Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Luzmira Zerpa

Musician | Singer | Healer

Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 4th of May 2021 and released on the 1st of June 2021

Not many people can claim to have such a powerful musical ear and voice, to have 21 siblings, be part of an exceptionally stimulating family and, on top of all that, come from the state of Lara, considered to be the most musically prolific state in all of Venezuela. Originally from Sanare, a town in the mountains of Lara, Luzmira Zerpa is widely acknowledged as being the Queen of Tamunangue – a spiritual celebration that includes live music, singing and dancing and which happens to originate from her home town, therefore explaining her early musical submersion and initiation into the celebrations.

Today, Luzmira is an internationally recognised singer-songwriter, famous for her powerful voice and formidable stage presence. She has toured the world with her cuatro, sharing her sensational voice with a unifying and unquestioning generosity. The perfect illustration of Luzmira’s captivating and impossible to ignore talent was when she was invited by Manu Chao himself to perform on stage with him, immediately after he had heard her sing in the desert, at a festival in the Western Sahara.

Her band, Family Atlantica, successfully fused Venezuelan folk music with traditional and contemporary European and African sounds, while performing internationally and recording albums that were highly acclaimed by both the music press and the public.

Luzmira is not only a mother, daughter, Latin American Sister and hard working, enthusiastic artist – she is also, above all, a Musician with a capital M. Her passion for the musical roots of her native country has driven her relentlessly towards the universally transcendental sounds and rhythms of deepest Venezuela, all the while understanding the importance of conquering global audiences without renouncing the authentic expression of musical forms like her beloved Tamunangue.

Discover, in this episode of Metralla Rosa, how Luzmira became the European Queen of Venezuelan folk music and why traveling directly from her hometown to London was the best thing that could have happened to music fans on this side of the Atlantic.

And now, enjoy the interview!

If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us continue to produce interviews with inspiring guests and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles on all our content. Thank you so much.

Further Information:

Related Links
Luzmira Zerpa: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Family Atlantica: Soundway Records | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook
Buy Family Atlantica albums: Soundway Records | Bandcamp | Amazon

References during the interview
Estado Lara 00:45 | Sanare 00:48 | Family Atlántica 01:18 | Folk Music 01:29 | Contemporary Folk Music 01:33 | Tamunangue 01:51 | Estado Falcón 03:02 | Joropo 05:31 | Fiesta de San Antonio 06:11 | Fiesta de San Juan 06:27 | Fiesta de San Pedro 06:28 | Fiesta de San Antonio 06:30 | Avemaría 12:34 | Atheism 14:05 | Baptism 14:09 | First Communion 14:11 | Semana Santa 14:31 | Cuatro 16:37 | Ranchera 16:46 | Bolero 16:47 | Chavela Vargas 17:26 | Alzheimer’s Disease 17:35 | ACV (Accidente Cerebrovascular/Stroke) 19:15 | Gabriel García Márquez 20:09 | Realismo Mágico 23:10 | Agroindustria 27:39 | Fly Through the Lightning to Speak With the Sun 28:38 | Guitarra Clásica 29:52 | Latin American Studies 30:59 | Sociología 31:02 | Ciencia política 31:03 | Antropología 31:04 | King’s College 31:05 | University of Essex 31:06 | Latin American Studies Centre 31:12 | La Salsa 31:58 | Tambor 36:07 | Gilberto Gil 36:58 | Simón Díaz 37:01 | Chabuca Granda 37:22 | Psicodelia 38:30 | Royal Albert Hall 40:27 | Juan Luis Guerra 40:30 | Merengue 41:38 | Bachata 41:40 | Woman del Callao 42:37 | Llorarás 42:43 | Oscar D’León 42:45 | Pasaje Llanero 42:54 | Seu Jorge 43:24 | Buena Vista Social Club 43:39 | David Bowie 43:57 | The Barbican Centre 44:16 | Calypso 44:54 | The Beatles 48:37 | Mercedes Sosa 48:57 | Soledad Bravo 49:32 | Celia Cruz 49:50 | Maria Bethânia 50:15 | Caetano Veloso 50:28 | Cosmic Unity (Album) 51:07 | Eska Mtungwazi 52:43 | Shoreditch 52:59 | Hip Hop 53:00 | Tonada 53:03 | Heidi Vogel 57:01 | The Cinematic Orchestra 57:05 | Gaël Le Cornec 57:13 | Healer 58:50 | Choroní 59:14 | El Callao 59:49 | Flamenco 01:04:26 | Family Atlantica: La Humanidad 01:07:50 | FLAWA: Festival of Latin American Women in the Arts 01:09:27 | Energy Healing 01:15:04 | ThetaHealing 01:17:57 | Access Consciousness 01:17:58 | Chamanismo 01:20:00



Video – Luzmira Zerpa:

Video – Family Atlantica:

All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Luzmira Zerpa.

Musicista | Cantante | Guaritrice

Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 4 maggio 2021 e rilasciata il 1 giugno 2021

Non tutti possono permettersi il lusso di avere un orecchio musicale e una voce da privilegiati, 21 fratelli, una famiglia straordinariamente stimolante, e avere la fortuna di essere nati a Lara, probabilmente lo stato più prolifico, dal punto di vista musicale, di tutto il Venezuela. Originaria di Sanare, un paese sulle montagne dello stato di Lara, considerato la culla del Tamunangue – una celebrazione sacra di cui fanno parte musica dal vivo, canti e balli- grazie alla sua precoce iniziazione musicale, Luzmira, sin dalla giovane età, è considerata la regina di questo antico rito.

Attualmente Luzmira è una cantautrice dalla voce potente, dalla formidabile presenza sulla scena e dalla fama internazionale. Ha girato quasi tutto il mondo con il suo cuatro, condividendo la sua voce sensazionale senza egoismo, divismo o diffidenza. Manu Chao in persona la invitò a suonare insieme a lui dopo averla sentita cantare nel deserto, durante un festival nel Sahara occidentale, confermando la potenza della sua voce, impossibile da ignorare.

Con la sua band, la Family Atlantica, ha calcato numerosi palcoscenici internazionali, e ha inciso un paio di album che uniscono il folklore venezuelano con i suoni del mondo europeo e africano, sia tradizionali che contemporanei. Queste registrazioni hanno ricevuto un ottimo apprezzamento da parte del pubblico e della critica specializzata.

Luzmira, oltre che madre, figlia e sorella latinoamericana, è una donna instancabile dal punto di vista artistico, ma soprattutto è una Musicista con la M maiuscola. Il suo interesse per le radici sonore della sua terra natale, il Venezuela, l’ha spinta a scavare instancabilmente nella trascendenza universale dei ritmi e dei suoni propri del cuore del Venezuela –per esempio, il Tamunangue- riconoscendo l’importanza di conquistare il pubblico globale senza rinunciare alla propria espressione autentica.

Scoprite, grazie a quest’episodio, come Luzmira si è trasformata nella regina del folklore venezuelano in Europa, e perché viaggiare dal suo paese natale verso Londra sia stata la cosa migliore che potesse capitare al pubblico di questa sponda dell’Atlantico.

E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!

Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Luzmira Zerpa: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Family Atlantica: Soundway Records | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook
Buy Family Atlantica albums: Soundway Records | Bandcamp | Amazon

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Estado Lara 00:45 | Sanare 00:48 | Family Atlántica 01:18 | Folk Music 01:29 | Contemporary Folk Music 01:33 | Tamunangue 01:51 | Estado Falcón 03:02 | Joropo 05:31 | Fiesta de San Antonio 06:11 | Fiesta de San Juan 06:27 | Fiesta de San Pedro 06:28 | Fiesta de San Antonio 06:30 | Avemaría 12:34 | Atheism 14:05 | Baptism 14:09 | First Communion 14:11 | Semana Santa 14:31 | Cuatro 16:37 | Ranchera 16:46 | Bolero 16:47 | Chavela Vargas 17:26 | Alzheimer’s Disease 17:35 | ACV (Accidente Cerebrovascular/Stroke) 19:15 | Gabriel García Márquez 20:09 | Realismo Mágico 23:10 | Agroindustria 27:39 | Fly Through the Lightning to Speak With the Sun 28:38 | Guitarra Clásica 29:52 | Latin American Studies 30:59 | Sociología 31:02 | Ciencia política 31:03 | Antropología 31:04 | King’s College 31:05 | University of Essex 31:06 | Latin American Studies Centre 31:12 | La Salsa 31:58 | Tambor 36:07 | Gilberto Gil 36:58 | Simón Díaz 37:01 | Chabuca Granda 37:22 | Psicodelia 38:30 | Royal Albert Hall 40:27 | Juan Luis Guerra 40:30 | Merengue 41:38 | Bachata 41:40 | Woman del Callao 42:37 | Llorarás 42:43 | Oscar D’León 42:45 | Pasaje Llanero 42:54 | Seu Jorge 43:24 | Buena Vista Social Club 43:39 | David Bowie 43:57 | The Barbican Centre 44:16 | Calypso 44:54 | The Beatles 48:37 | Mercedes Sosa 48:57 | Soledad Bravo 49:32 | Celia Cruz 49:50 | Maria Bethânia 50:15 | Caetano Veloso 50:28 | Cosmic Unity (Album) 51:07 | Eska Mtungwazi 52:43 | Shoreditch 52:59 | Hip Hop 53:00 | Tonada 53:03 | Heidi Vogel 57:01 | The Cinematic Orchestra 57:05 | Gaël Le Cornec 57:13 | Healer 58:50 | Choroní 59:14 | El Callao 59:49 | Flamenco 01:04:26 | Family Atlantica: La Humanidad 01:07:50 | FLAWA: Festival of Latin American Women in the Arts 01:09:27 | Energy Healing 01:15:04 | ThetaHealing 01:17:57 | Access Consciousness 01:17:58 | Chamanismo 01:20:00



Video – Luzmira Zerpa:

Video – Family Atlantica:

All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Luzmira Zerpa.

