Teresa Guanique: Instagram
FLAWA: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
AMALGAMA: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
FLAWA 00:48 | LAWA Latin American Women’s Aid 20:47 | Universidad Católica Andrés Bello 23:13 | Movimiento Jaguar Despierto 25:23 | Flamenco Sevillana 27:27 | Grupo Rajatabla 27:43 | Expresion Inka UK 28:30 | Somos Chibchas 31:00 | Cumbia 31:05 | Currulao 31:06 | Joropo 31:24 | Merengue 31:28 | No Longer Invisible 32:35 | Councils (London) 33:43 | Boroughs (London) 33:47 | Grassroots (Movimiento Sociale) 36:11 | Man Booker International Prize 37:40 | AWAN – Arab Women Artists Now 38:05 | Rich Mix 38:30 | Movimientos 39:20 | BAME black, asian & minority ethnic 41:57 | Elephant & Castle 47:03 | Genesis Cinema 48:49 | Gledys Ibarra (on Metralla Rosa) 51:17 | The Latin Stage 51:25 | British Council 51:34 | Ellas y sus cosas 52:24 | AMALGAMA 52:54 | Latinx Scratch 53:32 | Clapton Church (Round Chapel) 54:37 | King’s College 54:40 | Luzmila Carpio 54:54 | Rolling Stone Magazine 55:20 | Lemebel 55:41 | Augusto Pinochet 55:49 | Colectiva 01:00:13 | Salsa 01:01:13 | Reggaeton 01:01:14 | Empanada 01:01:22 | Bossa Nova 01:01:49 | Waltz 01:01:52 | Aya of Yop City 01:03:16 | Brixton 01:05:12 | Elephant & Castle 01:05:29 | Peckham 01:06:07 | Jobo 01:06:23 | Tooting 01:06:50 | Mamón 01:06:51 | Clapton 01:07:13
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Teresa Guanique, la protagonista de este episodio de Metralla Rosa, es una oda a la latinidad pro-activa, y abocada a la creación de iniciativas urbanas capaces de contrarrestar las hegemonías culturales.
Es la creadora y la directora de FLAWA: Festival of Latin American Women in Arts. Un festival que tuvo lugar por primera vez en Londres en 2019, y que seguirá llevándose a cabo cada año para destacar la labor de mujeres creadoras vinculadas a la música, la poesía, la narrativa, el cine, las artes plásticas y las artes escénicas.
Si hay alguien que conoce bien todos los movimientos culturales que tienen lugar en Londres para crear espacios de integración desde la diáspora, esa es Teresa. Ella representa una suerte de fuerza bisagra gracias a la cual muchas iniciativas se presentan, para desafiar todas posible homogeneidad artística y socio cultural.
En esta entrevista hablamos también del femicidio, de su fascinación por la novela gráfica, de la necesidad de defender y proteger la diversidad como un derecho ciudadano no solo del inmigrante sino de todo cuidado del mundo global, y de la relación inherente que existe siempre entre racismo, colonialismo y discriminación de género.
Teresa es una socióloga comprometida, activa y participativa. Una mujer que no solo teoriza acerca de las dinámicas sociales, sino que sobre todo actúa para originar los espacios de encuentro que la sociedad necesita para generar realidades comunitarias alternativas y de gran cohesión multicultural.
Ella baila con grupos de danza folclórica en sus ratos libres, asiste a eventos que celebran la cultura latina a lo largo y ancho de la ciudad, y nos ha regalado a todos – no sin horas de trabajo duro – un festival que celebra a la mujer creadora latinoamericana, ofreciéndole a esta, un espacio de visibilidad sin precedentes en la gran capital londinense.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 30 de diciembre de 2019 y se publicó el 1 de mayo de 2020
LAWA: Latin American Women’s Aid
Movimiento Jaguar Despierto
No Longer Invisible: A study into the Latin American Community in London
Enlaces relacionados
Teresa Guanique: Instagram
FLAWA: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
AMALGAMA: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Menciones durante la entrevista
FLAWA 00:48 | LAWA Latin American Women’s Aid 20:47 | Universidad Católica Andrés Bello 23:13 | Movimiento Jaguar Despierto 25:23 | Flamenco Sevillana 27:27 | Grupo Rajatabla 27:43 | Expresion Inka UK 28:30 | Somos Chibchas 31:00 | Cumbia 31:05 | Currulao 31:06 | Joropo 31:24 | Merengue 31:28 | No Longer Invisible 32:35 | Councils (London) 33:43 | Boroughs (London) 33:47 | Grassroots (Movimiento Sociale) 36:11 | Man Booker International Prize 37:40 | AWAN – Arab Women Artists Now 38:05 | Rich Mix 38:30 | Movimientos 39:20 | BAME black, asian & minority ethnic 41:57 | Elephant & Castle 47:03 | Genesis Cinema 48:49 | Gledys Ibarra (on Metralla Rosa) 51:17 | The Latin Stage 51:25 | British Council 51:34 | Ellas y sus cosas 52:24 | AMALGAMA 52:54 | Latinx Scratch 53:32 | Clapton Church (Round Chapel) 54:37 | King’s College 54:40 | Luzmila Carpio 54:54 | Rolling Stone Magazine 55:20 | Lemebel 55:41 | Augusto Pinochet 55:49 | Colectiva 01:00:13 | Salsa 01:01:13 | Reggaeton 01:01:14 | Empanada 01:01:22 | Bossa Nova 01:01:49 | Waltz 01:01:52 | Aya of Yop City 01:03:16 | Brixton 01:05:12 | Elephant & Castle 01:05:29 | Peckham 01:06:07 | Jobo 01:06:23 | Tooting 01:06:50 | Mamón 01:06:51 | Clapton 01:07:13
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
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