Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Nick Cuthell

Visual Artist


Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 30th of August 2019 and released on the 15th of January 2020

Nick Cuthell is a figurative artist from New Zealand with a modern image and a direct and frank manner – yet we could easily imagine him dressed in 19th century fashion walking the streets of London or Florence. This invisible link to the past may be exactly what informs his style of art, which is distinctly realistic and in keeping with the European impressionist and neoclassical portraiture tradition of the 1800s.

His gentle eyes are especially good at capturing genuine refinement and beauty, and for this Nick relies on the traditional painting techniques known as ‘Alla Prima‘, or ‘L’Atelier‘, where students learn directly from maestros.

Nick has a sweet tendency to recreate aesthetic and ethical virtue through his paintings. Like a modern-day gentleman trying to rescue a beautiful painting tradition, his very presence calls for serenity, and for a validation of beauty that exists only in what is evoked with purified simplicity and unquestionable dignity.

Nick has been fortunate enough to be able to portray prominent contemporary personalities such as the renowned British actor Ian Mckellen, as well as other actors from the film ‘The Hobbit‘. He was also asked to paint the cast of ‘Waiting for Godot‘ by the Theatre Royal Haymarket. He has portrayed writer Martin Sherman, British/Nigerian actress Gloria Onitiri, and most recently Georgina Beyer, the world’s first openly transgender woman with the rank of mayor and later, member of the New Zealand parliament. However, for obvious reasons, it is his portrait of the current queen, Elizabeth II, commissioned by The New Zealand Portrait Gallery that was the great turning point of his career.

Carla and Nick share a beautiful relationship of mutual cooperation and silent approval for the human and professional, which is why this interview has an aura of friendship pervading everything it touches. This episode of Metralla Rosa is a delightful, gentle walk through the life of a painter that should not be missed.

And now, enjoy the interview!

Further Information:

Related Links
Website | Instagram

References during the interview
Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland 02:28 | Wellington 05:28 | Alla Prima 12:12 | Bob Dylan, ‘Not Dark Yet‘ 15:41 | Van Gogh 17:03 | Tate Britain 17:22 | Atelier 17:58 | The Art Students League of New York 22:04 | Peter Cox 22:19 | Adam Portraiture Award 24:26 | BP Portrait Award 24:29 | The Archibald Prize 24:34 | Diego Velázquez 26:24 | John Singer Sargent 26:26 | Joaquín Sorolla 26:27 | The New Zealand Portrait Gallery 28:30 | Queen Elizabeth II 32:17 | Barack Obama 33:36 | Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Denis Fildes 34:25 | Government House, Wellington 34:30 | Royal Collection Trust: Silver fern brooch 34:54 | London Borough of Southwark 36:46 | Ian Mckellen 46:11 | Waiting for Godot 46:19 | Brownsword Hepworth 50:07 | Gloria Onitiri 50:21 | Burlesque 52:48 | Joaquín Sorolla 56:32 | En plein air 58:10 | Georgina Beyer 1:00:10 | Mana 01:01:28 | Māori 01:01:29 | Orkney 01:01:39

Images used during the interview:


Image Credits
Noel Oil on Panel, 40 x 30cm. 2014 | Fountain in Regents Park Oil on Panel, 25 x 35cm. 2017 | Avenal McKinnon Oil on Linen, 137 x 92cm. 2012 | Nathan Oil on Canvas, 54 x 95cm. 2010 | Sketchbook page Pencil on Paper, 40 x 30cm. 2016 | Nude sketch, Charcoal on Paper, 62 x 40cm. 2016 | Nude Sketch Pencil on Paper, 30 x 30cm. 2018 | Nude Pencil on Paper, 60 x 42cm. 2008 | Alan Bollard Oil on Linen, 84 x 102cm. 2012 | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Oil on Canvas, 137 x 92cm. 2013-14 | Gandalf Oil on Linen, 84 x 51cm. 2012 | Vladimir Oil on Canvas, 65 x 45cm. 2009 | Pozzo Oil on Canvas, 60 x 45cm. 2009 | Estragon Oil on Canvas, 60 x 45cm. 2009 | Lucky Oil on Canvas, 65 x 45cm. 2009 | Ian McKellen as King Lear Oil on Linen, 72 x 45cm. 2018 | Painting of Carla during ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | Painting of Carla during ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson |  ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson |  ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | Omotola, 77 x 138cm, Oil on Canvas. 2017 | Self-Portrait, Oil on Canvas, 85 x 145cm. 2017 | Te Whanganui-A-Hei, Cathedral Cove, Oil on Canvas, 40 x 50cm. 2017| Still Life with Roses, Oil on Linen, 30 x 40cm. 2013 | Bow, Oil on Linen, 45 x 60cm. 2010 | Roses Regent’s Park, Oil on Canvas, 49 x 70cm. 2017 | Gormley on Thames Oil on Panel, 35 x 25cm. 2019 | Thames at Night, Oil on Canvas, 59 x 90cm. 2017 | Mother and Children Oil on Linen, 92 x 152cm. 2019 | Te Whanganui-a-Hei, Cathedral Cove, Grey Morning,  Oil on Canvas, 49 x 70cm. 2017

