Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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With a keen interest in the emerging and almost omnipresent communion that exists between visual arts and new technologies, Oliver lives and produces the totality of his work in his Notting Hill studio, in London. With a diploma in Visual Arts (Central Saint Martins), a master’s degree in Digital Arts (University of Applied Arts, Vienna) and a doctorate in Media, Oliver manages to intercept, link, and amalgamate an interesting conceptual vision into his creative offering, using an extensive variety of visual resources such as photography, digital art, acrylic painting on canvas and holographic projections.
As part of the Analema Group of artists, Oliver is able to implement projects with investigative thoroughness, causing substantial ripples in digital innovation. Using cutting-edge technology is key to these projects, but so is a need to grow and implement connections between form, light and sound. Their constant interpolation in space gives rise to highly interactive modern art experiences. The Analema Group is exhibiting ‘Kima: Noise’ from the 20th to the 24th of November 2019, an experience for the senses in the Tate Exchange on the fifth floor of the Tate Modern. Within it, the audience actively uses their senses to explore the possible bridges between form and sound. The installation also conveys the implications for mental health and overall well-being of those of us who live in heavily congested and dynamic urban areas.
We talked in detail with Oliver about ‘Kima: Noise’ and his participation in the Analema Group, as well as his interests – from an absolutely lay perspective – in the future of angels, religions and his anti-binary vision of sexual archetypes – it was highly stimulating. This interview is a tribute to creative curiosity and art that seeks to explain and express itself through social purpose and technological revolution rather than just through beauty alone.
Now, enjoy the interview!
Watch Interview
This interview was recorded on the 03rd of October 2019 and released on the 15th of November 2019.
Related Links | Analema | Kima: Noise at the Tate Modern | Flux
References during the interview
Technology 01:43 | Leonardo da Vinci 02:16 | Renaissance 02:19 | Techne 02:45 | Logos 02:49 | Central Saint Martins 03:08 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna 03:32 | Installation Art 05:00 | Jules Verne 05:51 | Analema 07:14 | Art Collective 07:17 | Tate 07:21 | Tate Exchange 07:23 | Evgenia Emets 08:21 | Dr. Alain Renaud 09:02 | Drucilla Burrell 09:20 | Kima 09:41 | Kima: Noise 10:56 | Tate Modern 11:05 | Professor Stephen Stansfeld 12:12 | World Health Organization 12:19 | The EU 12:22 | Heathrow Runway Extension 12:23 | Advocatus Diabolus (Devil’s Advocate) 14:14 | Kima/κῦμα/Wave/Cymatic 19:58 | National Gallery X 37:00 | Union Chapel 42:16 | Kima at the Union Chapel 42:16 | The Roundhouse 42:18 | Kima: The Wheel 42:23 | Kima: Voice 43:20 | The National Gallery 44:34 | The Barbican 44:40 | UCL (University College London) 44:44 | Art (I)relevance Symposium – UCL @ The Barbican 44:48 | Centre for Performance Science 46:56 | HEartS 47:02 | Imperial College 47:09 | Royal College of Music 47:10 | The Great Exhibition Road Festival 47:16
Image Credits
KIMA: Noise by Analema Group, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Air, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website. Photo by Sophie le Roux | KIMA: The Wheel, by Analema Group at The Roundhouse, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | KIMA: Noise by Analema Group, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website. Photo by Sophie le Roux | Aura, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Post-Apocalyptic Angels, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Studies in Kitsch. Perceptions, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Android Mythologies, 2017. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Refraction, 2017. For more information visit Oliver’s website
Production by Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtitles by Valentina Sarno | Onset artwork: Photography by Toby Deveson & drawing of Carla by Alexandra Veres | Title music written and performed by Maya Petrovna | Cameras & Sound kindly supplied by Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
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Interessato alla comunione emergente e quasi onnipresente che esiste tra le arti visive e le nuove tecnologie, Oliver vive e produce la totalità del suo lavoro nel suo studio di Notting Hill, nella città di Londra. Con un diploma in Arti Visive (Central Saint Martins), un master in Arti Digitali (Università di Arti Applicate, Vienna) e un dottorato in Mezzi di Comunicazione, Oliver riesce ad intercettare, collegare ed amalgamare nella sua proposta creativa un’interessante visione concettuale, con l’utilizzo di una vasta gamma di risorse visive come la fotografia, l’arte digitale, la pittura acrilica su tela e le proiezioni olografiche.
Nell’ambito del collettivo di artisti Analema Group, Oliver è riuscito a sviluppare progetti di grande rigorosità di ricerca e di grande impatto nel campo dell’innovazione digitale. In questi progetti è stato fondamentale l’utilizzo di tecnologie d’avanguardia, ma anche la necessità di comprendere e attivare le diverse connessioni che esistono tra forma, luce e suono, e la loro costante interazione nello spazio, dando vita a esperienze altamente interattive nel panorama artistico contemporaneo. Attualmente, dopo dieci anni di ricerche approfondite, Analema Group presenta ´Kima: Noise´ dal 20 al 24 di Novembre 2019 nel Tate Exchange, al quinto piano del museo Tate Modern, con l’obiettivo di creare un’esperienza per i sensi attraverso la quale il pubblico esplora in modo partecipativo e multi-sensoriale le possibili relazioni tra forma e suono, il loro impatto sulla salute mentale e il benessere generale di coloro che vivono in centri urbani di grande congestione e dinamismo.
Parlando con Oliver in dettaglio su ‘Kima: Noise’ e la sua partecipazione al Gruppo Analema, il suo interesse – da una prospettiva assolutamente laica – per il futuro degli angeli e delle religioni, e la sua visione antibinaria degli archetipi sessuali, è stato molto stimolante. Questa intervista è un omaggio alla curiosità creativa e all’arte che cerca di spiegare ed esprimersi non solo attraverso la bellezza ma anche attraverso la funzione sociale e la rivoluzione tecnologica.
E ora godetevi l’intervista!
Guarda l’Intervista
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 03 ottobre 2019 e rilasciata il 15 novembre 2019.
Link correlati | Analema | Kima: Noise at the Tate Modern | Flux
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Technology 01:43 | Leonardo da Vinci 02:16 | Renaissance 02:19 | Techne 02:45 | Logos 02:49 | Central Saint Martins 03:08 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna 03:32 | Installation Art 05:00 | Jules Verne 05:51 | Analema 07:14 | Art Collective 07:17 | Tate 07:21 | Tate Exchange 07:23 | Evgenia Emets 08:21 | Dr. Alain Renaud 09:02 | Drucilla Burrell 09:20 | Kima 09:41 | Kima: Noise 10:56 | Tate Modern 11:05 | Professor Stephen Stansfeld 12:12 | World Health Organization 12:19 | The EU 12:22 | Heathrow Runway Extension 12:23 | Advocatus Diabolus (Devil’s Advocate) 14:14 | Kima/κῦμα/Wave/Cymatic 19:58 | National Gallery X 37:00 | Union Chapel 42:16 | Kima at the Union Chapel 42:16 | The Roundhouse 42:18 | Kima: The Wheel 42:23 | Kima: Voice 43:20 | The National Gallery 44:34 | The Barbican 44:40 | UCL (University College London) 44:44 | Art (I)relevance Symposium – UCL @ The Barbican 44:48 | Centre for Performance Science 46:56 | HEartS 47:02 | Imperial College 47:09 | Royal College of Music 47:10 | The Great Exhibition Road Festival 47:16
Crediti immagine
KIMA: Noise by Analema Group, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Air, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website. Photo by Sophie le Roux | KIMA: The Wheel, by Analema Group at The Roundhouse, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | KIMA: Noise by Analema Group, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website. Photo by Sophie le Roux | Aura, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Post-Apocalyptic Angels, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Studies in Kitsch. Perceptions, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Android Mythologies, 2017. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Refraction, 2017. For more information visit Oliver’s website
Produzione di Carla Tofano e Toby Deveson | Sottotitoli da Valentina Sarno | Arte sul set: Fotografia di Toby Deveson e disegno di Carla di Alexandra Veres | Musica scritto ed eseguito da: Maya Petrovna | Telecamere e Audio gentilmente fornite da Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart
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Interesado en la emergente y casi omnipresente comunión que existe entre las artes visuales y las nuevas tecnologías, Oliver vive y desarrolla la totalidad de su obra desde su estudio en Notting Hill, en la ciudad de Londres. Con un diploma en Artes Plásticas (Central Saint Martins), una maestría en Artes Digitales (Universidad de Artes Aplicadas, Viena) y un doctorado en Medios de Comunicación, Oliver logra interceptar, enlazar, y amalgamar en su propuesta creativa una interesante vision conceptual, con el uso de una extensa variedad de recursos plásticos como la fotografía, el arte digital, la pintura con acrílicos sobre canvas y las proyecciones holográficas.
