Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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Known across London – and now the world, thanks to the rise in popularity of online sessions – for being an artist who is actively involved in the life drawing scene, Frank Gambino is a superstar of portraiture and figurative drawing. And although, as an artist he is energetically expressive, uses large-scale formats and practices constantly and uncompromisingly, Frank is also a creator who greatly values the benefits of anonymity, preferring to pass on to his students what he has learnt through his constant process of trial and error, than to see his work displayed in art galleries and salons.
With a reputation for being a Master of Charcoal, Frank draws almost every day of the week; in his studio, during life drawing sessions throughout London, in colleges and in independent groups – for which he also teaches and passes on, with an absolute passion and generous dedication, all that he has learnt over the years. In his experience, Frank believes that an artist’s apprenticeship is never over and, with this in mind, he makes sure that his lifestyle reflects this. His early experiences within the art education system taught him to distrust any process that leads a student towards creating a business from their art, rather than focusing on the discovery of their artistic voice and style.
Frank’s relationship with his creative process could be seen as an affectionate alliance – a friendship that walks alongside him – allowing his artistic freedom to grow without imposing any conditions or restrictions. Thanks to her experience as an art model, Carla is incredibly familiar with Frank’s creativity and altruistic spirit, and it is precisely for this reason that she feared she would be unable to do justice to this elusive aspect of his character which is, after all, the one that keeps his visions so unquestionably alive.
We wanted this interview to shine a light on the tireless creator who lives within Frank, continuously expressing himself in a visceral, independently playful process that is seen in both the creation of Frank’s work and the work itself. We will leave it to you to judge whether we have succeeded or not.
And now, enjoy the interview!
Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 9th of February 2021 and released on the 15th of February 2021
Related Links
Website | Instagram | Facebook
References during the interview
Life Drawing 00:38 | Art Model 00:45 | Drawing with Charcoal 01:28 | Artist 02:39 | Picasso 03:51 | Landscape Art 05:54 | Still Life 05:55 | Figurative Art 06:41 | Realism 06:42 | Art College 08:15 | Foundation Course 08:25 | Sculpture 16:15 | Painting 16:16 | Drawing 16:17 | Printmaking 16:19 | Photography 16:20 | Khmer Rouge 16:34 | Stalinism 16:36 | Chalk Pastel Pencils 18:20 | Canvass 31:28 | Renaissance Art 32:54 | Modern Art 32:58 | Diane Arbus 33:52 | Contact Strip 34:27 | Carl Andre 34:53 | Minimalism 34:57 | Self Portraits 35:45 | Love Life Drawing 42:30 | Atelier 45:08 | The Royal Academy 54:35 | Art Model Collective 01:06:29 | Representational Art 01:07:25 | IT (Information Technology) 01:08:44 | Anne Noble-Partridge 01:09:04 | Candid Arts Trust 01:09:08 | Angel Islington 01:09:14
Alexia 2003 | Johana 2008 | Clive 2001 | David 2008 | Dave 2008 | Untitled 2008
Carla 2017 | Amanda 2014 | Clive 2018 | Isabella 2018 | Boyko 2015 | Pablo 2013 | Maddie 2019 | Manko 2017 | Caty 2018 | Miriam 2019 | Sugar 2018 | Todd 2018 | Kim 2018 | Saskia 2016 | Jordan 2016 | Natasha 2018 | Lucia 2014 | Sirelyn 2016 | Daniel 2014
Carla 2017 | Carla 2016 | Miriam 2018 | Stella 2018 | Sirelyn 2016 | Johann 2012 | Nerea 2012 | Samuel 2013 | Carla 2016 | Untitled 2012 | Melissa 2015 | Janet 2018 | Maya 2016 | Françoise 2019 | Laura 2015 | Françoise 2018 | Sasha 2016 | Anna 2016 | Adam 2019
Laetitia 2020 | Elena 2020 | Emily 2020 | Françoise 2018 | Miriam 2018 | Indigo 2019 | Self Portrait 2020 | Ricardo (Felt tip pens) 2018 | Emily 2020 | Topaz 2020 | Mariangela 2020 | Black Peppa 2020 | Emily 2020 | Daryl 2020 | Elena 2020 | Nena 2020 | Lena 2020 | Katie 2020 | Andrea 2020 | Carla (watercolour) 2016 | Trainers 2013 | Nellie 2021 | Self Portrait 2020 | Self Portrait 2020 | Susannah (from a photo) 2020 | Untitled 2019 | Emily 2020 | Lena 2020 | Adrian 2020 | Adrian 2020 | Laetitia 2020 | Emily 2020
For more information about Love Life Drawing, visit their website and YouTube channel.
All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Frank Gambino and Love Life Drawing.
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles & translations by Valentina Sarno & Alessandra Greco | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Additional cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us to continue producing free content and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles. Thank you so much.