Artista Visiva


Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 30 agosto 2019 e rilasciata il 15 gennaio 2020

Nick Cuthell è un artista figurativo di origine neozelandese con un look moderno e modo di fare molto franco e diretto, ma sarebbe altrettanto facile immaginarselo vestito in stile ottocentesco, a passeggio per le strade di Londra o Firenze. Ed è forse proprio questo invisibile legame con il passato che definisce il suo stile artistico, che è decisamente realistico e legato alla tradizione europea della ritrattistica impressionista e neoclassica dell’Ottocento.

I suoi occhi gentili sanno soprattutto cogliere la genuina raffinatezza e la bellezza, e per questo Nick si affida alle tecniche della tradizione pittorica che conosciamo come ‘Alla Prima‘, o da ‘L’Atelier‘, in cui l’allievo impara direttamente dai suoi maestri.

Nick ha la dolce tendenza a ricreare virtù estetiche ed etiche nei suoi dipinti. Da moderno gentiluomo al soccorso di una bellissima tradizione pittorica, la sua semplice presenza è un richiamo alla serenità, e alla valorizzazione della bellezza che esiste solo in ciò che viene evocato con semplicità purificata e dignità ineccepibile.

Nick ha avuto la fortuna di ritrarre personalità della scena contemporanea come il noto attore britannico Ian Mckellen e gli attori del film ‘The Hobbit‘. Ha avuto anche la fortuna di ritrarre il cast di ‘Waiting for Godot’ messo in scena dal ‘Theatre Royal Haymarket’. Ha ritratto lo scrittore Martin Sherman, l’attrice britannica/nigeriana Gloria Onitiri e, più recentemente, Georgina Beyer, la prima donna al mondo apertamente transessuale con la carica di sindaco e membro del parlamento neozelandese. Tuttavia, per evidenti motivi, è il suo ritratto della regina attuale Elizabeth II, commissionato dalla New Zealand Portrait Gallery, che rappresenta la grande pietra miliare della sua carriera.

Carla e Nick condividono un bellissimo rapporto di reciproca collaborazione e silenziosa approvazione sia dal punto di vista umano che professionale, ed è per questo che questa intervista possiede quell’aura tipica dell’amicizia che colora tutto ciò che tocca. Questo episodio di Metralla Rosa è una deliziosa e garbata passeggiata attraverso la vita di un pittore che nessuno dovrebbe perdersi.

E ora, godetevi l’intervista!

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Website | Instagram

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland 02:28 | Wellington 05:28 | Alla Prima 12:12 | Bob Dylan, ‘Not Dark Yet‘ 15:41 | Van Gogh 17:03 | Tate Britain 17:22 | Atelier 17:58 | The Art Students League of New York 22:04 | Peter Cox 22:19 | Adam Portraiture Award 24:26 | BP Portrait Award 24:29 | The Archibald Prize 24:34 | Diego Velázquez 26:24 | John Singer Sargent 26:26 | Joaquín Sorolla 26:27 | The New Zealand Portrait Gallery 28:30 | Queen Elizabeth II 32:17 | Barack Obama 33:36 | Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Denis Fildes 34:25 | Government House, Wellington 34:30 | Royal Collection Trust: Silver fern brooch 34:54 | London Borough of Southwark 36:46 | Ian Mckellen 46:11 | Waiting for Godot 46:19 | Brownsword Hepworth 50:07 | Gloria Onitiri 50:21 | Burlesque 52:48 | Joaquín Sorolla 56:32 | En plein air 58:10 | Georgina Beyer 1:00:10 | Mana 01:01:28 | Māori 01:01:29 | Orkney 01:01:39

Immagini utilizzate durante l’intervista:


Crediti immagine
Noel Oil on Panel, 40 x 30cm. 2014 | Fountain in Regents Park Oil on Panel, 25 x 35cm. 2017 | Avenal McKinnon Oil on Linen, 137 x 92cm. 2012 | Nathan Oil on Canvas, 54 x 95cm. 2010 | Sketchbook page Pencil on Paper, 40 x 30cm. 2016 | Nude sketch, Charcoal on Paper, 62 x 40cm. 2016 | Nude Sketch Pencil on Paper, 30 x 30cm. 2018 | Nude Pencil on Paper, 60 x 42cm. 2008 | Alan Bollard Oil on Linen, 84 x 102cm. 2012 | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Oil on Canvas, 137 x 92cm. 2013-14 | Gandalf Oil on Linen, 84 x 51cm. 2012 | Vladimir Oil on Canvas, 65 x 45cm. 2009 | Pozzo Oil on Canvas, 60 x 45cm. 2009 | Estragon Oil on Canvas, 60 x 45cm. 2009 | Lucky Oil on Canvas, 65 x 45cm. 2009 | Ian McKellen as King Lear Oil on Linen, 72 x 45cm. 2018 | Painting of Carla during ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | Painting of Carla during ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson |  ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson |  ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | Omotola, 77 x 138cm, Oil on Canvas. 2017 | Self-Portrait, Oil on Canvas, 85 x 145cm. 2017 | Te Whanganui-A-Hei, Cathedral Cove, Oil on Canvas, 40 x 50cm. 2017| Still Life with Roses, Oil on Linen, 30 x 40cm. 2013 | Bow, Oil on Linen, 45 x 60cm. 2010 | Roses Regent’s Park, Oil on Canvas, 49 x 70cm. 2017 | Gormley on Thames Oil on Panel, 35 x 25cm. 2019 | Thames at Night, Oil on Canvas, 59 x 90cm. 2017 | Mother and Children Oil on Linen, 92 x 152cm. 2019 | Te Whanganui-a-Hei, Cathedral Cove, Grey Morning,  Oil on Canvas, 49 x 70cm. 2017

Artista Plástico


Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 30 de agosto de 2019 y se publicó el 15 de enero de 2020

Nick Cuthell es un artista figurativista de origen Neozelandés que aunque tiene una imagen muy contemporánea y un modo de ser muy franco y directo, cualquiera podría fácilmente imaginar ataviado a la usanza del siglo 19th transitando las calles de Londres o Florencia. Y es quizás esta invisible conexión con el pasado lo que define su estilo artístico, claramente realista y apegado a la tradición europea del retrato impresionista y neoclásico de 1800.

Sus ojos gentiles, saben sobre todo plasmar genuino refinamiento y belleza, y para ello Nick se apoya de las técnicas de tradición pictórica que conocemos como ‘Alla Prima‘, o técnicas de ‘L’Atelier’ en las que el alumno aprende directamente de sus maestros.

Nick posee la dulce tendencia a recrear virtud estética y ética a través de sus cuadros. Como un caballero moderno al rescate de una hermosa tradición pictórica, su mera presencia es un llamado a la serenidad, y a la validación de la belleza que existe solo en lo que es evocado con depurada simplicidad e inobjetable dignidad.

Nick ha tenido la fortuna de retratar a personalidades del mundo contemporáneo como al conocido actor británico Ian Mckellen, así como a los actores del film ‘The Hobbit‘. También tuvo la fortuna de retratar al elenco de la puesta en escena de ‘Waiting for Godot’ llevada a cabo por el ‘Theatre Royal Haymarket’. Ha retratado al escritor Martin Sherman, a la actriz británica/nigeriana Gloria Onitiri, y más recientemente a Georgina Beyer, primera mujer en el mundo abiertamente transexual con rango de alcaldesa y miembro del parlamento de Nueva Zelandia. Sin embargo, por razones obvias, es su retrato de la actual reina Elizabeth II, comisionado por The New Zealand Portrait Gallery, el gran hito de su carrera.

Carla y Nick comparten una hermosa relación de mutua cooperación y silente aprobación en lo humano y en lo profesional, razón por la cual esta entrevista tiene el aura con el que la amistad tiñe todo lo que toca. Este episodio de Metralla Rosa es un exquisito y gentil paseo por la vida de un pintor, que nadie debería perder de vista.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Website | Instagram

Menciones durante la entrevista
Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland 02:28 | Wellington 05:28 | Alla Prima 12:12 | Bob Dylan, ‘Not Dark Yet‘ 15:41 | Van Gogh 17:03 | Tate Britain 17:22 | Atelier 17:58 | The Art Students League of New York 22:04 | Peter Cox 22:19 | Adam Portraiture Award 24:26 | BP Portrait Award 24:29 | The Archibald Prize 24:34 | Diego Velázquez 26:24 | John Singer Sargent 26:26 | Joaquín Sorolla 26:27 | The New Zealand Portrait Gallery 28:30 | Queen Elizabeth II 32:17 | Barack Obama 33:36 | Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Denis Fildes 34:25 | Government House, Wellington 34:30 | Royal Collection Trust: Silver fern brooch 34:54 | London Borough of Southwark 36:46 | Ian Mckellen 46:11 | Waiting for Godot 46:19 | Brownsword Hepworth 50:07 | Gloria Onitiri 50:21 | Burlesque 52:48 | Joaquín Sorolla 56:32 | En plein air 58:10 | Georgina Beyer 1:00:10 | Mana 01:01:28 | Māori 01:01:29 | Orkney 01:01:39

Imágenes utilizadas durante la entrevista:


Créditos de las imágenes
Noel Oil on Panel, 40 x 30cm. 2014 | Fountain in Regents Park Oil on Panel, 25 x 35cm. 2017 | Avenal McKinnon Oil on Linen, 137 x 92cm. 2012 | Nathan Oil on Canvas, 54 x 95cm. 2010 | Sketchbook page Pencil on Paper, 40 x 30cm. 2016 | Nude sketch, Charcoal on Paper, 62 x 40cm. 2016 | Nude Sketch Pencil on Paper, 30 x 30cm. 2018 | Nude Pencil on Paper, 60 x 42cm. 2008 | Alan Bollard Oil on Linen, 84 x 102cm. 2012 | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Oil on Canvas, 137 x 92cm. 2013-14 | Gandalf Oil on Linen, 84 x 51cm. 2012 | Vladimir Oil on Canvas, 65 x 45cm. 2009 | Pozzo Oil on Canvas, 60 x 45cm. 2009 | Estragon Oil on Canvas, 60 x 45cm. 2009 | Lucky Oil on Canvas, 65 x 45cm. 2009 | Ian McKellen as King Lear Oil on Linen, 72 x 45cm. 2018 | Painting of Carla during ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | Painting of Carla during ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson |  ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson |  ‘New Work‘ exhibition at Brownsword Hepworth, London, 2017. Photograph by Toby Deveson | Omotola, 77 x 138cm, Oil on Canvas. 2017 | Self-Portrait, Oil on Canvas, 85 x 145cm. 2017 | Te Whanganui-A-Hei, Cathedral Cove, Oil on Canvas, 40 x 50cm. 2017| Still Life with Roses, Oil on Linen, 30 x 40cm. 2013 | Bow, Oil on Linen, 45 x 60cm. 2010 | Roses Regent’s Park, Oil on Canvas, 49 x 70cm. 2017 | Gormley on Thames Oil on Panel, 35 x 25cm. 2019 | Thames at Night, Oil on Canvas, 59 x 90cm. 2017 | Mother and Children Oil on Linen, 92 x 152cm. 2019 | Te Whanganui-a-Hei, Cathedral Cove, Grey Morning,  Oil on Canvas, 49 x 70cm. 2017


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
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Jim Shannon

Art director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
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Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
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Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
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