Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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Historian, writer, editor, intersectional feminist, cultural activist and Pentecostal dissident, Jael de la Luz is, quite frankly, a woman with an admirable drive, ideological convictions and an ability to fight her corner. Mexican in spirit as well as by birth, she was born and raised on the outskirts of Mexico City and is not only an intellectual who encourages rebellion through thoughts and ideas, but also someone who is committed to the cause of the Latin American communities who are forced, daily, to survive situations of social and political injustice in London and the rest of the United Kingdom.
From within the non-profit organisation LAWA (Latin American Women’s Aid), Jael offers help and protection to Latin American women and children who are victims of domestic violence. LAWA is the only refuge of its type in the UK and Europe, created by and for Latina women – and from here she leads a programme called Change Makers – The power of our Ancestors, creating an ideal space for women who are lesbian, transgender, queer, black – or from any other minority background – and who are finding the courage to redefine their positions within society, telling their own stories without fear, as acts of cultural reaffirmation, personal self-validation and political dissidence.
Jael’s own story is one full of not only abuse and struggle, but also formidable and self-managed victories. Her voice is one of authority and serenity, derived from her success in overcoming the obstacles that patriarchal countries and societies have sown in the wake of those who are truly guilty of maintaining the perpetually corrupt and violent systems that are upholding existing inequalities. And here, at Metralla Rosa, we are not only drawn to those victories that are linked to her roles as editor and writer, but also to her invaluable cultural contributions to The Feminist Library, her unapologetic love of fanzines, and the fact that she is a founding member of Feminopraxis, a digital space created for feminist discussions that she runs with three other Mexican authors – and from which she publishes Militancias, a column that should be essential reading for anyone who wishes to absorb and understand feminist dissidents around the world, especially those in Spanish and from a Latin American perspective.
And now, enjoy the interview!
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This interview was recorded on the 24th of March 2021 and released on the 1st of April 2021
Related Links
Jael de la Luz: Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Amazon
Feminopraxis: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
The Feminist Library: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Latin American Women’s Aid: Website | LinkTree | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
References during the interview
Intersectional Feminism 00:39 | Editor 00:42 | Activism 00:43 | LAWA 01:06 | Feminopraxis 01:19 | The Feminist Library 01:25 | Promoter 02:58 | Artists’ Representation 03:00 | Feminism 04:31 | Patriarchy 04:37 | Latin America 05:59 | Catholicism 06:03 | Protestantism 06:06 | Pentecostalism 06:07 | Discrimination 06:11 | Body Shaming 06:14 | Barbie 06:31 | Heteropatriarchy 06:36 | White Normativity 06:38 | Thesis 08:24 | Classism 09:07 | Racism 09:09 | Migration 09:21 | Institutionalised Racism 09:25 | Imperialism 09:37 | Jael de la Luz: YouTube 11:03 | Ser latinoamericana en Londres 11:06 | Monólogos Rosa 11:12 | Indefinite Leave to Remain 11:23 | Illegal Immigrant 11:57 | Visa 12:18 | Home Office 12:42 | Art Model 13:00 | Sexual Violence 15:21 | Domestic Violence 15:23 | Dehumanisation 15:28 | Suicide 15:34 | Sexual Pleasure 15:41 | Pleasure 15:43 | Guilt 15:50 | Alzheimer’s Disease 16:51 | Mixed Race 17:23 | International Human Rights Law 19:23 | Political Asylum 19:32 | Disempowered 19:56 | Anxiety Attack 20:15 | Ambassador (British) 20:39 | Hunger Strike 20:55 | Gabriel García Márquez 27:03 | Estado de México 29:11 | Ciudad de México 29:16 | Movimiento al Socialismo 30:35 | Disneyland 30:46 | Fundamentalism 31:14 | Evangelicalism 31:44 | The Pilgrim’s Progress 31:56 | The Bible 32:15 | Greek Mythology 32:23 | Archetypes 32:27 | Jael 32:37 | Tecla Tofano 33:26 | Alfredo Chacón 33:27 | Iris Chacón 34:06 | Guns N’ Roses 37:52 | Nirvana 37:53 | Bisexuality 40:07 | James Baldwin 40:17 | Atheism 41:03 | Judeo-Christian 41:14 | #MeToo Movement 42:23 | #ChurchToo 42:27 | Gay 44:56 | Transgender & Transexual 45:01 | Lesbian 45:04 | Pastor 47:30 | John Bunyan 47:47 | Puritans 47:49 | Holy Roman Empire 53:31 | Mennonites in Mexico 56:57 | Veracruz 57:01 | Jewish communities in Mexico 57:40 | Lebanese Mexicans 57:43 | Mestiza 58:15 | Gloria E. Anzaldúa 58:33 | Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza 58:38 | Conquistador 59:21 | Chavela Vargas 01:03:19 | Frida Kahlo 01:04:32 | Indigenous Peoples 01:05:03 | Nationalism 01:05:07 | Transfeminism 01:06:08 | Sayak Valencia 01:06:13 | Third-wave Feminism 01:06:28 | Slavery 01:08:35 | Kyriarchy 01:10:34 | Third Gender 01:12:21 | Intersex (Hermaphrodite) 01:12:42 | Feminist Geography 01:14:38 | Bodily Autonomy 01:15:25 | Anarcha-Feminism 01:18:04 | Misogyny 01:20:31 | Mexican Drug War 01:23:43 | El Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos 01:24:31
All images used during the interview by kind permission of Jael de la Luz.
