Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

con Gabriel Moreno

Musician | Singer-songwriter | Poet

A musician, singer-songwriter, poet, Bohemian beast and night entrepreneur of the underground, Gabriel Moreno will soon publish his first novel, becoming a writer of autobiographical prose.

It is thanks to Gabriel that London has the English version of Poetry Brothel, as well as a number of other alternative events where, unencumbered by ceremony but with an interesting hint of candid rebellion, peripheral urban nightlife meets its most lyrical and existentialist side.

They meet. They shake hands. They kiss.

Gabriel was born and raised in Gibraltar – a fragment of the world with a blissfully syncretistic identity – and Carla seized on the opportunity to delve into the polarities of his family heritage. The aim was to grasp how all these circumstances could have created the perfect environment for the growth of a unique artist, charming yet in constant debate with the status quo.

In this interview you will hear why London loves him, why Gabriel is a poet with a cause, and how Leonard Cohen, García Lorca, Jacques Cousteau and Fabrizio De André coexist within his very personal menu of style and political references.

And now, enjoy the interview (and the acoustic piece that Gabriel gave us!)

Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 30th of August 2019 and released on the 01st of December 2019.

Further Information:

Related Links | Love and Decadence album (2015) on I-Tunes | Farewell Belief album (2017) on I-Tunes | Poetical Resistance EP (2017) on I-Tunes | Gabriel Moreno & The Quivering Poets on YouTube | Amber Records on YouTube | The Passer-by (El Transeúnte) book of poetry by Gabriel | Poetry by Gabriel | The Poetry Brothel | The Poetry Brothel UK – Facebook page

References during the interview
The Poetry Brothel 01:26 | Gibraltar 06:26 | Rubén Darío 08:35 | Vicente Huidobro 08:39 | Pablo Neruda 08:41 | Residencia en la Tierra (Residence on Earth) by Pablo Neruda 08:44 | The Arts Theatre Club 09:57 | Oscar Wilde 10:02 | London Soho 10:14 | Andalucía 21:51 | Granada 21:57 | Llanito 22:38 | Evangelicalism 25:51 | The Quivering Poets 29:09 | “Love and Decadence” 40:30 | “Rosalind” 40:57 | “Poetical Resistance” (Resistenzia Poetica) 41:25 | Leonard Cohen 42:58 | Fabrizio De André 43:01 | Pablo Milanés 43:21 | Silvio Rodríguez 43:22 | Proust Questionnaire 52:34 | Marcel Proust 52:39 | Jacques Cousteau 53:58 | Joan of Arc 54:18 | Miguel de Unamuno 54:31 | San Manuel Bueno, Mártir 54:35 | “Margaret Burns” 55:45

Music Videos:

More videos on YouTube

Related Images:

Image Credits
Gabriel performing at Vout-O-Reenee’s during the Poetry Brothel event, Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco, October 2016. Photograph by Richie Phillips | Gabriel performing at Cafe Cairo during a Poetry Brothel event, January 2019. Photo by Mariusz Smiejek | Gabriel performing at Vout-O-Reenee’s during the Poetry Brothel event, Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco, October 2016. Photograph by Richie Phillips | Gabriel as the Poetry Brothel whore, Diego Luna. Photo by Ricardo Silvestre

Images used during the interview:

Image Credits
Poetry Brothel whore, Marianella López at Mayer Manor during the event “Le Salon de Curiosités” in Amsterdam, December 2016. Photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the event “Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, October 2016. Photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Bibi Synthe. Photo by Ricardo Silvestre | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) giving a private reading during the “Fire and Dissent” event, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) giving a private reading during the “Fire and Dissent” event, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Math Jones during the event “Catharsis” at The Empire Bar in Hackney, October 2017. Photo by Jon Cartwright | Poetry Brothel whore, Sophie Cameron during the event “Mirrors & Masks” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, September 2016, photo by YouShouldBeShot | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith), photo by Ricardo Silvestre | Poetry Brothel whore, Fleur du Mal during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Fleur du Mal during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the event “Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, October 2016. Photo by Richie Phillips | Poetry Brothel whore, Ernesto Sarezale during their West End Debut at Arts Theatre West End, January 2017. Photo by Mariusz Smiejek | Poetry Brothel whore, Le Chasseur, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, The Poetry Oracle giving a private reading during an event at Cafe Cairo, January 2019. Photo by Sophie le Roux | Poetry Brothel whore, Bibi Synthe during “The Wildean Years” at Arts Theatre West End, November 2017. Photo by The Burly Photographer

Interview Credits:

Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

Musicista | Cantautore | Poeta

Musicista, cantautore, poeta, animale della vita bohémienne e imprenditore della notte underground, Gabriel Moreno diventerà presto anche scrittore di prosa autobiografica con la pubblicazione del suo primo romanzo.

Londra deve a Gabriel la versione inglese di Poetry Brothel ed altri eventi alternative in cui la periferia urbana notturna incontra il suo lato più lirico ed esistenzialista, senza solennità ma con un interessante accenno di candida ribellione.

Si incontrano. Si stringono la mano. Si baciano.

Gabriel è nato e cresciuto a Gibilterra – un pezzo di mondo con un’identità squisitamente sincretica – e Carla non ha perso l’occasione di approfondire le polarità del suo patrimonio familiare. Il tutto con l’obiettivo di cercare di capire come tutte queste circostanze possano aver creato il terreno di coltura perfetto per formare un artista unico, affascinante e in costante dibattito con lo status quo.

Scopri in questa intervista perché Londra lo ama, perché quella di Gabriel è una poesia impegnata, e come Leonard Cohen, García Lorca, Jacques Cousteau e Fabrizio De André coesistano nel suo personalissimo menù di riferimenti stilistici e politici.

E ora, godetevi l’intervista (e il brano acustico che Gabriel ci ha voluto donare!)

Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 30 agosto 2019 e rilasciata il 01 dicembre 2019.

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati | Love and Decadence album (2015) on I-Tunes | Farewell Belief album (2017) on I-Tunes | Poetical Resistance EP (2017) on I-Tunes | Gabriel Moreno & The Quivering Poets on YouTube | Amber Records on YouTube | The Passer-by (El Transeúnte) book of poetry by Gabriel | Poetry by Gabriel | The Poetry Brothel | The Poetry Brothel UK – Facebook page

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
The Poetry Brothel 01:26 | Gibraltar 06:26 | Rubén Darío 08:35 | Vicente Huidobro 08:39 | Pablo Neruda 08:41 | Residencia en la Tierra (Residence on Earth) by Pablo Neruda 08:44 | The Arts Theatre Club 09:57 | Oscar Wilde 10:02 | London Soho 10:14 | Andalucía 21:51 | Granada 21:57 | Llanito 22:38 | Evangelicalism 25:51 | The Quivering Poets 29:09 | “Love and Decadence” 40:30 | “Rosalind” 40:57 | “Poetical Resistance” (Resistenzia Poetica) 41:25 | Leonard Cohen 42:58 | Fabrizio De André 43:01 | Pablo Milanés 43:21 | Silvio Rodríguez 43:22 | Proust Questionnaire 52:34 | Marcel Proust 52:39 | Jacques Cousteau 53:58 | Joan of Arc 54:18 | Miguel de Unamuno 54:31 | San Manuel Bueno, Mártir 54:35 | “Margaret Burns” 55:45

Video musicali:

Altri video in YouTube

Immagini correlate:

Crediti immagine
Gabriel performing at Vout-O-Reenee’s during the Poetry Brothel event, Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco, October 2016. Photograph by Richie Phillips | Gabriel performing at Cafe Cairo during a Poetry Brothel event, January 2019. Photo by Mariusz Smiejek | Gabriel performing at Vout-O-Reenee’s during the Poetry Brothel event, Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco, October 2016. Photograph by Richie Phillips | Gabriel as the Poetry Brothel whore, Diego Luna. Photo by Ricardo Silvestre

Immagini utilizzate durante l’intervista:

Crediti immagine
Poetry Brothel whore, Marianella López at Mayer Manor during the event “Le Salon de Curiosités” in Amsterdam, December 2016. Photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the event “Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, October 2016. Photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Bibi Synthe. Photo by Ricardo Silvestre | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) giving a private reading during the “Fire and Dissent” event, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) giving a private reading during the “Fire and Dissent” event, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Math Jones during the event “Catharsis” at The Empire Bar in Hackney, October 2017. Photo by Jon Cartwright | Poetry Brothel whore, Sophie Cameron during the event “Mirrors & Masks” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, September 2016, photo by YouShouldBeShot | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith), photo by Ricardo Silvestre | Poetry Brothel whore, Fleur du Mal during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Fleur du Mal during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the event “Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, October 2016. Photo by Richie Phillips | Poetry Brothel whore, Ernesto Sarezale during their West End Debut at Arts Theatre West End, January 2017. Photo by Mariusz Smiejek | Poetry Brothel whore, Le Chasseur, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, The Poetry Oracle giving a private reading during an event at Cafe Cairo, January 2019. Photo by Sophie le Roux | Poetry Brothel whore, Bibi Synthe during “The Wildean Years” at Arts Theatre West End, November 2017. Photo by The Burly Photographer

Crediti dell’intervista:

Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

Músico | Cantautor | Poeta

Músico, cantautor, poeta, animal de la vida bohemia y emprendedor de la noche subterránea, Gabriel Moreno también planea convertirse, muy pronto, en escritor de prosa autobiográfica, con la publicación de su primera novela.

