Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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Dulcie is the epitome of everything she loves, surrounds herself with, and identifies with. A fervent advocate of the therapeutic power of creativity, Dulcie has an infectious enthusiasm for the art of drawing and, through the various initiatives of her Sketch Appeal brand, she brings her unique perspective to the London drawing scene.
As exciting as a party of mischievous girls, as colourful as a birthday balloon, and as playful and witty as a box of multicoloured crayons, Dulcie is a warm-hearted entrepreneur and an artist with a liberating, refreshing, bubbly and inclusive visual style.
Yet beneath her predominant exterior of joy and optimism, Dulcie possesses, above all, the courage and determination to deliver an offer that makes many happy while overcoming her own vulnerabilities and constant fears. At the time this interview was recorded, she was working on a draft of her first book of texts and illustrations, the production of an art exhibition on self-portraits and on the acceptance and validation of beauty itself in order to show life that she is ready to take on new challenges.
Sketch Appeal and Sketchy Bitches are a unique addition to London’s creative scene. And because they offer a clearly collaborative, active and cohesive idea of community, these projects are beginning to spread with a growing international force, especially through the social networks.
Find out how you can validate your own creative hurricane – and have fun in the process – by silencing your own self-destructive tendencies and not taking yourself too seriously, in this close encounter with Dulcie.
And now, enjoy the interview!
Watch Interview
This interview was recorded on the 8th of November 2019 and will be released on the 15th of March 2020
NHS eating disorders | B-eat (Beat Eating Disorders) | National Centre for Eating Disorders
Related Links
Dulcie Ball: Instagram | Twitter
Sketch Appeal: Website | Instagram | Facebook
References during the interview
Sketch Appeal 00:47 | Sketchy Bitches 00:50 | Life Drawing 01:03 | Yoga 01:44 | Perspective 02:22 | Art Macabre (now Originary Arts) 04:44 | Nikki Shaill 04:45 | James Bond 04:47 | Anorexia 04:55 | Dalí Museum 05:52 | Self Love Workshops 08:19 | Sketch Appeal Magazine 09:02 | Wes Anderson 16:57 | Frida Kahlo 16:58 | Meet-Up 19:17 | Adobe InDesign 25:52 | Podcast 32:08 | Sue Dray 33:23 | Pablo Picasso 35:05 | Salvador Dalí 35:06 | Quentin Blake 35:07 | Tate Modern Picasso Exhibition 36:05 | Salvador Dalí ‘Alice in Wonderland’ 38:21 | Kate Moss 39:58 | Sketchy Bitches IWD Special 45:54 | Family Sketchup 47:23 | The Art of Self Love Exhibition: Private View 51:27 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) 52:24 | Body Positivity 54:11 | Anti Diet Riot Club 55:48 | Body Love Sketch Club 55:49
Image Credits
Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | Image from the launch party of the Sketch Appeal Magazine, March 2019 | Image from the launch party of the Sketch Appeal Magazine, March 2019 | Sketch by Dulcie, March 2019 | Sketch of Jameela Jamil by Dulcie, February 2019 | Sketch by Dulcie, February 2019 | Photo of Zine created for Self Love workshop, 2019 | Photo of Zine created for Self Love workshop, 2019 | Poster used for the The Art of Self Love Exhibition | 10 Self Portraits by Dulcie, 2019 | Dulcie on the cover of Paul Smith magazine, 1996 | Dulcie in Seventeen Magazine, 1996 | Dulcie in Company Magazine, 1995 | 4 images of business cards created during various Sketch Appeal events | Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | 4 Images of Sketch Appeal Magazine | Sketch of Kate Moss by Dulcie, 2018 | 4 fashion based sketches on Instagram | 5 photos taken at the Family Sketchup, 2019
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
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Dulcie è lei stessa l’epitome di tutte le cose che ama, con cui si circonda e con cui si identifica. Fervida sostenitrice del potere terapeutico della creatività, l’entusiasmo di Dulcie per l’arte del disegno è contagioso. Dulcie immette un’impronta unica nel panorama londinese del disegno attraverso le varie iniziative del suo marchio Sketch Appeal.
