Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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Eliane is a superstar on the London music scene. She arrived in this great city to study ethnomusicology and is still here because, sometimes, love and hate go hand in hand and because, in the end, what you love and what loves you often ends up being two symbiotic sides of the same coin. Her music has many qualities – active, assertive, uninhibited, vital and visceral – which are successfully brought together, before being exponentially expanded by the power of her talent. Eliane’s attitude of never shying away from pointing out the defects in the establishment or of standing her ground in order to improve what is often assumed to be set in stone, is what has led her to conceive and take on the musical direction of her ambitious and courageous projects, WARA, En El Aire, and Ely y La Evolución. All three bear her personal stamp and in their own ways they have all contributed to the dissemination and greater interest in the Latin rhythms on this side of the world.
Despite being born and raised in Luxembourg, into the bosom of a family in which her mother – Caridad Correa – went to work and her father – the legendary Argentine photographer, Carlos Bosch – stayed and played with her at home, creating all manner of artistic mischievous mayhem, you will rarely come across a woman more Cuban and more representative of the Hispanic Caribbean than Eliane. That said, don’t expect a clichéd encounter with a formulaic facsimile of a tropical amuse-bouche. In this interview you will inevitably fall in love with a woman who is not only driven, full of talent and transformative passion, but who is also unique in the rebellious way in which she refuses to conform to any stereotypical pigeon holing. As the product of a militant and progressive humanist family Eliane, unsurprisingly, has political beliefs that have made her the voice of an anti-paternalistic, anti-imperialist and, above all, anti-conformist generation.
This conversation between Carla and Eliane flowed like crashing waves on a Caribbean beach. Without fear of exposing potential controversy, they talked about Havana, Buenos Aires, Luxembourg and London. They talked about music, gender struggles and how to live a multicultural life whilst remaining ethically sensitivity. And they talked about the future of music during times of increased online artistic interaction and virtual socialising. Together they created a world full of colourful postcards, childhood memories, dreams for the future and a warm human hope.
And now, enjoy the interview!
Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 28th of December 2020 and released on the 15th of January 2021
Related Links
Eli & La Evolución: About | Online Concert
En El Aire: About | Rumba Con Flores | Bandcamp
WARA: Instagram | Album | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook
Movimientos: Website | YouTube | Bandcamp
Eliane Correa: Website | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
References during the interview
La Timba 01:11 | La Salsa 01:12 | Afro Cuban (music of) 01:13 | Jazz 01:18 | Electronic Music 01:20 | Experimental Music 01:21 | WARA 02:30 | En El Aire 02:34 | Eli & La Evolución 02:36 | Havana 03:03 | London 03:05 | Callum Jader 03:45 | Movimientos 03:46 | Glastonbury Festival 03:50 Cuban Music 04:37 | Funk 04:38 | Hip Hop 04:40 | Reggae 04:41 | Rap 05:05 | 2011 UK Riots 05:55 | Leave To Remain (Song) 06:04 | Anti Racism 06:18 | Feminism 06:20 | Rumba Con Flores 07:27 | Aftertaste 07:28 | Veneno 07:31 | Gilles Peterson 07:34 | The London Latin Jazz Fest 08:01 | Bruno Mars 10:21 | Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club 11:14 | The World of Hans Zimmer 13:57 | Audio Mixing 15:14 | Luxembourg 21:21 | Tango 22:54 | Carlos Bosch 23:43 | Paternity Leave 24:22 | Silvia Demetilla 24:27 | Buenos Aires 27:42 | Cherise 33:48 | Nubiyan Twist 33:51 | Universal Credit 37:27 | NHS 38:54 | Empire 39:25 | Colonisation 39:28 | Buena Vista Social Club 40:24 | Los Van Van 41:12 | Anthropologist 41:44 | Ethnomusicology 44:14 | Beyoncé 45:07 | Slavery 45:11 | The Blues 45:12 | Mali (music of) 45:13 | R&B 45:16 | Pop 45:18 | Global Music Academy 45:39 | Mozart 46:02 | Music of China 46:03 | Music of India 46:06 | Music of Africa 46:11 | Arabic Music 46:15 | Quarter Tone 46:17 | Balkan Music 46:18 | Oceanic Music 46:20 | Caribbean Music 46:21 | Music (& Cultural) Appropriation 47:04 | Djembé 47:13 | Senegal 47:29 | Music Director 47:49 | Do You Speak Djembé? 47:51 | Music Scales 49:09 | Blues Scale 49:11 | Pentatonic Scale 49:17 | Banjo 49:20 | Ngoni 49:24 | Latin Music 49:35 | Nigeria (music of) 49:53 | Benin (music of) 49:55 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (music of) & Republic of the Congo (music of) 49:57 | Musical Key 50:04 | Conga 50:08 | Congo Crisis, Independence & History 50:24 | Belgian Congo 50:25 | Kinshasa 50:26 | Ignacio Piñeiro 50:40 | Son Cubano 50:41 | Cha-cha-cha 51:01 | Batá Drum 51:35 | Music of Colombia (Colombian Drum & Cumbia) 51:39 | Musical Keyboard 52:27 | Piano 52:29 | Tecla Tofano 52:31 | Octave 53:31 | Chariots of Fire (carros de fuego) 53:58 | Vangelis 54:00 | Bermuda Triangle 55:39 | Soundtrack 57:10 | Sombras de Luz (Amazon UK) 57:15 | Fedzilla 59:13 | Rapper 59:14 | Dancehall 59:19 | Ragga 59:22 | Crowdfunding 01:07:19 | Yadira Ferrer 01:08:38 | Final Cut Pro 01:11:21 | Honduras 01:11:44 | Alejandro Palada 01:11:45 | Live Streaming 01:12:25 | Cría Cuervos 01:13:23
Portrait of Eliane (above) by Thomas Lefebvre
All images and videos used by kind permission of Eliane Correa, Movimientos and the family of Carlos Bosch.
