Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

con Itziar Bilbao Urrutia

Artist | Dominatrix | Tarot


Itziar is an artist, activist, feminist, pornographer, dominatrix, a modern Melusine and sorceress. She is a person endowed with a fierce intelligence, a restless sensitivity to social issues and a disquieting view of the world.

Itziar doesn’t need to indoctrinate or proselytise, and neither does she need to use the condescending weapon of sympathy. She has an ability she shares only with people who are uncompromisingly honest and true to themselves – an ability to easily gain your trust and devotion, despite a lack of interest in anyone’s approval.

This extensive conversation between Carla and Itziar is full of fascinating glimpses into what living outside the framework of patriarchal dominance and what creativity as a form of counter-culture and political subversion are like. In this interview we go through her ideology, the books that are seminal for her and her views on power dynamics within human interactions and the importance of challenging them. We also look at her overall development as an artist, pornographer and modern witch.

If you want to hear how the ‘normal’ order of things can be redefined, listen to this interview. If you want to hear about a radically intellectual journey that challenges moral slumber and ethical conformism, listen to this interview.

Metralla Rosa can confirm: Itziar Bilbao Urrutia is a goddess whose causes concern us and directly touch us!

And now, enjoy the interview!

Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 9th of September 2019 and released on the 01st of February 2020

Further Information:

Related Links
Itziar Bilbao Urrutia: Instagram | Etsy Tarot Shop
Mistress Tytania (18+): Instagram | Twitter | Website | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell

References during the interview
Porn The Theory – Fantasy The Practice 01:55 | Goldsmiths 03:16 | Stewart Home 03:54 | Bondage As Theme & Technique 04:26 | Last Tango in Paris 05:24 | Bernardo Bertolucci 05:31 | Marlon Brando 05:33 | Maria Schneider 06:09 | Femdom 07:50 | Oscar Wilde 09:19 | País Vasco (Basque Country) 11:31 | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 13:53 | Brixton 14:46 | Bilbao 14:54 | Squat 16:25 | Royal Vauxhall Tavern 16:49m | Sexual fetishism 17:38 | Punk (culture) 18:04 | Gay Leather Scene 19:51 | Power Exchange 19:55 | Role Play 20:19 | Anarchy 20:50 | Facultad de Bellas Artes 22:20 | Two-tone 23:05 | Skinhead 23:06 | Goth 23:07 | Punk (music) 23:08 | Go-go Dancer 23:35 | Dominatrix 24:46 | Peckham 20:38 | Melusina 37:19 | Mallorca 41:10 | Can Monroig 41:11 | Shibari 42:28 | Andrea Dworkin 42:39 | Pornography: Men Possessing Women 42:40 | Patriarchy 43:09 | Linda Williams 43:25 | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell 44:38 | Valerie Solanas 44:57 | SCUM Manifesto 44:58 | Dr. Martens 45:07 | Bondage 45:25 | Manspreading 49:41 | Northern Line 49:42 | Michel Foucault 51:31 | The History of Sexuality 51:32 | S&M 51:35 | BDSM 51:36 | Kink 51:38 | Sexual Humiliation 54:14 | Donald Trump 59:07 | Melania Trump 59:28 | Ladette 01:00:35 | Zoe Ball 1:00:38 | Kate Moss 01:00:47 | Margaret Thatcher 01:01:48 | Drum and bass 01:03:23 | BBC Radio 6 Music 01:04:15 | Expectations (closed down) 01:07:44 | Regulation 01:07:49 | House of Harlot 01:07:53 | Atsuko Kudo 01:08:01 | Judith Butler 01:09:21 | Gender Trouble 01:09:22 | London Munch 01:09:56 | Fetlife 01:10:36 | Tarot 01:11:45

Related Images & Films:

Itziar Bilbao Urrutia

Mistress Tytania

The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell

Fully Serviced Cum Dumpster, 2019 | Melusina: Torn Tights, 2013 | Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca, 2017 | Article in Time Out | Ms Tytania promotional photograph | Young Gifted Broken, 2016 | Ms Tytania promotional photograph | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell Brainwash Spiral | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | You Are Being Watched, 2013

Images & Films used during the interview:


Porn The Theory – Fantasy The Practice with Stewart Home, 2019 | Melusina: Torn Tights, 2013 | Bondage As Theme & Technique with Stewart Home, 2019 | The Twins 1996. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Beauty Goes To Town, 2000. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Lotus woman, 1998. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Five promotional photos from Ms Tytania’ website |  Melusina’s Tail, 2017. Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca | Melusina’s Tail, 2017. Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | Promotional photos from Ms Tytania’ website | Three stills from The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell website

Interview Credits:

Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

Artista | Dominatrix | Tarot


Artista, attivista, femminista, pornografa, dominatrice, Melusina moderna e maga, Itziar è soprattutto un essere umano dotato di un’intelligenza feroce, una sensibilità sociale irrequieta e una visione del mondo inquietante.

Senza atteggiamenti indottrinanti o di proselitismo, e senza usare l’arma della simpatia condiscendente, Itziar ha un’abilità su cui possono contare solo le persone brutalmente oneste e fedeli a se stesse. È in grado di conquistare la tua fiducia e la tua dedizione senza troppa fatica, nonostante non sia particolarmente interessata ad ottenere l’approvazione di nessuno.

Questa lunga conversazione tra Carla e Itziar è ricca di affascinanti riflessioni sulla vita ai margini delle strutture di dominio patriarcale e sulla creatività come forma di controcultura e di sovversione politica. In questa intervista esploriamo i suoi ideali, i libri che considera fondamentali, la sua opinione sulle dinamiche del potere nelle relazioni umane e l’importanza di metterle in discussione, e la sua evoluzione generale come artista, pornografa e moderna strega.

Se vuoi sentire come si possa ridefinire l’ordine ‘normale’ delle cose, ascolta questa intervista. Se vuoi sentir parlare di un viaggio radicalmente intellettuale che metta in discussione il sonno morale e il conformismo etico, ascolta questa intervista.

Metralla Rosa lo attesta: Itziar Bilbao Urrutia è una dea e tutte le sue cause ci toccano da vicino e ci competono!

E ora, godetevi l’intervista!

Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 09 settembre 2019 e rilasciata il 01 febbraio 2020

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Itziar Bilbao Urrutia: Instagram | Etsy Tarot Shop
Mistress Tytania (18+): Instagram | Twitter | Website | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Porn The Theory – Fantasy The Practice 01:55 | Goldsmiths 03:16 | Stewart Home 03:54 | Bondage As Theme & Technique 04:26 | Last Tango in Paris 05:24 | Bernardo Bertolucci 05:31 | Marlon Brando 05:33 | Maria Schneider 06:09 | Femdom 07:50 | Oscar Wilde 09:19 | País Vasco (Basque Country) 11:31 | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 13:53 | Brixton 14:46 | Bilbao 14:54 | Squat 16:25 | Royal Vauxhall Tavern 16:49m | Sexual fetishism 17:38 | Punk (culture) 18:04 | Gay Leather Scene 19:51 | Power Exchange 19:55 | Role Play 20:19 | Anarchy 20:50 | Facultad de Bellas Artes 22:20 | Two-tone 23:05 | Skinhead 23:06 | Goth 23:07 | Punk (music) 23:08 | Go-go Dancer 23:35 | Dominatrix 24:46 | Peckham 20:38 | Melusina 37:19 | Mallorca 41:10 | Can Monroig 41:11 | Shibari 42:28 | Andrea Dworkin 42:39 | Pornography: Men Possessing Women 42:40 | Patriarchy 43:09 | Linda Williams 43:25 | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell 44:38 | Valerie Solanas 44:57 | SCUM Manifesto 44:58 | Dr. Martens 45:07 | Bondage 45:25 | Manspreading 49:41 | Northern Line 49:42 | Michel Foucault 51:31 | The History of Sexuality 51:32 | S&M 51:35 | BDSM 51:36 | Kink 51:38 | Sexual Humiliation 54:14 | Donald Trump 59:07 | Melania Trump 59:28 | Ladette 01:00:35 | Zoe Ball 1:00:38 | Kate Moss 01:00:47 | Margaret Thatcher 01:01:48 | Drum and bass 01:03:23 | BBC Radio 6 Music 01:04:15 | Expectations (closed down) 01:07:44 | Regulation 01:07:49 | House of Harlot 01:07:53 | Atsuko Kudo 01:08:01 | Judith Butler 01:09:21 | Gender Trouble 01:09:22 | London Munch 01:09:56 | Fetlife 01:10:36 | Tarot 01:11:45

Immagini e film correlate:

Itziar Bilbao Urrutia

Mistress Tytania

The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell

Fully Serviced Cum Dumpster, 2019 | Melusina: Torn Tights, 2013 | Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca, 2017 | Article in Time Out | Ms Tytania promotional photograph | Young Gifted Broken, 2016 | Ms Tytania promotional photograph | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell Brainwash Spiral | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | You Are Being Watched, 2013

Immagini e film utilizzate durante l’intervista:


Porn The Theory – Fantasy The Practice with Stewart Home, 2019 | Melusina: Torn Tights, 2013 | Bondage As Theme & Technique with Stewart Home, 2019 | The Twins 1996. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Beauty Goes To Town, 2000. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Lotus woman, 1998. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Five promotional photos from Ms Tytania’ website |  Melusina’s Tail, 2017. Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca | Melusina’s Tail, 2017. Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | Promotional photos from Ms Tytania’ website | Three stills from The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell website

Crediti dell’intervista:

Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

Artista | Dominatrix | Tarot


Artista, activista, feminista, pornografa, dominatrix, Melusina moderna y hechicera, Itziar es especialmente un ser humano dotado con una feroz inteligencia, una inquieta sensibilidad social y una inquietante visión de mundo.

Sin comportamientos adoctrinantes o proselitistas, y sin utilizar las armas de la simpatía condescendiente, Itziar tiene una habilidad con la que únicamente las personas que son brutalmente honestas y fieles a sí mismas cuentan. Conquista tu confianza y tu devoción sin mayor esfuerzo y muy a pesar de no estar especialmente interesada en ganarse la aprobación de nadie.

Esta extensa conversación entre Carla e Itziar está llena de visiones fascinantes acerca de la vida al margen de las estructuras de dominación patriarcal y acerca de la creación como una forma de contracultura y subversión política. En esta entrevista exploramos sus ideales, los libros que considera seminales, su opinión acerca de las dinámicas de poder en las relaciones humanas y la importancia de desafiarlas, y su evolución general como artista, como porno videografa y como hechicera moderna.

Si deseas explorar cómo elevar tu entendimiento acerca del orden ‘normal’ de las cosas, escucha esta entrevista. Si deseas escuchar hablar acerca un viaje de estimulación intelectual radical, que ponga en discusión todo aletargamiento moral o conformismo ético, escucha esta entrevista.

Metralla Rosa lo certifica: Itziar Bilbao Urrutia es una diosa y todas sus causas nos tocan de cerca y nos competen!

¡Y ahora, escuchen la entrevista!

Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 09 de septiembre de 2019 y se publicó el 01 de febrero de 2020

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Itziar Bilbao Urrutia: Instagram | Etsy Tarot Shop
Mistress Tytania (18+): Instagram | Twitter | Website | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell

Menciones durante la entrevista
Porn The Theory – Fantasy The Practice 01:55 | Goldsmiths 03:16 | Stewart Home 03:54 | Bondage As Theme & Technique 04:26 | Last Tango in Paris 05:24 | Bernardo Bertolucci 05:31 | Marlon Brando 05:33 | Maria Schneider 06:09 | Femdom 07:50 | Oscar Wilde 09:19 | País Vasco (Basque Country) 11:31 | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 13:53 | Brixton 14:46 | Bilbao 14:54 | Squat 16:25 | Royal Vauxhall Tavern 16:49m | Sexual fetishism 17:38 | Punk (culture) 18:04 | Gay Leather Scene 19:51 | Power Exchange 19:55 | Role Play 20:19 | Anarchy 20:50 | Facultad de Bellas Artes 22:20 | Two-tone 23:05 | Skinhead 23:06 | Goth 23:07 | Punk (music) 23:08 | Go-go Dancer 23:35 | Dominatrix 24:46 | Peckham 20:38 | Melusina 37:19 | Mallorca 41:10 | Can Monroig 41:11 | Shibari 42:28 | Andrea Dworkin 42:39 | Pornography: Men Possessing Women 42:40 | Patriarchy 43:09 | Linda Williams 43:25 | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell 44:38 | Valerie Solanas 44:57 | SCUM Manifesto 44:58 | Dr. Martens 45:07 | Bondage 45:25 | Manspreading 49:41 | Northern Line 49:42 | Michel Foucault 51:31 | The History of Sexuality 51:32 | S&M 51:35 | BDSM 51:36 | Kink 51:38 | Sexual Humiliation 54:14 | Donald Trump 59:07 | Melania Trump 59:28 | Ladette 01:00:35 | Zoe Ball 1:00:38 | Kate Moss 01:00:47 | Margaret Thatcher 01:01:48 | Drum and bass 01:03:23 | BBC Radio 6 Music 01:04:15 | Expectations (closed down) 01:07:44 | Regulation 01:07:49 | House of Harlot 01:07:53 | Atsuko Kudo 01:08:01 | Judith Butler 01:09:21 | Gender Trouble 01:09:22 | London Munch 01:09:56 | Fetlife 01:10:36 | Tarot 01:11:45

Imágenes y films relacionadas:

Itziar Bilbao Urrutia

Mistress Tytania

The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell

Fully Serviced Cum Dumpster, 2019 | Melusina: Torn Tights, 2013 | Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca, 2017 | Article in Time Out | Ms Tytania promotional photograph | Young Gifted Broken, 2016 | Ms Tytania promotional photograph | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell Brainwash Spiral | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | You Are Being Watched, 2013

Imágenes y films utilizadas durante la entrevista:


Porn The Theory – Fantasy The Practice with Stewart Home, 2019 | Melusina: Torn Tights, 2013 | Bondage As Theme & Technique with Stewart Home, 2019 | The Twins 1996. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Beauty Goes To Town, 2000. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Lotus woman, 1998. Exhibited 2019 at Bastero Kulturgunea, Andoain, Spain | Five promotional photos from Ms Tytania’ website |  Melusina’s Tail, 2017. Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca | Melusina’s Tail, 2017. Residency in Can Monroig, Mallorca | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell poster | Promotional photos from Ms Tytania’ website | Three stills from The Urban Chick Supremacy Cell website

Créditos de la entrevista:

Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart

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