Vibrante come una festa di ragazze impertinenti, colorata come un palloncino di compleanno, giocosa e spiritosa come un astuccio di matite colorate, Dulcie è un’imprenditrice dal cuore caloroso, e un’artista dall’espressione creativa liberatrice, rinfrescante, effervescente e inclusiva.
Eppure, nonostante la sua facciata predominante di gioia e di ottimismo, Dulcie possiede soprattutto il coraggio e la determinazione necessari per poter costruire un’offerta che rende felici molti, superando le proprie vulnerabilità e le costanti paure. Per dimostrare alla vita di essere pronta ad affrontare nuove sfide, al momento della registrazione di questa intervista Dulcie stava lavorando alla stesura del suo primo libro di testi e illustrazioni e alla produzione di una mostra d’arte legata all’autoritratto e all’accettazione e convalida della bellezza stessa.
Sketch Appeal e Sketchy Bitches sono un riferimento unico nel panorama creativo londinese. E poiché offrono un’idea di comunità attiva, coesa e chiaramente collaborativa, questi progetti cominciano a diffondersi sempre più a livello internazionale. Soprattutto attraverso le reti sociali.
Con questo incontro ravvicinato con Dulcie, scoprirete come valorizzare il vostro uragano creativo e come divertirvi nel processo mettendo a tacere le vostre tendenze autodistruttive e senza prendervi troppo sul serio!
E ora, godetevi l’intervista!
Guarda l’Intervista
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 08 novembre 2019 e rilasciata il 15 marzo 2020
NHS eating disorders | B-eat (Beat Eating Disorders) | National Centre for Eating Disorders
Link correlati
Dulcie Ball: Instagram | Twitter
Sketch Appeal: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Sketch Appeal 00:47 | Sketchy Bitches 00:50 | Life Drawing 01:03 | Yoga 01:44 | Perspective 02:22 | Art Macabre (now Originary Arts) 04:44 | Nikki Shaill 04:45 | James Bond 04:47 | Anorexia 04:55 | Dalí Museum 05:52 | Self Love Workshops 08:19 | Sketch Appeal Magazine 09:02 | Wes Anderson 16:57 | Frida Kahlo 16:58 | Meet-Up 19:17 | Adobe InDesign 25:52 | Podcast 32:08 | Sue Dray 33:23 | Pablo Picasso 35:05 | Salvador Dalí 35:06 | Quentin Blake 35:07 | Tate Modern Picasso Exhibition 36:05 | Salvador Dalí ‘Alice in Wonderland’ 38:21 | Kate Moss 39:58 | Sketchy Bitches IWD Special 45:54 | Family Sketchup 47:23 | The Art of Self Love Exhibition: Private View 51:27 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) 52:24 | Body Positivity 54:11 | Anti Diet Riot Club 55:48 | Body Love Sketch Club 55:49
Crediti immagine
Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | Image from the launch party of the Sketch Appeal Magazine, March 2019 | Image from the launch party of the Sketch Appeal Magazine, March 2019 | Sketch by Dulcie, March 2019 | Sketch of Jameela Jamil by Dulcie, February 2019 | Sketch by Dulcie, February 2019 | Photo of Zine created for Self Love workshop, 2019 | Photo of Zine created for Self Love workshop, 2019 | Poster used for the The Art of Self Love Exhibition | 10 Self Portraits by Dulcie, 2019 | Dulcie on the cover of Paul Smith magazine, 1996 | Dulcie in Seventeen Magazine, 1996 | Dulcie in Company Magazine, 1995 | 4 images of business cards created during various Sketch Appeal events | Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | 4 Images of Sketch Appeal Magazine | Sketch of Kate Moss by Dulcie, 2018 | 4 fashion based sketches on Instagram | 5 photos taken at the Family Sketchup, 2019
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
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Dulcie es en sí misma el epítome de todas las cosas que ama, con las que se rodea y con las que se identifica. Ferviente defensora del poder terapéutico de la creatividad, Dulcie posee un entusiasmo contagioso por el arte de dibujar, y gracias a las distintas iniciativas de su marca Sketch Appeal, le inyecta una estampa única a la escena del dibujo al vivo en la ciudad de Londres.