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles & translations by Valentina Sarno & Alessandra Greco | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Additional cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us to continue producing free content and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles. Thank you so much.
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Eliane è una vera star sulla scena musicale della città di Londra. Arrivò in questa grande città per studiare etnomusicologia e vi è rimasta perchè, a volte, amore e odio si danno la mano, e perché quello che ami e quello che ti ama finiscono per essere le due facce, in perfetta simbiosi, della stessa medaglia. Vivace, assertiva, disinibita, vitale e impulsiva, attraverso la sua musica Eliane mette insieme ed esprime tutte queste qualità e le sviluppa alla massima potenza. Senza aver paura di evidenziare i difetti del sistema e senza esitare, se necessario, a prendere posizione per migliorare l’ordine costituito come regola sine qua non, fin da giovanissima ha assunto la direzione musicale di progetti ambiziosi e audaci come WARA, En El Aire e Eli y La Evolución. Si tratta di progetti che in modi diversi recano la sua impronta personale e che hanno suscitato un maggior interesse per il ritmo musicale latino in questa parte del mondo, contribuendo alla sua diffusione.
Anche se nata e cresciuta nel Lussemburgo, nel seno di una famiglia in cui sua madre – Caridad Correa- andava a lavorare e suo padre – il leggendario fotografo Carlos Bosch- giocava a casa con lei creando qualsiasi genere di terrorismo artistico, raramente potreste avere l’occasione di conoscere una donna che rappresenti meglio le caratteristiche cubane e ispano-caraibiche di Eliane. Però, detto questo, non aspettatevi un incontro cliché con una specie di bocconcino tropicale come da copione. In questa intervista vi innamorerete di una donna piena di slancio, di talento, di determinazione e di passione trasformatrice, ma allo stesso tempo unica nella sua ribellione e restia a essere inquadrata in qualche classificazione stereotipata. Essendo il prodotto di una famiglia di umanisti combattivi e progressisti, senza alcun dubbio Eliane ha delle idee politiche che fanno di lei la voce di una generazione antipaternalista e antimperialista, ma soprattutto anticonformista.
Carla ed Eliane, in questa conversazione, hanno fluttuato come le onde impetuose del Mar dei Caraibi. Senza temere di dare spazio alla polemica, hanno parlato dell’Avana, di Buenos Aires, del Lussemburgo e di Londra. Hanno discorso di musica, di lotte di genere, di come vivere l’esperienza multiculturale con sensibilità etica e anche del futuro della musica in un periodo di interazione artistica online e di socializzazione virtuale. Insieme hanno disegnato la carta geografica di un mondo pieno di cartoline postali a colori, di ricordi d’infanzia, di sogni per il futuro e di ottimistica speranza nell’uomo.
E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!
Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 28 dicembre 2020 e rilasciata il 15 gennaio 2021
Link correlati
Eli & La Evolución: About | Online Concert
En El Aire: About | Rumba Con Flores | Bandcamp
WARA: Instagram | Album | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook
Movimientos: Website | YouTube | Bandcamp
Eliane Correa: Website | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
La Timba 01:11 | La Salsa 01:12 | Afro Cuban (music of) 01:13 | Jazz 01:18 | Electronic Music 01:20 | Experimental Music 01:21 | WARA 02:30 | En El Aire 02:34 | Eli & La Evolución 02:36 | Havana 03:03 | London 03:05 | Callum Jader 03:45 | Movimientos 03:46 | Glastonbury Festival 03:50 Cuban Music 04:37 | Funk 04:38 | Hip Hop 04:40 | Reggae 04:41 | Rap 05:05 | 2011 UK Riots 05:55 | Leave To Remain (Song) 06:04 | Anti Racism 06:18 | Feminism 06:20 | Rumba Con Flores 07:27 | Aftertaste 07:28 | Veneno 07:31 | Gilles Peterson 07:34 | The London Latin Jazz Fest 08:01 | Bruno Mars 10:21 | Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club 11:14 | The World of Hans Zimmer 13:57 | Audio Mixing 15:14 | Luxembourg 21:21 | Tango 22:54 | Carlos Bosch 23:43 | Paternity Leave 24:22 | Silvia Demetilla 24:27 | Buenos Aires 27:42 | Cherise 33:48 | Nubiyan Twist 33:51 | Universal Credit 37:27 | NHS 38:54 | Empire 39:25 | Colonisation 39:28 | Buena Vista Social Club 40:24 | Los Van Van 41:12 | Anthropologist 41:44 | Ethnomusicology 44:14 | Beyoncé 45:07 | Slavery 45:11 | The Blues 45:12 | Mali (music of) 45:13 | R&B 45:16 | Pop 45:18 | Global Music Academy 45:39 | Mozart 46:02 | Music of China 46:03 | Music of India 46:06 | Music of Africa 46:11 | Arabic Music 46:15 | Quarter Tone 46:17 | Balkan Music 46:18 | Oceanic Music 46:20 | Caribbean Music 46:21 | Music (& Cultural) Appropriation 47:04 | Djembé 47:13 | Senegal 47:29 | Music Director 47:49 | Do You Speak Djembé? 47:51 | Music Scales 49:09 | Blues Scale 49:11 | Pentatonic Scale 49:17 | Banjo 49:20 | Ngoni 49:24 | Latin Music 49:35 | Nigeria (music of) 49:53 | Benin (music of) 49:55 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (music of) & Republic of the Congo (music of) 49:57 | Musical Key 50:04 | Conga 50:08 | Congo Crisis, Independence & History 50:24 | Belgian Congo 50:25 | Kinshasa 50:26 | Ignacio Piñeiro 50:40 | Son Cubano 50:41 | Cha-cha-cha 51:01 | Batá Drum 51:35 | Music of Colombia (Colombian Drum & Cumbia) 51:39 | Musical Keyboard 52:27 | Piano 52:29 | Tecla Tofano 52:31 | Octave 53:31 | Chariots of Fire (carros de fuego) 53:58 | Vangelis 54:00 | Bermuda Triangle 55:39 | Soundtrack 57:10 | Sombras de Luz (Amazon UK) 57:15 | Fedzilla 59:13 | Rapper 59:14 | Dancehall 59:19 | Ragga 59:22 | Crowdfunding 01:07:19 | Yadira Ferrer 01:08:38 | Final Cut Pro 01:11:21 | Honduras 01:11:44 | Alejandro Palada 01:11:45 | Live Streaming 01:12:25 | Cría Cuervos 01:13:23
Ritratto di Eliane (sopra) di Thomas Lefebvre
All images and videos used by kind permission of Eliane Correa, Movimientos and the family of Carlos Bosch.
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli e traduzioni da Valentina Sarno & Alessandra Greco | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.
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Eliane es una super estrella de la escena musical de la ciudad de Londres. Llegó a esta gran capital para estudiar etnomusicología y se quedó porque a veces el amor y el odio se dan la mano, y porque lo que amas y lo que te ama terminan siendo dos caras muy simbióticas de una misma moneda. Activa, asertiva, deshinibida, vital y visceral, con su música Eliane amalgama y expresa todas estas cualidades y las expande a su enésima potencia. Sin miedo a señalar los defectos del sistema y sin dudar a la hora de tomar partido para mejorar lo establecido como norma sine qua non, desde muy joven asumió la dirección musical de proyectos ambiciosos y valientes como WARA, En El Aire, y Ely y La Evolución. Proyectos que llevan de distintos modos su estampa personal y que han generado mayor interés por el latido musical latino en este lado del mundo, contribuyendo con su difusión.
Aunque nació y creció en Luxemburgo, en el seno de una familia en la que su madre – Caridad Correa – salía a trabajar y su padre – el mítico fotógrafo argentino Carlos Bosch – jugaba con ella en casa creando toda clase de terrorismos artísticos, pocas veces tendrás la oportunidad de conocer a una mujer mas cubana y mas representativa del caribe hispano que Eliane. Dicho esto, no esperes sin embargo, un encuentro cliché con un tipo de sabrosura tropical de libreto. En esta entrevista vas a enamorarte de una mujer llena de ímpetu, de talento, de determinación y de vocación transformadora, pero también única en su rebeldía y reacia a encajar en ningún formato de clasificación estereotipado. Siendo producto de una familia de humanistas combativos y progresistas, Eliane tiene sin duda posturas políticas que la convierten en la voz de una generación anti-paternalista y anti-imperialista, pero sobre todo anti-conformista.