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Conosciuto a Londra – e nel mondo, grazie alla diffusione delle sessioni online – per il suo incessante lavoro di disegnatore dal vivo, Frank Gambino è una famosa star del ritratto e del disegno figurativo. E sebbene come artista preferisca l’espressione incisiva, il formato di grandi dimensioni e l’esercizio costante e senza compromessi, Frank è allo stesso tempo un creativo che dà grandissima importanza ai vantaggi dell’anonimato e che preferisce insegnare la sua esperienza agli allievi attraverso un costante processo di tentativi e di errori, piuttosto che vedere il suo lavoro esposto in saloni d’arte e gallerie.
Famoso come il Maestro del Carboncino, Frank disegna praticamente tutti i giorni della settimana : nel suo studio, durante sessioni in tutto il territorio della città di Londra, come anche in istituti d’istruzione e nell’ambito di gruppi indipendenti per i quali insegna con passione totale e dedizione generosa tutto ciò che ha appreso negli anni. Per esperienza personale, Frank è dell’idea che la formazione di un artista non abbia mai fine e preferisce che il suo stile di vita sia conforme a questo modo di pensare. Aver dato i suoi primi passi all’interno dell’educazione artistica scolastica, gli ha insegnato in effetti a diffidare di qualsiasi tecnica focalizzata a fare dell’arte un genere redditizio, invece di favorire l’incontro del creativo con la sua voce interiore.
Frank si relaziona con il suo processo creativo come se si trattasse di una relazione affettiva, di un’amicizia che lo accompagna e gli permette di crescere in libertà, senza imporgli condizioni o limiti di nessun tipo. Grazie alla sua esperienza come modella, Carla conosce bene il carattere altruista di Frank, ma proprio per questo, aveva anche paura di non essere in grado di svelare il lato più schivo dell’artista, che, dopotutto, è quello che lo mantiene indiscutibilmente attivo nell’ambito creativo.
Con questa intervista, vorremmo rendere giustizia all’infaticabile creativo che vive in Frank, e che si esprime per mezzo dell’impulso istintivo, ludico e senza compromessi presente sia nella sua opera che nel suo processo creativo. Sta a voi giudicare se ci siamo riusciti con successo.
E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!
Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 9 febbraio 2021 e rilasciata il 15 febbraio 2021
Link correlati
Website | Instagram | Facebook
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Life Drawing 00:38 | Art Model 00:45 | Drawing with Charcoal 01:28 | Artist 02:39 | Picasso 03:51 | Landscape Art 05:54 | Still Life 05:55 | Figurative Art 06:41 | Realism 06:42 | Art College 08:15 | Foundation Course 08:25 | Sculpture 16:15 | Painting 16:16 | Drawing 16:17 | Printmaking 16:19 | Photography 16:20 | Khmer Rouge 16:34 | Stalinism 16:36 | Chalk Pastel Pencils 18:20 | Canvass 31:28 | Renaissance Art 32:54 | Modern Art 32:58 | Diane Arbus 33:52 | Contact Strip 34:27 | Carl Andre 34:53 | Minimalism 34:57 | Self Portraits 35:45 | Love Life Drawing 42:30 | Atelier 45:08 | The Royal Academy 54:35 | Art Model Collective 01:06:29 | Representational Art 01:07:25 | IT (Information Technology) 01:08:44 | Anne Noble-Partridge 01:09:04 | Candid Arts Trust 01:09:08 | Angel Islington 01:09:14
Alexia 2003 | Johana 2008 | Clive 2001 | David 2008 | Dave 2008 | Untitled 2008
Carla 2017 | Amanda 2014 | Clive 2018 | Isabella 2018 | Boyko 2015 | Pablo 2013 | Maddie 2019 | Manko 2017 | Caty 2018 | Miriam 2019 | Sugar 2018 | Todd 2018 | Kim 2018 | Saskia 2016 | Jordan 2016 | Natasha 2018 | Lucia 2014 | Sirelyn 2016 | Daniel 2014
Carla 2017 | Carla 2016 | Miriam 2018 | Stella 2018 | Sirelyn 2016 | Johann 2012 | Nerea 2012 | Samuel 2013 | Carla 2016 | Untitled 2012 | Melissa 2015 | Janet 2018 | Maya 2016 | Françoise 2019 | Laura 2015 | Françoise 2018 | Sasha 2016 | Anna 2016 | Adam 2019
Laetitia 2020 | Elena 2020 | Emily 2020 | Françoise 2018 | Miriam 2018 | Indigo 2019 | Self Portrait 2020 | Ricardo (Felt tip pens) 2018 | Emily 2020 | Topaz 2020 | Mariangela 2020 | Black Peppa 2020 | Emily 2020 | Daryl 2020 | Elena 2020 | Nena 2020 | Lena 2020 | Katie 2020 | Andrea 2020 | Carla (watercolour) 2016 | Trainers 2013 | Nellie 2021 | Self Portrait 2020 | Self Portrait 2020 | Susannah (from a photo) 2020 | Untitled 2019 | Emily 2020 | Lena 2020 | Adrian 2020 | Adrian 2020 | Laetitia 2020 | Emily 2020
For more information about Love Life Drawing, visit their website and YouTube channel.
All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Frank Gambino and Love Life Drawing.
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli e traduzioni da Valentina Sarno & Alessandra Greco | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.
