Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Carl Randall


Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 20th of February 2021 and released on the 1st of March 2021

Carl Randall is an artist who dedicated an important part of his adult life to the practical and theoretical study of the arts, graduating from temples of academia such as the Slade School of Fine Arts and Tokyo University of the Arts, to name but a few and, in doing so, succeeded in developing an exceptionally personal voice which combines his fascination for urban spaces with his interest in those who inhabit them. His paintings usually depict people and places, passersby and locations, all intersecting without merging in a strikingly whimsical way. His ultra-detailed depictions of the world around him are brought to life with a genuine modesty, while the reality he describes with such a clear narrative intention is overwhelmed by his personal and unpredictable creativity.

Within his large canvases both subject and object are presented with equal prominence and with the same luxurious detail, capturing the attention of his viewers in an almost hypnotic way. His scenes of everyday life present urban ecosystems with playful perspectives and oblique, divergent dynamics in which human beings and inanimate objects coexist with a certain detached nature, as if their respective universes were destined to remain oblivious of each other, never to meet.

Ten years of living and studying in Japan gave Carl the opportunity to delve deeply into his role as an observer of reality and student of life, cultivating his passion for environments in which life flows in multiple directions simultaneously, creating scintillating and exhilarating visual stimuli. Both London and Japan have allowed his work to respond to the realities of overpopulation, ostracism and alienation present in the daily lives of strangers within these great metropolises.

Full-time artist, part-time art tutor and winner of awards such as The Nomura Art Prize, the Sunday Times Prize for Watercolours and the prestigious BP Travel Award in conjunction with the National Portrait Gallery, amongst others, Carl is an ambitious painter with an enviable CV. And in this interview we managed to delve into his stylistic visions with a delightful dose of refreshing honesty, seasoned with some unexpected twists and turns which we hope you enjoy when you watch this episode of Metralla Rosa.

And now, enjoy the interview!

If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us continue to produce interviews with inspiring guests and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles on all our content. Thank you so much.

Further Information:

Related Links
Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Wikipedia

References during the interview
Figurative Art 00:46 | Slade School of Fine Art 00:59 | Royal Drawing School 01:02 | Tokyo University of the Arts 01:06 | BP Travel Award (2012) 01:19 | National Portrait Gallery 01:25 | Art Academy 02:07 | Primrose Hill 03:20 | Tanita Tikaram 06:01 | Art Movement 07:47 | Narrative Painting 08:22 | Medieval Painting 08:27 | Contemporary Art 08:34 | Tiziano Vecelli (Titian) 09:11 | Mythology 09:13 | Yoga 09:58 | Meditation 09:59 | Monk 10:34 | Scholarship 13:40 | Edward Hopper 15:57 | Graphic Novel 17:43 | Cartoonist 18:02 | A-Level 18:10 | Fine Art 18:11 | In the Mood for Love 20:08 | Triptych 20:40 | Tokyo 21:01 | Red-light district (Tokyo – Kabukichō) 21:22 | Composition 24:21 | Ramen Bars 26:10 | Shibuya 27:06 | Collage 28:08m | The last Supper 29:05 | Renaissance Art 29:15 | Frankenstein 30:13 | Piccadilly Circus 32:34 | Primrose Hill 32:40 | Master’s Degree 37:00 | Doctorate 37:06 | Reverse Culture Shock 40:51 | Channel 4 43:31 | Jon Snow 43:32 | St Paul’s Cathedral 45:14 | The South Bank 45:18 | Bar Italia 45:20 | Jeremy Thomas 45:25 | Nick Park 45:30 | Victoria and Albert Museum 47:25 | Roppongi (六本木) 48:08 | London Bridge 48:41 | Grisaille 49:21 | Verdaccio 54:20 | Verosimile 55:57 | Jack Vettriano 01:00:20 | Joseph M Lombardi 01:01:14 | Theodore Roosevelt 01:01:21 | Caravaggio 01:01:40 | Star Wars 01:02:30

Early Work:

For further examples of Carl’s early works and for details of works shown here, click here


For further examples of Carl’s sketches and for details of works shown here, click here

London Portraits:

For further examples of Carl’s London Portraits and for details of works shown here, click here

Japan Portraits:

For further examples of Carl’s Japan Portraits and for details of works shown here, click here


All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Carl Randall.


Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 20 febbraio 2021 e rilasciata il 1 marzo 2021

Laureato alla Slade School of Fine Arts e all’Università delle Belle Arti di Tokyo, oltre ad aver frequentato altre scuole di formazione accademica, Carl Randall è un artista che ha dedicato una parte importante della sua vita da adulto allo studio pratico e teorico dell’arte, e probabilmente, proprio grazie all’opportunità di aver svolto un così vasto percorso formativo, è riuscito anche a far sedimentare uno stile come autore molto personale, che coniuga la sua passione per gli spazi urbani con il suo grande interesse per le persone che li abitano. I suoi quadri sono soliti rappresentare, in un modo singolarmente soggettivo, volti e scenari, passanti e luoghi, che si incontrano senza amalgamarsi. Nelle sue rappresentazioni della realtà, ricchissime in dettagli, la sua personalità soggettiva, creativa e creatrice, si manifesta senza falsa modestia e si appropria della situazione che descrive con un chiaro intento narrativo.

Sulle sue grandi tele ogni soggetto, come pure ogni oggetto, viene rappresentato con un inconfondibile rilievo e sempre con la stessa abbondanza nei dettagli, ragion per cui le sue immagini finiscono per catturare l’attenzione di chi le osserva in un modo quasi ipnotico. Le sue scene di vita quotidiana costruiscono prospettive stravaganti e dinamiche trasversali e tangenziali, come pure ecosistemi urbani dove esseri umani e oggetti inanimati convivono con una certa separazione, come se nella natura dinamica degli universi di Randall non fossero destinati a riconoscersi o a incontrarsi.

I dieci anni in cui Carl ha vissuto e studiato in Giappone gli hanno offerto la possibilità di indagare in profondità il suo ruolo di osservatore della realtà e di studioso della vita, di coltivare la sua passione per gli ambienti in cui l’esistenza fluisce simultaneamente in varie direzioni, accompagnata da elettrizzanti ed eccitanti stimoli visivi. Sia Londra che il Giappone gli hanno permesso di rispondere con la sua opera alle realtà presenti in queste grandi metropoli dove la sovrappopolazione, l’emarginazione e l’alienazione condizionano la quotidianità di chi percorre le loro strade.

Artista a tempo pieno, insegnante d’arte part-time e vincitore di premi come il The Nomura Art Prize, il Premio per gli Acquerelli del Sunday Times e il prestigioso BP Travel Award conferito dalla National Portrait Gallery, tra gli altri, Carl è un pittore ambizioso che vanta un curriculum veramente invidiabile. E in questo episodio di Metralla Rosa siamo riusciti a esplorare le sue visioni stilistiche con una dose soddisfacente di piacevole sincerità, e con qualche colpo di scena inaspettato che dovrete scoprire seguendo questa conversazione.

E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!

Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Wikipedia

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Figurative Art 00:46 | Slade School of Fine Art 00:59 | Royal Drawing School 01:02 | Tokyo University of the Arts 01:06 | BP Travel Award (2012) 01:19 | National Portrait Gallery 01:25 | Art Academy 02:07 | Primrose Hill 03:20 | Tanita Tikaram 06:01 | Art Movement 07:47 | Narrative Painting 08:22 | Medieval Painting 08:27 | Contemporary Art 08:34 | Tiziano Vecelli (Titian) 09:11 | Mythology 09:13 | Yoga 09:58 | Meditation 09:59 | Monk 10:34 | Scholarship 13:40 | Edward Hopper 15:57 | Graphic Novel 17:43 | Cartoonist 18:02 | A-Level 18:10 | Fine Art 18:11 | In the Mood for Love 20:08 | Triptych 20:40 | Tokyo 21:01 | Red-light district (Tokyo – Kabukichō) 21:22 | Composition 24:21 | Ramen Bars 26:10 | Shibuya 27:06 | Collage 28:08m | The last Supper 29:05 | Renaissance Art 29:15 | Frankenstein 30:13 | Piccadilly Circus 32:34 | Primrose Hill 32:40 | Master’s Degree 37:00 | Doctorate 37:06 | Reverse Culture Shock 40:51 | Channel 4 43:31 | Jon Snow 43:32 | St Paul’s Cathedral 45:14 | The South Bank 45:18 | Bar Italia 45:20 | Jeremy Thomas 45:25 | Nick Park 45:30 | Victoria and Albert Museum 47:25 | Roppongi (六本木) 48:08 | London Bridge 48:41 | Grisaille 49:21 | Verdaccio 54:20 | Verosimile 55:57 | Jack Vettriano 01:00:20 | Joseph M Lombardi 01:01:14 | Theodore Roosevelt 01:01:21 | Caravaggio 01:01:40 | Star Wars 01:02:30

Early Work:

For further examples of Carl’s early works and for details of works shown here, click here


For further examples of Carl’s sketches and for details of works shown here, click here

London Portraits:

For further examples of Carl’s London Portraits and for details of works shown here, click here

Japan Portraits:

For further examples of Carl’s Japan Portraits and for details of works shown here, click here


All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Carl Randall.

Artista Plástico

Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 20 de febrero de 2021 y publicada el 1 de marzo de 2021

Graduado de la Slade School of Fine Arts y de la Universidad de las Artes de Tokio entre otras escuelas de formación académica, Carl Randall es un artista que ha dedicado parte importante de su vida adulta al estudio práctico y teórico del arte, y probablemente gracias a esta expansiva oportunidad, ha logrado también sedimentar un estilo autoral muy personal, que conjuga su fascinación por los espacios urbanos y su interés por las personas que los habitan. Sus cuadros suelen presentar de un modo singularmente arbitrario, rostros y escenarios, transeúntes y locaciones, que se cruzan sin fusionarse. En sus ultra detalladas representaciones de la realidad su subjetividad creativa y creadora se manifiesta sin falsas modestias para adueñarse de la realidad que describe con una clara intención narrativa.

En sus grandes lienzos cada sujeto y cada objeto, es presentado con inequívoco protagonismo y con idéntico lujo de detalle, por lo que sus imágenes terminan atrapando la atención de quien las observa de un modo casi hipnótico. Sus escenas de la vida cotidiana plantean perspectivas caprichosas, dinámicas transversales y tangenciales, y ecosistemas urbanos en los que seres humanos y objetos inanimados conviven con cierta disociación, como si en la naturaleza dinámica de sus universos no estuvieran destinados a reconocerse o a encontrarse.

Diez años viviendo y estudiando en Japón le ofrecieron a Carl la oportunidad de indagar en profundidad su rol como observador de la realidad y como estudiante de la vida, y cultivar su pasión por los ambientes en los que la vida fluye simultáneamente en múltiples direcciones y con titilantes y excitantes estímulos visuales. Tanto Londres como Japón le han permitido responder con su obra a realidades presentes en estas grandes metrópolis en las que la sobre población, el ostracismo y la alienación condicionan la cotidianidad de sus transeúntes.

Artista a tiempo completo, tutor de arte medio tiempo y ganador de premios como The Nomura Art Prize, el Premio de Acuarelas del Sunday Times y el prestigioso BP Travel Award otorgado por la National Portrait Gallery, entre otros, Carl es un pintor ambicioso que cuenta con un curriculum francamente envidiable. Y con esta entrevista logramos recorrer sus visiones estilísticas con una satisfactoria dosis de refrescante honestidad, y algunas inesperadas vueltas de tuerca, que tendrás que descubrir viendo este episodio.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Wikipedia

Menciones durante la entrevista
Figurative Art 00:46 | Slade School of Fine Art 00:59 | Royal Drawing School 01:02 | Tokyo University of the Arts 01:06 | BP Travel Award (2012) 01:19 | National Portrait Gallery 01:25 | Art Academy 02:07 | Primrose Hill 03:20 | Tanita Tikaram 06:01 | Art Movement 07:47 | Narrative Painting 08:22 | Medieval Painting 08:27 | Contemporary Art 08:34 | Tiziano Vecelli (Titian) 09:11 | Mythology 09:13 | Yoga 09:58 | Meditation 09:59 | Monk 10:34 | Scholarship 13:40 | Edward Hopper 15:57 | Graphic Novel 17:43 | Cartoonist 18:02 | A-Level 18:10 | Fine Art 18:11 | In the Mood for Love 20:08 | Triptych 20:40 | Tokyo 21:01 | Red-light district (Tokyo – Kabukichō) 21:22 | Composition 24:21 | Ramen Bars 26:10 | Shibuya 27:06 | Collage 28:08m | The last Supper 29:05 | Renaissance Art 29:15 | Frankenstein 30:13 | Piccadilly Circus 32:34 | Primrose Hill 32:40 | Master’s Degree 37:00 | Doctorate 37:06 | Reverse Culture Shock 40:51 | Channel 4 43:31 | Jon Snow 43:32 | St Paul’s Cathedral 45:14 | The South Bank 45:18 | Bar Italia 45:20 | Jeremy Thomas 45:25 | Nick Park 45:30 | Victoria and Albert Museum 47:25 | Roppongi (六本木) 48:08 | London Bridge 48:41 | Grisaille 49:21 | Verdaccio 54:20 | Verosimile 55:57 | Jack Vettriano 01:00:20 | Joseph M Lombardi 01:01:14 | Theodore Roosevelt 01:01:21 | Caravaggio 01:01:40 | Star Wars 01:02:30

Early Work:

For further examples of Carl’s early works and for details of works shown here, click here


For further examples of Carl’s sketches and for details of works shown here, click here

London Portraits:

For further examples of Carl’s London Portraits and for details of works shown here, click here

Japan Portraits:

For further examples of Carl’s Japan Portraits and for details of works shown here, click here


All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Carl Randall.


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
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Jim Shannon

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Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
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Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
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Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
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