Como parte del colectivo de artistas Analema Group, Oliver ha logrado desarrollar proyectos de gran rigor investigativo y de inmensa repercusión en el campo de la innovación digital. En estos proyectos el uso de tecnologías de punta a sido clave, pero lo ha sido también la necesidad de comprender y activar las diversas conexiones existentes entre forma, luz y sonido, y su constante interpelación en el espacio, originando experiencias altamente interactivas en la escena artística contemporánea. En la actualidad, y luego de diez anos de profunda investigación, Analema Group presenta ´Kima: Noise´, en Tate Exchange desde el 20 y hasta el 24 de Noviembre del 2019 en el quinto piso del museo Tate Modern, con la finalidad de crear una experiencia sensorial gracias a la cual la audiencia explora de una forma participativa y multi-sensorial, las posibles conexiones existentes entre forma y sonido, y sus implicaciones en la salud mental y en el bienestar general de quienes vivimos en centros urbanos de gran congestion y dinamismo.
Conversar con Oliver en gran detalle acerca de ‘Kima: Noise’ y su participación en Analema Group, de su interés – desde una perspectiva absolutamente laica – en el futuro de los ángeles y las religiones, y de su visión anti-binaria de los arquetipos sexuales, fue altamente estimulante. Esta entrevista es un elogio a la curiosidad creativa y al arte que busca explicarse y expresarse no solo a través de la belleza sino también desde la función social y la revolución tecnologica.
¡Y ahora sí, disfruten la entrevista!
Ve la Entrevista
Esta entrevista se grabó el 09 de octubre del 2019 y se publicó el 15 de noviembre de 2019.
Enlaces relacionados | Analema | Kima: Noise at the Tate Modern | Flux
Menciones durante la entrevista
Technology 01:43 | Leonardo da Vinci 02:16 | Renaissance 02:19 | Techne 02:45 | Logos 02:49 | Central Saint Martins 03:08 | University of Applied Arts, Vienna 03:32 | Installation Art 05:00 | Jules Verne 05:51 | Analema 07:14 | Art Collective 07:17 | Tate 07:21 | Tate Exchange 07:23 | Evgenia Emets 08:21 | Dr. Alain Renaud 09:02 | Drucilla Burrell 09:20 | Kima 09:41 | Kima: Noise 10:56 | Tate Modern 11:05 | Professor Stephen Stansfeld 12:12 | World Health Organization 12:19 | The EU 12:22 | Heathrow Runway Extension 12:23 | Advocatus Diabolus (Devil’s Advocate) 14:14 | Kima/κῦμα/Wave/Cymatic 19:58 | National Gallery X 37:00 | Union Chapel 42:16 | Kima at the Union Chapel 42:16 | The Roundhouse 42:18 | Kima: The Wheel 42:23 | Kima: Voice 43:20 | The National Gallery 44:34 | The Barbican 44:40 | UCL (University College London) 44:44 | Art (I)relevance Symposium – UCL @ The Barbican 44:48 | Centre for Performance Science 46:56 | HEartS 47:02 | Imperial College 47:09 | Royal College of Music 47:10 | The Great Exhibition Road Festival 47:16
Créditos de las imágenes
KIMA: Noise by Analema Group, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Air, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website. Photo by Sophie le Roux | KIMA: The Wheel, by Analema Group at The Roundhouse, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | KIMA: Noise by Analema Group, 2019. For more information visit Oliver’s website. Photo by Sophie le Roux | Aura, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Post-Apocalyptic Angels, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Studies in Kitsch. Perceptions, 2016. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Android Mythologies, 2017. For more information visit Oliver’s website | Refraction, 2017. For more information visit Oliver’s website
Producción por Carla Tofano & Toby Deveson | Subtítolos por Valentina Sarno | Arte en el set: Fotografía por Toby Deveson y dibujo de Carla por Alexandra Veres | Música por: Maya Petrovna | Cámaras y Sonido cortesía de Jim Shannon & Murray Stewart