Londres le debe a Gabriel la versión Inglesa de Poetry Brothel, y un número interesante de otras alternativas en las que la que, sin solemnidad alguna pero con un interesante dejo de cándida rebeldía, la noctámbula periferia urbana se encuentra con su lado más lírico y existencialista.

Se encuentran. Se dan la mano. Se besan.

Gabriel nació y creció en Gibraltar – un trozo de mundo con una identidad divinamente sincrética – y Carla no dejó pasar la oportunidad de hurgar en las polaridades de su propia herencia familiar. Todo con la finalidad de intentar comprender como todas estas circunstancias pudieron haber sido el perfecto caldo de cultivo en la formación de un artista único, encantador, y en constante debate con el estatus quo.

Descubre en esta entrevista porque Londres le ama, por que la de Gabriel es una poesía con causa, y cómo Leonard Cohen, García Lorca, Jacques Cousteau y Fabrizio De André coexisten en su muy personal menú de referencias estilísticas y políticas.

Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista (¡y el tema acústico que Gabriel nos regaló!)

Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 30 de agosto del 2019 y se publicó el 01 de diciembre de 2019.

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados | Love and Decadence album (2015) on I-Tunes | Farewell Belief album (2017) on I-Tunes | Poetical Resistance EP (2017) on I-Tunes | Gabriel Moreno & The Quivering Poets on YouTube | Amber Records on YouTube | The Passer-by (El Transeúnte) book of poetry by Gabriel | Poetry by Gabriel | The Poetry Brothel | The Poetry Brothel UK – Facebook page

Menciones durante la entrevista
The Poetry Brothel 01:26 | Gibraltar 06:26 | Rubén Darío 08:35 | Vicente Huidobro 08:39 | Pablo Neruda 08:41 | Residencia en la Tierra (Residence on Earth) by Pablo Neruda 08:44 | The Arts Theatre Club 09:57 | Oscar Wilde 10:02 | London Soho 10:14 | Andalucía 21:51 | Granada 21:57 | Llanito 22:38 | Evangelicalism 25:51 | The Quivering Poets 29:09 | “Love and Decadence” 40:30 | “Rosalind” 40:57 | “Poetical Resistance” (Resistenzia Poetica) 41:25 | Leonard Cohen 42:58 | Fabrizio De André 43:01 | Pablo Milanés 43:21 | Silvio Rodríguez 43:22 | Proust Questionnaire 52:34 | Marcel Proust 52:39 | Jacques Cousteau 53:58 | Joan of Arc 54:18 | Miguel de Unamuno 54:31 | San Manuel Bueno, Mártir 54:35 | “Margaret Burns” 55:45

Videos Musicales:

Más videos en YouTube

Imágenes relacionadas:

Créditos de las imágenes
Gabriel performing at Vout-O-Reenee’s during the Poetry Brothel event, Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco, October 2016. Photograph by Richie Phillips | Gabriel performing at Cafe Cairo during a Poetry Brothel event, January 2019. Photo by Mariusz Smiejek | Gabriel performing at Vout-O-Reenee’s during the Poetry Brothel event, Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco, October 2016. Photograph by Richie Phillips | Gabriel as the Poetry Brothel whore, Diego Luna. Photo by Ricardo Silvestre

Imágenes utilizadas durante la entrevista:

Créditos de las imágenes
Poetry Brothel whore, Marianella López at Mayer Manor during the event “Le Salon de Curiosités” in Amsterdam, December 2016. Photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the event “Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, October 2016. Photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Bibi Synthe. Photo by Ricardo Silvestre | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) giving a private reading during the “Fire and Dissent” event, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) giving a private reading during the “Fire and Dissent” event, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, Math Jones during the event “Catharsis” at The Empire Bar in Hackney, October 2017. Photo by Jon Cartwright | Poetry Brothel whore, Sophie Cameron during the event “Mirrors & Masks” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, September 2016, photo by YouShouldBeShot | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith), photo by Ricardo Silvestre | Poetry Brothel whore, Fleur du Mal during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Silk-Orb Scarlet Widow (Amy Neilson Smith) during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Fleur du Mal during “The Launch” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, May 2016. Photo by Tania Olive | Poetry Brothel whore, Beatriz Pindado during the event “Lorca and the Duende of Flamenco” at Vout-O-Reenee’s, October 2016. Photo by Richie Phillips | Poetry Brothel whore, Ernesto Sarezale during their West End Debut at Arts Theatre West End, January 2017. Photo by Mariusz Smiejek | Poetry Brothel whore, Le Chasseur, photo by Lilith Costela | Poetry Brothel whore, The Poetry Oracle giving a private reading during an event at Cafe Cairo, January 2019. Photo by Sophie le Roux | Poetry Brothel whore, Bibi Synthe during “The Wildean Years” at Arts Theatre West End, November 2017. Photo by The Burly Photographer

Créditos de la entrevista:

Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

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