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Conocido en Londres – y en el mundo gracias al auge de las sesiones online – por su activo rol como dibujante al vivo, Frank Gambino es una super estrella del retrato y el dibujo figurativo. Y aunque como artista prefiere la expresión enérgica, el formato de gran escala y la práctica constante y des comprometida, Frank es al mismo tiempo un creador que valora inmensamente las ventajas del anonimato y que prefiere enseñar lo que aprende a sus estudiantes gracias a su constante proceso de ensayo y error, que ver su trabajo exhibido en salones de arte y galerías.
Conocido como Maestro del charcoal, Frank dibuja prácticamente todos los días de la semana: en su estudio, en sesiones a lo largo y ancho de la ciudad de Londres, y en instituciones educativas y grupos independientes para los que con absoluta pasión y generosa dedicación enseña todo lo que ha aprendido a lo largo de los años. Por experiencia propia, Frank considera que el aprendizaje del artista no culmina jamás y prefiere que su estilo de vida sea consonó con este criterio. Haber dado sus primeros pasos transitado la educación artística escolástica, le enseñó de hecho a desconfiar de cualquier proceso que se concentre en hacer del arte un estilo rentable, en lugar de fomentar el encuentro del creador con su propia voz.
Frank se relaciona con su proceso creativo como si se tratara de una alianza afectiva, de una amistad que lo acompaña y que le permite crecer en libertad, sin imponerle condiciones o restricciones de ninguna naturaleza. Gracias a su experiencia como modelo Carla conoce bien el espíritu altruista de Frank, pero justamente por ello, también temía no ser capaz de desnudar su lado más esquivo, que después de todo, es el que lo mantiene incuestionablemente activo en el ámbito creativo.
Con esta entrevista deseábamos hacerle justicia al incansable creador que vive en Frank, y que se expresa a travez del impulso visceral, lúdico y des comprometido, presente tanto en su obra y como en su proceso creativo. Queda de vuestra parte juzgar si lo logramos con éxito.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 9 de febrero de 2021 y publicada el 15 de febrero de 2021
Enlaces relacionados
Website | Instagram | Facebook
Menciones durante la entrevista
Life Drawing 00:38 | Art Model 00:45 | Drawing with Charcoal 01:28 | Artist 02:39 | Picasso 03:51 | Landscape Art 05:54 | Still Life 05:55 | Figurative Art 06:41 | Realism 06:42 | Art College 08:15 | Foundation Course 08:25 | Sculpture 16:15 | Painting 16:16 | Drawing 16:17 | Printmaking 16:19 | Photography 16:20 | Khmer Rouge 16:34 | Stalinism 16:36 | Chalk Pastel Pencils 18:20 | Canvass 31:28 | Renaissance Art 32:54 | Modern Art 32:58 | Diane Arbus 33:52 | Contact Strip 34:27 | Carl Andre 34:53 | Minimalism 34:57 | Self Portraits 35:45 | Love Life Drawing 42:30 | Atelier 45:08 | The Royal Academy 54:35 | Art Model Collective 01:06:29 | Representational Art 01:07:25 | IT (Information Technology) 01:08:44 | Anne Noble-Partridge 01:09:04 | Candid Arts Trust 01:09:08 | Angel Islington 01:09:14
Alexia 2003 | Johana 2008 | Clive 2001 | David 2008 | Dave 2008 | Untitled 2008
Carla 2017 | Amanda 2014 | Clive 2018 | Isabella 2018 | Boyko 2015 | Pablo 2013 | Maddie 2019 | Manko 2017 | Caty 2018 | Miriam 2019 | Sugar 2018 | Todd 2018 | Kim 2018 | Saskia 2016 | Jordan 2016 | Natasha 2018 | Lucia 2014 | Sirelyn 2016 | Daniel 2014
Carla 2017 | Carla 2016 | Miriam 2018 | Stella 2018 | Sirelyn 2016 | Johann 2012 | Nerea 2012 | Samuel 2013 | Carla 2016 | Untitled 2012 | Melissa 2015 | Janet 2018 | Maya 2016 | Françoise 2019 | Laura 2015 | Françoise 2018 | Sasha 2016 | Anna 2016 | Adam 2019
Laetitia 2020 | Elena 2020 | Emily 2020 | Françoise 2018 | Miriam 2018 | Indigo 2019 | Self Portrait 2020 | Ricardo (Felt tip pens) 2018 | Emily 2020 | Topaz 2020 | Mariangela 2020 | Black Peppa 2020 | Emily 2020 | Daryl 2020 | Elena 2020 | Nena 2020 | Lena 2020 | Katie 2020 | Andrea 2020 | Carla (watercolour) 2016 | Trainers 2013 | Nellie 2021 | Self Portrait 2020 | Self Portrait 2020 | Susannah (from a photo) 2020 | Untitled 2019 | Emily 2020 | Lena 2020 | Adrian 2020 | Adrian 2020 | Laetitia 2020 | Emily 2020
For more information about Love Life Drawing, visit their website and YouTube channel.
All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Frank Gambino and Love Life Drawing.
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítulos y traducciones por Valentina Sarno y Alessandra Greco | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.