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles & translations by Valentina Sarno & Alessandra Greco | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Additional cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us to continue producing free content and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles. Thank you so much.
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Storica, scrittrice, editrice, femminista intersezionale, attivista culturale e pentecostale dissidente, Jael de la Luz è una donna di uno slancio, una fede ideologica e una capacità di lottare davvero ammirabili. Messicana per convinzione, oltre che per nascita – Jael è nata e cresciuta nella periferia di Città del Messico – non è solo un’intellettuale che promuove la forza del pensiero e delle idee, ma anche una donna impegnata nelle lotte quotidiane della vita nelle comunità latinoamericane che si trovano costrette a fronteggiare determinate situazioni di ingiustizia sociale e politica a Londra e nel resto del Regno Unito.
Facendo parte dell’organizzazione senza scopo di lucro della LAWA, Latin American Women’s Aid, offre aiuto e protezione alle donne e ai bambini latinoamericani che sono sottoposti a situazioni di abuso domestico – questa organizzazione dispone dell’unico rifugio per donne e bambini vittime di abuso domestico in questo paese e in Europa, creato da e per le donne latine. Per conto della LAWA dirige il programma Change Makers – The power of our Ancestors, creando così le condizioni necessarie affinché le donne lesbiche, transgender, queer, nere o di qualsiasi altra minoranza etnica, possano avere il coraggio di ridefinire la loro posizione nella società e raccontare le loro storie, senza paura, e come un gesto di riaffermazione culturale, di autovalorizzazione personale e di dissidenza politica.
La sua storia personale è piena di abusi e di lotte, ma anche di incredibili conquiste conseguite senza l’aiuto di nessuno. La sua voce ha l’autorevolezza e l’imparzialità di chi è riuscito a sfidare gli ostacoli che i governi e le società patriarcali pongono davanti a chi è un facile bersaglio, al fine di perpetuare modelli di potere corrotti, violenti e iniqui. E noi di Metralla Rosa siamo affascinati soprattutto dalle conquiste di Jael legate al suo ruolo di editrice e di scrittrice, e dai suoi inestimabili contributi culturali come socio di The Feminist Library, come autrice combattiva di articoli su fanzines, e come fondatrice di Feminopraxis. Quest’ultimo è uno spazio digitale, creato per discutere di femminismo, che Jael gestisce insieme a tre autrici messicane e da cui pubblica Militancias, una rubrica che dovrebbe essere una lettura d’obbligo per capire le lotte femministe nel mondo, con uno sguardo latinoamericano che parla spagnolo.
E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!
Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 24 marzo 2021 e rilasciata il 1 aprile 2021
Link correlati
Jael de la Luz: Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Amazon
Feminopraxis: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
The Feminist Library: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Latin American Women’s Aid: Website | LinkTree | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Intersectional Feminism 00:39 | Editor 00:42 | Activism 00:43 | LAWA 01:06 | Feminopraxis 01:19 | The Feminist Library 01:25 | Promoter 02:58 | Artists’ Representation 03:00 | Feminism 04:31 | Patriarchy 04:37 | Latin America 05:59 | Catholicism 06:03 | Protestantism 06:06 | Pentecostalism 06:07 | Discrimination 06:11 | Body Shaming 06:14 | Barbie 06:31 | Heteropatriarchy 06:36 | White Normativity 06:38 | Thesis 08:24 | Classism 09:07 | Racism 09:09 | Migration 09:21 | Institutionalised Racism 09:25 | Imperialism 09:37 | Jael de la Luz: YouTube 11:03 | Ser latinoamericana en Londres 11:06 | Monólogos Rosa 11:12 | Indefinite Leave to Remain 11:23 | Illegal Immigrant 11:57 | Visa 12:18 | Home Office 12:42 | Art Model 13:00 | Sexual Violence 15:21 | Domestic Violence 15:23 | Dehumanisation 15:28 | Suicide 15:34 | Sexual Pleasure 15:41 | Pleasure 15:43 | Guilt 15:50 | Alzheimer’s Disease 16:51 | Mixed Race 17:23 | International Human Rights Law 19:23 | Political Asylum 19:32 | Disempowered 19:56 | Anxiety Attack 20:15 | Ambassador (British) 20:39 | Hunger Strike 20:55 | Gabriel García Márquez 27:03 | Estado de México 29:11 | Ciudad de México 29:16 | Movimiento al Socialismo 30:35 | Disneyland 30:46 | Fundamentalism 31:14 | Evangelicalism 31:44 | The Pilgrim’s Progress 31:56 | The Bible 32:15 | Greek Mythology 32:23 | Archetypes 32:27 | Jael 32:37 | Tecla Tofano 33:26 | Alfredo Chacón 33:27 | Iris Chacón 34:06 | Guns N’ Roses 37:52 | Nirvana 37:53 | Bisexuality 40:07 | James Baldwin 40:17 | Atheism 41:03 | Judeo-Christian 41:14 | #MeToo Movement 42:23 | #ChurchToo 42:27 | Gay 44:56 | Transgender & Transexual 45:01 | Lesbian 45:04 | Pastor 47:30 | John Bunyan 47:47 | Puritans 47:49 | Holy Roman Empire 53:31 | Mennonites in Mexico 56:57 | Veracruz 57:01 | Jewish communities in Mexico 57:40 | Lebanese Mexicans 57:43 | Mestiza 58:15 | Gloria E. Anzaldúa 58:33 | Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza 58:38 | Conquistador 59:21 | Chavela Vargas 01:03:19 | Frida Kahlo 01:04:32 | Indigenous Peoples 01:05:03 | Nationalism 01:05:07 | Transfeminism 01:06:08 | Sayak Valencia 01:06:13 | Third-wave Feminism 01:06:28 | Slavery 01:08:35 | Kyriarchy 01:10:34 | Third Gender 01:12:21 | Intersex (Hermaphrodite) 01:12:42 | Feminist Geography 01:14:38 | Bodily Autonomy 01:15:25 | Anarcha-Feminism 01:18:04 | Misogyny 01:20:31 | Mexican Drug War 01:23:43 | El Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos 01:24:31
All images used during the interview by kind permission of Jael de la Luz.
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli e traduzioni da Valentina Sarno & Alessandra Greco | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.
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Historiadora, escritora, editora, feminista interseccional, activista cultural y pentecostal disidente, Jael de La Luz es una mujer de un empuje, una convicción ideológica y una capacidad de lucha francamente admirables. Mexicana por convicción además de por nacimiento – Jael nació y creció en las afueras de la Ciudad de México – además de ser una intelectual que fomenta la resistencia del pensamiento y de las ideas, Jael es también una mujer comprometida con las luchas diarias de las comunidades latinoamericanas que se ven obligadas a sobrevivir situaciones puntuales de injusticia social y política, en Londres y el resto del Reino Unido.
Desde la organización sin fines de lucro LAWA, Latin American Women’s Aid, ofrece ayuda y protección a mujeres y niños latinoamericanos que sobreviven condiciones de violencia doméstica – esta organización cuenta con el único refugio para mujeres y niños víctimas de abuso doméstico de este país y Europa creado por y para mujeres latinas. Desde LAWA dirije el programa Change Makers – The power of our Ancestors, creando así las condiciones idóneas para que mujeres lésbicas, transgénero, queer, negras, o de cualquier otra minoría étnica, se atrevan a resignificar su posición en la sociedad y a contar sus propias historias, sin miedo, y como un acto de reafirmación cultural, auto validación personal y disidencia política.
Su propia historia está llena de abusos y de luchas, pero también de formidables victorias auto gestionadas. Su voz tiene la autoridad y la ecuanimidad de quien ha logrado desafiar los obstáculos que los estados y las sociedad patriarcales siembran al paso de quienes son blanco certero para la perpetuación de modelos de poder corruptos, violentos y desiguales. Y a nosotros en Metralla Rosa nos fascinan especialmente las victorias de Jael vinculadas a su rol de editora y escritora, y sus invaluables contribuciones culturales como miembro de The Feminist Library, como fancinera impenitente, y como fundadora de Feminopraxis. Este último, un espacio digital creado para la discusión de los feminismo que Jael gestiona junto a otras tres autoras mejicanas, y desde el cual publica Militancias, una columna que debería ser lectura de rigor para comprender las disidencias feministas del mundo, con una mirada latinoamericana y en español.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 24 de marzo de 2021 y publicada el 1 de abril de 2021
Enlaces relacionados
Jael de la Luz: Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Amazon
Feminopraxis: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
The Feminist Library: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Latin American Women’s Aid: Website | LinkTree | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Menciones durante la entrevista
Intersectional Feminism 00:39 | Editor 00:42 | Activism 00:43 | LAWA 01:06 | Feminopraxis 01:19 | The Feminist Library 01:25 | Promoter 02:58 | Artists’ Representation 03:00 | Feminism 04:31 | Patriarchy 04:37 | Latin America 05:59 | Catholicism 06:03 | Protestantism 06:06 | Pentecostalism 06:07 | Discrimination 06:11 | Body Shaming 06:14 | Barbie 06:31 | Heteropatriarchy 06:36 | White Normativity 06:38 | Thesis 08:24 | Classism 09:07 | Racism 09:09 | Migration 09:21 | Institutionalised Racism 09:25 | Imperialism 09:37 | Jael de la Luz: YouTube 11:03 | Ser latinoamericana en Londres 11:06 | Monólogos Rosa 11:12 | Indefinite Leave to Remain 11:23 | Illegal Immigrant 11:57 | Visa 12:18 | Home Office 12:42 | Art Model 13:00 | Sexual Violence 15:21 | Domestic Violence 15:23 | Dehumanisation 15:28 | Suicide 15:34 | Sexual Pleasure 15:41 | Pleasure 15:43 | Guilt 15:50 | Alzheimer’s Disease 16:51 | Mixed Race 17:23 | International Human Rights Law 19:23 | Political Asylum 19:32 | Disempowered 19:56 | Anxiety Attack 20:15 | Ambassador (British) 20:39 | Hunger Strike 20:55 | Gabriel García Márquez 27:03 | Estado de México 29:11 | Ciudad de México 29:16 | Movimiento al Socialismo 30:35 | Disneyland 30:46 | Fundamentalism 31:14 | Evangelicalism 31:44 | The Pilgrim’s Progress 31:56 | The Bible 32:15 | Greek Mythology 32:23 | Archetypes 32:27 | Jael 32:37 | Tecla Tofano 33:26 | Alfredo Chacón 33:27 | Iris Chacón 34:06 | Guns N’ Roses 37:52 | Nirvana 37:53 | Bisexuality 40:07 | James Baldwin 40:17 | Atheism 41:03 | Judeo-Christian 41:14 | #MeToo Movement 42:23 | #ChurchToo 42:27 | Gay 44:56 | Transgender & Transexual 45:01 | Lesbian 45:04 | Pastor 47:30 | John Bunyan 47:47 | Puritans 47:49 | Holy Roman Empire 53:31 | Mennonites in Mexico 56:57 | Veracruz 57:01 | Jewish communities in Mexico 57:40 | Lebanese Mexicans 57:43 | Mestiza 58:15 | Gloria E. Anzaldúa 58:33 | Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza 58:38 | Conquistador 59:21 | Chavela Vargas 01:03:19 | Frida Kahlo 01:04:32 | Indigenous Peoples 01:05:03 | Nationalism 01:05:07 | Transfeminism 01:06:08 | Sayak Valencia 01:06:13 | Third-wave Feminism 01:06:28 | Slavery 01:08:35 | Kyriarchy 01:10:34 | Third Gender 01:12:21 | Intersex (Hermaphrodite) 01:12:42 | Feminist Geography 01:14:38 | Bodily Autonomy 01:15:25 | Anarcha-Feminism 01:18:04 | Misogyny 01:20:31 | Mexican Drug War 01:23:43 | El Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos 01:24:31
All images used during the interview by kind permission of Jael de la Luz.
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítulos y traducciones por Valentina Sarno y Alessandra Greco | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.