Músico | Cantante | Sanadora

Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 4 de mayo de 2021 y publicada el 1 de junio de 2021

No cualquiera puede darse el lujo de tener un oido musical y una voz privilegiados, 21 hermanos, una familia excepcionalmente estimulante, y contar con la fortuna de ser de Lara, probablemente el estado mas prolífico desde el punto de vista musical de toda Venezuela. Originaria de Sanare, un pueblo en las montañas del estado Lara, considerado cuna del Tamunangue – una celebración devocional que incluye música en vivo, canto y baile- gracias a su precoz iniciación musical, Luzmira Zerpa desde muy temprana edad es considera reina del Tamunangue.

Hoy por hoy Luzmira es una cantautora de voz potente, de formidable presencia escénica y de fama y reconocimiento internacional. Le ha dado prácticamente la vuelta al globo terráqueo con su cuatro, y compartiendo su sensacional voz sin mezquindades, ni divismos, ni recelos. El mismísimo Manu Chao la invito a tocar junto a él después de escucharla cantar en el desierto, en un festival en Sahara Occidental, confirmándole que tenía una voz imposible de ignorar.

Con su agrupación Family Atlantica se presentó en un sin numero de escenarios internacionales, y grabó un par de álbumes que fusionan el folclore venezolano con sonidos del mundo europeo y africanos, tradicionales y contemporáneos. Estas grabaciones recibieron una excelente acogida por parte del público y de la crítica especializada.

Luzmira es madre, es hija, es hermana latinoamericana, es una mujer incansable desde el punto de vista artístico, pero sobre todo es músico en mayúsculas. Su interés por las raíces sonoras de su país natal, Venezuela, la han hecho urgar incansablemente en la trascendencia universal de ritmos y sonidos de la Venezuela profunda – como el Tamunangue – y en la importancia de conquistar audiencias globales sin renunciar a su expresión auténtica.

Descubre gracias a este episodio como Luzmira se ha convertido en la reina del folclore venezolano en Europa, y por que viajar de su pueblo natal directo a Londres fue lo mejor que pudo haberle sucedido al público de este lado del Atlántico.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Luzmira Zerpa: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Family Atlantica: Soundway Records | YouTube | Bandcamp | Facebook
Buy Family Atlantica albums: Soundway Records | Bandcamp | Amazon

Menciones durante la entrevista
Estado Lara 00:45 | Sanare 00:48 | Family Atlántica 01:18 | Folk Music 01:29 | Contemporary Folk Music 01:33 | Tamunangue 01:51 | Estado Falcón 03:02 | Joropo 05:31 | Fiesta de San Antonio 06:11 | Fiesta de San Juan 06:27 | Fiesta de San Pedro 06:28 | Fiesta de San Antonio 06:30 | Avemaría 12:34 | Atheism 14:05 | Baptism 14:09 | First Communion 14:11 | Semana Santa 14:31 | Cuatro 16:37 | Ranchera 16:46 | Bolero 16:47 | Chavela Vargas 17:26 | Alzheimer’s Disease 17:35 | ACV (Accidente Cerebrovascular/Stroke) 19:15 | Gabriel García Márquez 20:09 | Realismo Mágico 23:10 | Agroindustria 27:39 | Fly Through the Lightning to Speak With the Sun 28:38 | Guitarra Clásica 29:52 | Latin American Studies 30:59 | Sociología 31:02 | Ciencia política 31:03 | Antropología 31:04 | King’s College 31:05 | University of Essex 31:06 | Latin American Studies Centre 31:12 | La Salsa 31:58 | Tambor 36:07 | Gilberto Gil 36:58 | Simón Díaz 37:01 | Chabuca Granda 37:22 | Psicodelia 38:30 | Royal Albert Hall 40:27 | Juan Luis Guerra 40:30 | Merengue 41:38 | Bachata 41:40 | Woman del Callao 42:37 | Llorarás 42:43 | Oscar D’León 42:45 | Pasaje Llanero 42:54 | Seu Jorge 43:24 | Buena Vista Social Club 43:39 | David Bowie 43:57 | The Barbican Centre 44:16 | Calypso 44:54 | The Beatles 48:37 | Mercedes Sosa 48:57 | Soledad Bravo 49:32 | Celia Cruz 49:50 | Maria Bethânia 50:15 | Caetano Veloso 50:28 | Cosmic Unity (Album) 51:07 | Eska Mtungwazi 52:43 | Shoreditch 52:59 | Hip Hop 53:00 | Tonada 53:03 | Heidi Vogel 57:01 | The Cinematic Orchestra 57:05 | Gaël Le Cornec 57:13 | Healer 58:50 | Choroní 59:14 | El Callao 59:49 | Flamenco 01:04:26 | Family Atlantica: La Humanidad 01:07:50 | FLAWA: Festival of Latin American Women in the Arts 01:09:27 | Energy Healing 01:15:04 | ThetaHealing 01:17:57 | Access Consciousness 01:17:58 | Chamanismo 01:20:00



Video – Luzmira Zerpa:

Video – Family Atlantica:

All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Luzmira Zerpa.


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Jim Shannon

Art director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
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Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
Visit her Website

Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
Visit La Pecora Nera website

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