Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Rob Goodwin

Artist | Designer | Maker

Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 3rd of January 2020 and released on the 15th of May 2020

Rob Goodwin is an extraordinary artist and a fantastic example of what it means to be born and bred with the belief that having London as your main source of creative inspiration and stylistic reference brings.

Rob began his career as a designer almost by accident, which is perhaps why his pieces are so easy to admire, yet so hard to pigeonhole. His visions are full of both fantasy and epic conspiracies that take you places without allowing you the time to acknowledge the inherent contradictions between his medieval and futuristic visions that create, in turn, unprecedented aesthetic discoveries.

Specialising in unique and inimitable leather pieces with elaborate artisanal detail, his creations are imbued with selfless dedication and a sophisticated attention to detail.

His creations have been worn by celebrities such as Madonna, Rihanna and Angelina Jolie, and have also been exhibited in art galleries, included in editorials of fashion and trend magazines, filmed in international commercials and starred in exquisite theatrical productions.

It is however, thanks to the histrionic nature of his pieces, that Rob has recently started an interesting career as an accessory designer for high-status film productions, and in this conversation Rob tells us in great detail how Hollywood came into his life, how he has survived moments of intense artistic doubt and what it’s like to gallop between Prague and London.

This conversation is an ode to the fragility that exists in the heart of every incorruptible creator. Listen to it in order to reconsider your own doubts and reconnect with the nobility of your own aspirations, ambitions and dreams. It will certainly be worth it.

And now, enjoy the interview!

Further Information:

Related Links
Website | Instagram

References during the interview
Leatherwork 00:46 | Madonna 00:56 | Rihanna 00:57 | Angelina Jolie 00:58 | London 01:33 | Huguenots 03:38 | Nationalism 04:18 | Despotism 04:20 | Shoreditch 09:59 | Craft 10:28 | Last (Shoemaking) 11:10 | Leather 15:39 | 3D Printing 17:59 | Drainpipe Trousers 19:45 | Mods 19:46 | SKA 19:47 | Oxfam 20:41 | London College of Fashion 24:45 | Master’s Course 24:58 | Baroque 28:23 | Coolness 31:13 | Mongrel (Mixed Race) 33:30 | Folly 36:02 | Mona Lisa 39:31 | Steampunk 41:14 | Maleficent 42:15 | Beauty and the Beast 42:18 | Into The Woods 42:19 | Pinewood Studios 43:58 | The Firebird 51:38 | David Bamber 52:15 | Tom Ford 52:33 | Victoria and Albert Museum 52:43 | Kongo Bacchanal 53:20 | Masquerade Ball 53:24 | Ostrich Leather 55:08 | Magnetic Polarity 56:02 | Set Design 56:14 | Yunus & Eliza 57:07 | London Fashion Week 57:47 | Jacob Epstein 58:42 | Egon Schiele 58:48 | Icarus 59:02 | Harper’s Bazaar 1:00:49 | Instagram 01:04:40 | Facebook 01:06:06 | Brogues 01:09:27 | Selfridges 01:10:19 | Stylist 01:10:48 | Neatsfoot Oil 01:11:44 | Mink Oil 01:12:15 | Cobbler 01;12:59 | Cordwainer 01:13:00 | Prague 01:14:01 | Fantasy Genre 01:14:23 | Game of Thrones 01:14:29 | Influencers & Trend Setters 01:18:10 | Red Carpet 01:18:38 | Hackney 01:18:49 | Fashion 01:28:14 | Fashion Designer 01:28:40 | Alexander McQueen 01:30:15 | Radiohead 01:32:41 | ‘You and whose Army’ by Radiohead (YouTube) 01:32:51

Related Images:

Rob aged 4/5 | Sara: Oil on Canvas c.2001 | Jonny: Oil on Canvas c.2001 | Jick: Oil on Canvas c.2001


For Sale: Leather & Bronze 2017

Dukes website | Materials: Hand-dyed, hand-tooled and hand-stitched leather – including cowhide, calf, pig, ostrich, turkey, python, lizard, toad & fish skin – and bronze knuckledusters | Dimensions: approximately 200cm (tall) x 65cm (diameter) | Hanging height: minimum of 2.5m | Hanging weight: approximately 40kg | Photography: Xavier Young


Headwear, Footwear & Biker Cape 2011

Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Stylist: Kay Korsh

Photography: Drucilla Burrell during an Art Model Collective session

Photography: Toby Deveson

Kongo Bacchanal:

Headwear & Footwear 2010

Photography: Diego Indraccolo

Photography: Ben Riggott

Photographs: Raluca Save | Ram Shergill | Vogue UK December 2009 | Carla by Toby Deveson

Kongo Bacchanal on the catwalk at the Victoria & Albert Museum


Ornate Leather & Sculpted Bronze Cape in collaboration with jewellery designers Yunus & Eliza

Photography: Terry Richardson for Harper’s Bazaar US

Photographs: Sculpted Bronze front by Yunus & Eliza | Ornate Leather Cape by Rob Goodwin x2 | i-D Magazine Summer 2013

Shoulder Harness:

Leather shoulder harness for W Magazine’s Rihanna Special Collector’s Issue – September 2016

Photography: Steven Klein | Stylist: Edward Enninful


Headpiece & Winged Harness for the English National Ballet 2012

Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Costume Design: David Bamber | Ballerina: Ksenia Ovsyanick

Film & Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Costume Design: David Bamber & Rob Goodwin | Ballerina: Ksenia Ovsyanick | Choreography: George Williamson

Artista | Designer | Artigiano

Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 03 gennaio 2020 e rilasciata il 15 maggio 2020

Rob Goodwin è un artista straordinario oltre ad un fantastico esempio di cosa significhi nascere e crescere a Londra e prendere la città come principale fonte di ispirazione e riferimento di stile.

Rob ha iniziato la sua carriera di designer quasi per caso, ed è forse per quello che le sue opere sono altrettanto facili da ammirare quanto difficili da incasellare. La sua visione è intrisa di fantasia ed intrighi epici che ti trascinano all’improvviso in un mondo tra il medievale e il futurista. A loro volta si esprimono inedite rivelazioni estetiche.

Specializzato nella produzione artigianale di ineguagliabili ed impagabili lavori in pelle, le creazioni di Rob sono realizzate con dedizione e raffinata attenzione ai dettagli.

Celebrità come MadonnaRihanna e Angelina Jolie hanno indossato le sue creazioni, e queste sono state esposte in gallerie d’arte, inserite in servizi fotografici di riviste di moda e di tendenza, filmate in spot internazionali e protagoniste di pregevoli produzioni teatrali di decisamente importanti.

Proprio grazie alla natura istrionica dei suoi pezzi, Rob ha recentemente avviato un’interessante carriera come designer di accessori per produzioni cinematografiche di alto profilo, e in questa conversazione Rob ci racconta in dettaglio come Hollywood sia entrata nella sua vita, come sia sopravvissuto a momenti di intenso dubbio artistico e cosa significhi vivere facendo avanti e indietro tra Praga e Londra.

Questa conversazione è un’ode alla fragilità che esiste nel cuore di ogni creatore incorruttibile. Ascoltatelo per rielaborare i vostri dubbi e riconnettervi alla nobiltà delle vostre aspirazioni, ambizioni e sogni. Ne varrà sicuramente la pena.

E ora, godetevi l’intervista!

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Website | Instagram

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Leatherwork 00:46 | Madonna 00:56 | Rihanna 00:57 | Angelina Jolie 00:58 | London 01:33 | Huguenots 03:38 | Nationalism 04:18 | Despotism 04:20 | Shoreditch 09:59 | Craft 10:28 | Last (Shoemaking) 11:10 | Leather 15:39 | 3D Printing 17:59 | Drainpipe Trousers 19:45 | Mods 19:46 | SKA 19:47 | Oxfam 20:41 | London College of Fashion 24:45 | Master’s Course 24:58 | Baroque 28:23 | Coolness 31:13 | Mongrel (Mixed Race) 33:30 | Folly 36:02 | Mona Lisa 39:31 | Steampunk 41:14 | Maleficent 42:15 | Beauty and the Beast 42:18 | Into The Woods 42:19 | Pinewood Studios 43:58 | The Firebird 51:38 | David Bamber 52:15 | Tom Ford 52:33 | Victoria and Albert Museum 52:43 | Kongo Bacchanal 53:20 | Masquerade Ball 53:24 | Ostrich Leather 55:08 | Magnetic Polarity 56:02 | Set Design 56:14 | Yunus & Eliza 57:07 | London Fashion Week 57:47 | Jacob Epstein 58:42 | Egon Schiele 58:48 | Icarus 59:02 | Harper’s Bazaar 1:00:49 | Instagram 01:04:40 | Facebook 01:06:06 | Brogues 01:09:27 | Selfridges 01:10:19 | Stylist 01:10:48 | Neatsfoot Oil 01:11:44 | Mink Oil 01:12:15 | Cobbler 01;12:59 | Cordwainer 01:13:00 | Prague 01:14:01 | Fantasy Genre 01:14:23 | Game of Thrones 01:14:29 | Influencers & Trend Setters 01:18:10 | Red Carpet 01:18:38 | Hackney 01:18:49 | Fashion 01:28:14 | Fashion Designer 01:28:40 | Alexander McQueen 01:30:15 | Radiohead 01:32:41 | ‘You and whose Army’ by Radiohead (YouTube) 01:32:51

Immagini correlate:

Rob aged 4/5 | Sara: Oil on Canvas c.2001 | Jonny: Oil on Canvas c.2001 | Jick: Oil on Canvas c.2001


For Sale: Leather & Bronze 2017

Dukes website | Materials: Hand-dyed, hand-tooled and hand-stitched leather – including cowhide, calf, pig, ostrich, turkey, python, lizard, toad & fish skin – and bronze knuckledusters | Dimensions: approximately 200cm (tall) x 65cm (diameter) | Hanging height: minimum of 2.5m | Hanging weight: approximately 40kg | Photography: Xavier Young


Headwear, Footwear & Biker Cape 2011

Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Stylist: Kay Korsh

Photography: Drucilla Burrell during an Art Model Collective session

Photography: Toby Deveson

Kongo Bacchanal:

Headwear & Footwear 2010

Photography: Diego Indraccolo

Photography: Ben Riggott

Photographs: Raluca Save | Ram Shergill | Vogue UK December 2009 | Carla by Toby Deveson

Kongo Bacchanal on the catwalk at the Victoria & Albert Museum


Ornate Leather & Sculpted Bronze Cape in collaboration with jewellery designers Yunus & Eliza

Photography: Terry Richardson for Harper’s Bazaar US

Photographs: Sculpted Bronze front by Yunus & Eliza | Ornate Leather Cape by Rob Goodwin x2 | i-D Magazine Summer 2013

Shoulder Harness:

Leather shoulder harness for W Magazine’s Rihanna Special Collector’s Issue – September 2016

Photography: Steven Klein | Stylist: Edward Enninful


Headpiece & Winged Harness for the English National Ballet 2012

Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Costume Design: David Bamber | Ballerina: Ksenia Ovsyanick

Film & Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Costume Design: David Bamber & Rob Goodwin | Ballerina: Ksenia Ovsyanick | Choreography: George Williamson

Artista | Diseñador | Artesano

Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 03 de enero de 2020 y publicada el 15 de mayo de 2020

Rob Goodwin es un artista extraordinario y un fantástico ejemplo de lo que significa nacer, crecer y creer en Londres como principal fuente de inspiración y como referencia estilística.

Rob inició su carrera como diseñador casi por accidente y quizás por ello sus piezas son fáciles de admirar y difíciles de encasillar. Sus visiones como diseñador están llenas de fantasía, y de conspiraciones épicas que te trajinan sin que tengas tiempo de reaccionar entre lo medieval y lo futurista, creando a su vez descubrimientos estéticos inéditos.

Especialista en la elaboración artesanal de inmejorables e inimitables piezas de cuero, sus creaciones son elaboradas con abnegada dedicación y con sofisticada atención al detalle.

Sus creaciones han sido lucidas por celebridades como Madonna, Rihanna y Angelina Jolie, y han sido exhibidas en galerías de arte, incluidas en editoriales fotográficos de revistas de moda y tendencias, filmadas en comerciales internacionales y han protagonizado exquisitas puestas teatrales de indudable relevancia.

Sin embargo, gracias a la naturaleza histrionica de sus piezas, Rob a iniciado recientemente una interesante carrera como diseñador de accesorios para producciones cinematográficas de gran estatus, y en esta conversación Rob nos cuenta con lujo de detalle cómo llegó Hollywood a su vida, como ha sobrevivido a momentos de intensa duda artística y como es vivir a galope entre Praga y Londres.

Esta conversación es una oda a la fragilidad que existe en el corazón de todo creador incorruptible. Escúchala para reconsiderar tus propias dudas y para re-conectar con la nobleza de tus propias aspiraciones, ambiciones y sueños. Sin duda valdrá la pena.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Website | Instagram

Menciones durante la entrevista
Leatherwork 00:46 | Madonna 00:56 | Rihanna 00:57 | Angelina Jolie 00:58 | London 01:33 | Huguenots 03:38 | Nationalism 04:18 | Despotism 04:20 | Shoreditch 09:59 | Craft 10:28 | Last (Shoemaking) 11:10 | Leather 15:39 | 3D Printing 17:59 | Drainpipe Trousers 19:45 | Mods 19:46 | SKA 19:47 | Oxfam 20:41 | London College of Fashion 24:45 | Master’s Course 24:58 | Baroque 28:23 | Coolness 31:13 | Mongrel (Mixed Race) 33:30 | Folly 36:02 | Mona Lisa 39:31 | Steampunk 41:14 | Maleficent 42:15 | Beauty and the Beast 42:18 | Into The Woods 42:19 | Pinewood Studios 43:58 | The Firebird 51:38 | David Bamber 52:15 | Tom Ford 52:33 | Victoria and Albert Museum 52:43 | Kongo Bacchanal 53:20 | Masquerade Ball 53:24 | Ostrich Leather 55:08 | Magnetic Polarity 56:02 | Set Design 56:14 | Yunus & Eliza 57:07 | London Fashion Week 57:47 | Jacob Epstein 58:42 | Egon Schiele 58:48 | Icarus 59:02 | Harper’s Bazaar 1:00:49 | Instagram 01:04:40 | Facebook 01:06:06 | Brogues 01:09:27 | Selfridges 01:10:19 | Stylist 01:10:48 | Neatsfoot Oil 01:11:44 | Mink Oil 01:12:15 | Cobbler 01;12:59 | Cordwainer 01:13:00 | Prague 01:14:01 | Fantasy Genre 01:14:23 | Game of Thrones 01:14:29 | Influencers & Trend Setters 01:18:10 | Red Carpet 01:18:38 | Hackney 01:18:49 | Fashion 01:28:14 | Fashion Designer 01:28:40 | Alexander McQueen 01:30:15 | Radiohead 01:32:41 | ‘You and whose Army’ by Radiohead (YouTube) 01:32:51

Imágenes relacionadas:

Rob aged 4/5 | Sara: Oil on Canvas c.2001 | Jonny: Oil on Canvas c.2001 | Jick: Oil on Canvas c.2001


For Sale: Leather & Bronze 2017

Dukes website | Materials: Hand-dyed, hand-tooled and hand-stitched leather – including cowhide, calf, pig, ostrich, turkey, python, lizard, toad & fish skin – and bronze knuckledusters | Dimensions: approximately 200cm (tall) x 65cm (diameter) | Hanging height: minimum of 2.5m | Hanging weight: approximately 40kg | Photography: Xavier Young


Headwear, Footwear & Biker Cape 2011

Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Stylist: Kay Korsh

Photography: Drucilla Burrell during an Art Model Collective session

Photography: Toby Deveson

Kongo Bacchanal:

Headwear & Footwear 2010

Photography: Diego Indraccolo

Photography: Ben Riggott

Photographs: Raluca Save | Ram Shergill | Vogue UK December 2009 | Carla by Toby Deveson

Kongo Bacchanal on the catwalk at the Victoria & Albert Museum


Ornate Leather & Sculpted Bronze Cape in collaboration with jewellery designers Yunus & Eliza

Photography: Terry Richardson for Harper’s Bazaar US

Photographs: Sculpted Bronze front by Yunus & Eliza | Ornate Leather Cape by Rob Goodwin x2 | i-D Magazine Summer 2013

Shoulder Harness:

Leather shoulder harness for W Magazine’s Rihanna Special Collector’s Issue – September 2016

Photography: Steven Klein | Stylist: Edward Enninful


Headpiece & Winged Harness for the English National Ballet 2012

Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Costume Design: David Bamber | Ballerina: Ksenia Ovsyanick

Film & Photography: Diego Indraccolo | Costume Design: David Bamber & Rob Goodwin | Ballerina: Ksenia Ovsyanick | Choreography: George Williamson


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Jim Shannon

Art director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
Visit her Website

Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
Visit La Pecora Nera website

Sponsors, Partners & Supporters

La Pecora Nera

Associazione Culturale
Cultural Partners with Metralla Rosa
Visit their Website

O. T. Editores

Casa Editorial
Partners with Metralla Rosa
Visit their Linktree