Carla y Eliane en esta conversación fluyeron como impetuosas olas del Mar Caribe. Sin miedo a abrir espacios para la polémica, hablaron de la Havana, de Buenos Aires, de Luxemburgo y de Londres. Hablaron de la música, de las luchas de género, de como vivir la experiencia multicultural con sensibilidad ética y del futuro de la música en tiempos de interacción artística online y de socialización virtual. Ambas dibujaron juntas el mapa de un mundo lleno de postales a color, memorias de infancia, sueños a futuro y cálida esperanza humana.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 28 de diciembre de 2020 y publicada el 15 de enero de 2021
Enlaces relacionados
Eli & La Evolución: About | Online Concert
En El Aire: About | Rumba Con Flores | Bandcamp
WARA: Instagram | Album | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook
Movimientos: Website | YouTube | Bandcamp
Eliane Correa: Website | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Menciones durante la entrevista
La Timba 01:11 | La Salsa 01:12 | Afro Cuban (music of) 01:13 | Jazz 01:18 | Electronic Music 01:20 | Experimental Music 01:21 | WARA 02:30 | En El Aire 02:34 | Eli & La Evolución 02:36 | Havana 03:03 | London 03:05 | Callum Jader 03:45 | Movimientos 03:46 | Glastonbury Festival 03:50 Cuban Music 04:37 | Funk 04:38 | Hip Hop 04:40 | Reggae 04:41 | Rap 05:05 | 2011 UK Riots 05:55 | Leave To Remain (Song) 06:04 | Anti Racism 06:18 | Feminism 06:20 | Rumba Con Flores 07:27 | Aftertaste 07:28 | Veneno 07:31 | Gilles Peterson 07:34 | The London Latin Jazz Fest 08:01 | Bruno Mars 10:21 | Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club 11:14 | The World of Hans Zimmer 13:57 | Audio Mixing 15:14 | Luxembourg 21:21 | Tango 22:54 | Carlos Bosch 23:43 | Paternity Leave 24:22 | Silvia Demetilla 24:27 | Buenos Aires 27:42 | Cherise 33:48 | Nubiyan Twist 33:51 | Universal Credit 37:27 | NHS 38:54 | Empire 39:25 | Colonisation 39:28 | Buena Vista Social Club 40:24 | Los Van Van 41:12 | Anthropologist 41:44 | Ethnomusicology 44:14 | Beyoncé 45:07 | Slavery 45:11 | The Blues 45:12 | Mali (music of) 45:13 | R&B 45:16 | Pop 45:18 | Global Music Academy 45:39 | Mozart 46:02 | Music of China 46:03 | Music of India 46:06 | Music of Africa 46:11 | Arabic Music 46:15 | Quarter Tone 46:17 | Balkan Music 46:18 | Oceanic Music 46:20 | Caribbean Music 46:21 | Music (& Cultural) Appropriation 47:04 | Djembé 47:13 | Senegal 47:29 | Music Director 47:49 | Do You Speak Djembé? 47:51 | Music Scales 49:09 | Blues Scale 49:11 | Pentatonic Scale 49:17 | Banjo 49:20 | Ngoni 49:24 | Latin Music 49:35 | Nigeria (music of) 49:53 | Benin (music of) 49:55 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (music of) & Republic of the Congo (music of) 49:57 | Musical Key 50:04 | Conga 50:08 | Congo Crisis, Independence & History 50:24 | Belgian Congo 50:25 | Kinshasa 50:26 | Ignacio Piñeiro 50:40 | Son Cubano 50:41 | Cha-cha-cha 51:01 | Batá Drum 51:35 | Music of Colombia (Colombian Drum & Cumbia) 51:39 | Musical Keyboard 52:27 | Piano 52:29 | Tecla Tofano 52:31 | Octave 53:31 | Chariots of Fire (carros de fuego) 53:58 | Vangelis 54:00 | Bermuda Triangle 55:39 | Soundtrack 57:10 | Sombras de Luz (Amazon UK) 57:15 | Fedzilla 59:13 | Rapper 59:14 | Dancehall 59:19 | Ragga 59:22 | Crowdfunding 01:07:19 | Yadira Ferrer 01:08:38 | Final Cut Pro 01:11:21 | Honduras 01:11:44 | Alejandro Palada 01:11:45 | Live Streaming 01:12:25 | Cría Cuervos 01:13:23
Retrato de Eliane (arriba) por Thomas Lefebvre
All images and videos used by kind permission of Eliane Correa, Movimientos and the family of Carlos Bosch.
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítulos y traducciones por Valentina Sarno y Alessandra Greco | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.