Vibrante como una fiesta de niñas traviesas, colorida como un globo de cumpleaños, y juguetona e ingeniosa como una cartuchera de creyones de colores, Dulcie es una emprendedora de iniciativas llenas de calidez, y una artista con un expresión plástica liberadora, refrescante, efervescente e incluyente.
Sin embargo, a pesar de su predominante fachada de júbilo y optimismo, Dulcie posee sobre todo la valentía y la determinación necesarias para ser capaz de construir una oferta que hace a muchos feliz, superando sus propias vulnerabilidades y sus constantes miedos. Y para demostrarle a la vida que está lista para asumir nuevos retos, para el momento en el que esta entrevista fue grabada, Dulcie estaba trabajando en el borrador de su primer libro de textos e ilustraciones, y en la producción de una exhibición de arte relacionada con el autorretrato y la aceptación y validación de la propia belleza.
Sketch Appeal y Scketchy Bitches, constituyen una referencia única en la escena creativa londinense. Y gracias a que ofrecen una idea de comunidad, activa, cohesionada y a todas luces colaboracionista, estos proyectos comienzan a divulgarse cada vez con más fuerza internacional. Especialmente a través de las redes.
Descubre gracias a este encuentro cercano con Dulcie, como validar tu propio huracán creador y como divertirte con el proceso acallando tus propias tendencias auto destructivas y sin tomarte a ti misma demasiado en serio!
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Ve la Entrevista
Esta entrevista se grabó el 08 de noviembre de 2019 y se publicó el 15 de marzo de 2020
NHS eating disorders | B-eat (Beat Eating Disorders) | National Centre for Eating Disorders
Enlaces relacionados
Dulcie Ball: Instagram | Twitter
Sketch Appeal: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Menciones durante la entrevista
Sketch Appeal 00:47 | Sketchy Bitches 00:50 | Life Drawing 01:03 | Yoga 01:44 | Perspective 02:22 | Art Macabre (now Originary Arts) 04:44 | Nikki Shaill 04:45 | James Bond 04:47 | Anorexia 04:55 | Dalí Museum 05:52 | Self Love Workshops 08:19 | Sketch Appeal Magazine 09:02 | Wes Anderson 16:57 | Frida Kahlo 16:58 | Meet-Up 19:17 | Adobe InDesign 25:52 | Podcast 32:08 | Sue Dray 33:23 | Pablo Picasso 35:05 | Salvador Dalí 35:06 | Quentin Blake 35:07 | Tate Modern Picasso Exhibition 36:05 | Salvador Dalí ‘Alice in Wonderland’ 38:21 | Kate Moss 39:58 | Sketchy Bitches IWD Special 45:54 | Family Sketchup 47:23 | The Art of Self Love Exhibition: Private View 51:27 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) 52:24 | Body Positivity 54:11 | Anti Diet Riot Club 55:48 | Body Love Sketch Club 55:49
Créditos de las imágenes
Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | Image from the launch party of the Sketch Appeal Magazine, March 2019 | Image from the launch party of the Sketch Appeal Magazine, March 2019 | Sketch by Dulcie, March 2019 | Sketch of Jameela Jamil by Dulcie, February 2019 | Sketch by Dulcie, February 2019 | Photo of Zine created for Self Love workshop, 2019 | Photo of Zine created for Self Love workshop, 2019 | Poster used for the The Art of Self Love Exhibition | 10 Self Portraits by Dulcie, 2019 | Dulcie on the cover of Paul Smith magazine, 1996 | Dulcie in Seventeen Magazine, 1996 | Dulcie in Company Magazine, 1995 | 4 images of business cards created during various Sketch Appeal events | Image from the Sketchy Bitches event with Sue Kreitzman for International Women’s Day, March 2020 | 4 Images of Sketch Appeal Magazine | Sketch of Kate Moss by Dulcie, 2018 | 4 fashion based sketches on Instagram | 5 photos taken at the Family Sketchup, 2019
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart