Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
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This interview was recorded on the 19th of June 2021 and released on the 15th of July 2021
With more than two decades of experience as a music producer and DJ, Chris Inperspective, our latest guest for this episode of Metralla Rosa, is the founder of Inperspective Records, Eloisa Records and Black Junglist Alliance.
Thanks to his ongoing stance against racism and his conviction that black artists must work to reclaim the importance of black culture in the history of the western world, Chris has constantly found himself in a position of being able to create musical experimentation and spaces in which the cultivation of quality and innovation are the only priority. With a successful career as an artist on the London Jungle and Drum’n’Bass scene Chris has, for many years, been an active voice within a movement that was born in the early nineties from the hearts and souls of young people living in primarily black and socially marginalised communities on the streets of the English capital. Culturally, these musical movements were responding to the limitations and anger arising from post Thatcher Britain, a spontaneous musical genre that promoted cultural diversity and social unification through dance. It was a musical scene that, with its priority of rhythm over melody and its acknowledgement of a musicality present within its sequences of accelerated breaks, inadvertently brought people together in their desire to positively destabilise the status quo in more ways than one.
Join us to explore the artistic journey of a DJ who has touched several generations with his music and to see how political and business decisions within major record labels and the music world affect the day to day reality of the international Jungle and Drum’n’Bass scene. In this interview, Chris and Carla discuss, amongst many other things, the lack of representation for black women on the British dance scene, how the necessity for him to self-manage and self-promote led to the creation of the Black Junglist Alliance and how his passion for discovering new and emerging talents has allowed Chris to face the future with optimism and a spring in his step.
And now, enjoy the interview!
If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us continue to produce interviews with inspiring guests and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles on all our content. Thank you so much.
Related Links
Chris Inperspective: Instagram
Inperspective Records: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Mixcloud
Eloisa Records: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Black Junglist Alliance: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Clashmouth: Instagram
Musicians mentioned
Equinox (Marlon Sterling) | Good Looking Records | Reinforced Records | Ray Charles | Mike Post | Congo Natty (Rebel MC) | Aphex Twin | Squarepusher | Paradox | DJ Metric | Dimension | Sub Focus | Andy C | Chris Dexta | DJ Stretch | Sheba Q | Double O | BrandNewTrumpets | Mizeyesis | Pyxis | Orbital
References during the interview
Inperspective Records 00:50 | Eloisa Records 00:53 | Black Junglist Alliance 00:54 | Jungle Music 01:05 | Drum’n’Bass 01:06 | Margaret Thatcher 01:27 | Multiculturalism 01:40 | Leatham’s Larder 02:32 | Camberwell 02:34 | Equinox (Marlon Sterling) 02:40 | Optimed 03:48 | Good Looking Records 05:16 | Reinforced Records 05:19 | Breakbeat 05:36 | Technicality 06:36 | Herbal 06:47 | Grenada 07:29 | Barbados 07:31 | Ray Charles 08:24 | Calypso 08:26 | Soca 08:27 | Kiss FM 08:28 | Pirate Radio 08:29 | Duran Duran 08:33 | The Manhattan Transfer 08:37 | Hanover Grand 08:47 | Disco House 08:51 | Knight Rider 09:24 | Airwolf 09:25 | Coronation Street 09:27 | EastEnders 09:28 | Sorry! 09:39 | Ronnie Corbett 09:47 | Sitcom 09:58 | The Two Ronnies 10:04 | Fairlight CMI 10:27 | Doctor Who 10:30 | Mike Post 10:33 | Hill Street Blues 10:35 | Dallas 10:35 | Dynasty 10:36 | Congo Natty (Rebel MC) 11:12 | Hip Hop 11:36 | Son Cubano 13:09 | Salsa 13:18 | Techno 14:31 | House 14:32 | Footwork Jungle 14:36 | Hipster 14:39 | Jazz 15:04 | R&S Records 15:12 | Aphex Twin 15:23 | Squarepusher 15:24 | Detroit 16:35 | Pittsburgh 16:42 | Poll Tax Riots 17:36 | Criminal Justice Bill 17:56 | Rave 17:59 | RAVE Act 18:02 | Joe Biden 18:04 | Drumfunk 20:47 | Paradox 20:59 | Break 21:16 | Sampling 21:32 | Soul 21:34 | Funk 21:35 | Amen Break 21:51 | Hospital Records 22:20 | DJ Metric 22:22 | Dimension 22:26 | Sub Focus 22:28 | Andy C 25:43 | Soulvent Records 29:39 | Med School 29:56 | Chris Dexta 30:03 | Rishi Sunak 33:25 | Matt Moss 35:05 | Jump-Up 35:29 | DJ Stretch 37:45 | EQ50 38:43 | Innersense at the Lazerdrone 39:23 | Shola Ama 39:29 | Sheba Q 42:22 | Double O 42:33 | BrandNewTrumpets 42:45 | Mizeyesis 43:08 | Repertoire 43:28 | Pyxis 46:28 | Blackout Tuesday 48:45 | Orbital 51:59 | Phil and Paul Hartnoll 52:04 | Black Market Records 59:53 | Blue Bird Records 01:00:16 | Section 5 01:00:20 | De Underground 01:00:24 | Blue Plaque 01:00:27 | Disc World 01:00:59 | Clashmouth 01:01:30 | Rough Trade 01:01:58 | Amoeba Music 01:02:12 | A&R 01:05:55 | Renaat Vandepapeliere 01:06:09
Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 19 giugno 2021 e rilasciata il 15 luglio 2021
Con più di vent’anni d’esperienza come produttore musicale e dj, Chris Inperspective, ospite d’eccezione di questo episodio di Metralla Rosa, è il fondatore di Inperspective Records, Eloisa Records e Black Junglist Alliance.
Grazie al suo impegno antirazzista basato sulla convinzione che gli artisti neri debbano partire dalla rivendicazione dell’importanza che la loro cultura ha avuto nella storia del mondo occidentale, Chris non ha smesso di creare occasioni per la sperimentazione musicale e per la promozione di spazi in cui qualità e innovazione siano l’unica priorità. Dopo una valida esperienza come artista sulla scena Jungle and Drum ‘n’ Bass di Londra, è stato per anni la voce impegnata di un movimento musicale nato agli inizi dei ‘90 tra le strade della capitale inglese, scaturito dal cuore di giovani provenienti dagli ambienti socialmente emarginati, per lo più popolati da neri. Come fenomeno culturale, questi movimenti reagivano ai limiti che provocavano rabbia e frustrazione nella Gran Bretagna del periodo post Thatcher, con una proposta musicale spontanea volta a promuovere la diversità culturale e l’integrazione sociale attraverso la cultura dance. Dando la priorità al ritmo invece che alla melodia, e dando risalto alla musicalità che si ottiene nella sequenza di pause accelerate, questo genere musicale riuscì, senza volerlo, a destabilizzare positivamente il modus operandi dello status quo in più di un modo.
Ascoltate questa intervista per esplorare il viaggio artistico di un DJ che con la sua musica ha attraversato varie generazioni, e per capire come le decisioni politiche delle grandi case discografiche e del mondo imprenditoriale della musica influenzano la realtà quotidiana della scena Jungle and Drum ‘n’ Bass internazionale. In questa intervista Chris e Carla hanno discusso, tra l’altro, della mancanza di una giusta rappresentanza di donne nere sulla scena dance britannica, di come il bisogno di avviare iniziative di autogestione e di autopromozione abbia spinto Inperspective a creare la Black Junglist Alliance, e di come la sua passione per la scoperta di nuovi talenti gli permetta di continuare a mantenere un fiducioso ottimismo nel miglior futuro possibile.
E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!
Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.
Link correlati
Chris Inperspective: Instagram
Inperspective Records: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Mixcloud
Eloisa Records: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Black Junglist Alliance: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Clashmouth: Instagram
Musicisti menzionati
Equinox (Marlon Sterling) | Good Looking Records | Reinforced Records | Ray Charles | Mike Post | Congo Natty (Rebel MC) | Aphex Twin | Squarepusher | Paradox | DJ Metric | Dimension | Sub Focus | Andy C | Chris Dexta | DJ Stretch | Sheba Q | Double O | BrandNewTrumpets | Mizeyesis | Pyxis | Orbital
Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Inperspective Records 00:50 | Eloisa Records 00:53 | Black Junglist Alliance 00:54 | Jungle Music 01:05 | Drum’n’Bass 01:06 | Margaret Thatcher 01:27 | Multiculturalism 01:40 | Leatham’s Larder 02:32 | Camberwell 02:34 | Equinox (Marlon Sterling) 02:40 | Optimed 03:48 | Good Looking Records 05:16 | Reinforced Records 05:19 | Breakbeat 05:36 | Technicality 06:36 | Herbal 06:47 | Grenada 07:29 | Barbados 07:31 | Ray Charles 08:24 | Calypso 08:26 | Soca 08:27 | Kiss FM 08:28 | Pirate Radio 08:29 | Duran Duran 08:33 | The Manhattan Transfer 08:37 | Hanover Grand 08:47 | Disco House 08:51 | Knight Rider 09:24 | Airwolf 09:25 | Coronation Street 09:27 | EastEnders 09:28 | Sorry! 09:39 | Ronnie Corbett 09:47 | Sitcom 09:58 | The Two Ronnies 10:04 | Fairlight CMI 10:27 | Doctor Who 10:30 | Mike Post 10:33 | Hill Street Blues 10:35 | Dallas 10:35 | Dynasty 10:36 | Congo Natty (Rebel MC) 11:12 | Hip Hop 11:36 | Son Cubano 13:09 | Salsa 13:18 | Techno 14:31 | House 14:32 | Footwork Jungle 14:36 | Hipster 14:39 | Jazz 15:04 | R&S Records 15:12 | Aphex Twin 15:23 | Squarepusher 15:24 | Detroit 16:35 | Pittsburgh 16:42 | Poll Tax Riots 17:36 | Criminal Justice Bill 17:56 | Rave 17:59 | RAVE Act 18:02 | Joe Biden 18:04 | Drumfunk 20:47 | Paradox 20:59 | Break 21:16 | Sampling 21:32 | Soul 21:34 | Funk 21:35 | Amen Break 21:51 | Hospital Records 22:20 | DJ Metric 22:22 | Dimension 22:26 | Sub Focus 22:28 | Andy C 25:43 | Soulvent Records 29:39 | Med School 29:56 | Chris Dexta 30:03 | Rishi Sunak 33:25 | Matt Moss 35:05 | Jump-Up 35:29 | DJ Stretch 37:45 | EQ50 38:43 | Innersense at the Lazerdrone 39:23 | Shola Ama 39:29 | Sheba Q 42:22 | Double O 42:33 | BrandNewTrumpets 42:45 | Mizeyesis 43:08 | Repertoire 43:28 | Pyxis 46:28 | Blackout Tuesday 48:45 | Orbital 51:59 | Phil and Paul Hartnoll 52:04 | Black Market Records 59:53 | Blue Bird Records 01:00:16 | Section 5 01:00:20 | De Underground 01:00:24 | Blue Plaque 01:00:27 | Disc World 01:00:59 | Clashmouth 01:01:30 | Rough Trade 01:01:58 | Amoeba Music 01:02:12 | A&R 01:05:55 | Renaat Vandepapeliere 01:06:09
Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 19 de junio de 2021 y publicada el 15 de julio de 2021
Con más de dos décadas de experiencia como productor musical y Dj, Chris Inperspective, huésped de ocasión de este episodio de Metralla Rosa, es el fundador de Inperspective Records, Eloisa Records y Black Junglist Alliance.
Gracias a su activa visión antirracismo, y la convicción de que los artistas negros deben comenzar por reivendicar la trascendencia que la cultura negra ha tenido en la historia del mundo occidental, Chris no ha parado de crear oportunidades para la experimentación musical, y para la consolidación de espacios en los que calidad e innovación sean la única prioridad. Con una sólida trayectoria como artista de la escena Jungle y Drum´n´bass de Londres, ha sido durante años voz activa de un movimiento musical que nació a principios de los noventa en las calles de la capital inglesa, de la mano y el corazón de jóvenes provenientes de sectores socialmente marginados y primordialmente negros. Como fenómeno culturales, estos movimientos musicales respondían a las limitaciones, la rabia y las frustraciones presentes durante la coyuntura británica post Thatcher, con una propuesta musical espontánea, que promovía la diversidad cultural y la unificación social a través de la cultura dance. Dándole prioridad al ritmo sobre la melodía, y validando la musicalidad presente en la concatenación de quiebres acelerados, este genero musical logró sin querer queriendo desestabilizar positivamente el modus operandi del estatus quo en más de un modo.
Escucha esta entrevista para explorar el recorrido artístico de un DJ que ha atravesado con su música a varias generaciones y para comprender como las desiciones políticas de las grandes discográficas y del mundo musical empresarial afectan la realidad de la escena Jungle y drum´n´bass internacional todos los días. En esta entrevista Chris y Carla conversaron acerca de la falta de justa representación de las mujeres negras en la escena dance británica, de como la necesidad de crear acciones de autogestión y auto-promoción lo movió a crear Black Junglist Alliance, y de como su pasión por el descubrimiento de nuevos talentos le permite seguir teniendo un pié en el mejor futuro posible.
¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!
Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.
Enlaces relacionados
Chris Inperspective: Instagram
Inperspective Records: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Mixcloud
Eloisa Records: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Black Junglist Alliance: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Clashmouth: Instagram
Músicos mencionados
Equinox (Marlon Sterling) | Good Looking Records | Reinforced Records | Ray Charles | Mike Post | Congo Natty (Rebel MC) | Aphex Twin | Squarepusher | Paradox | DJ Metric | Dimension | Sub Focus | Andy C | Chris Dexta | DJ Stretch | Sheba Q | Double O | BrandNewTrumpets | Mizeyesis | Pyxis | Orbital
Menciones durante la entrevista
Inperspective Records 00:50 | Eloisa Records 00:53 | Black Junglist Alliance 00:54 | Jungle Music 01:05 | Drum’n’Bass 01:06 | Margaret Thatcher 01:27 | Multiculturalism 01:40 | Leatham’s Larder 02:32 | Camberwell 02:34 | Equinox (Marlon Sterling) 02:40 | Optimed 03:48 | Good Looking Records 05:16 | Reinforced Records 05:19 | Breakbeat 05:36 | Technicality 06:36 | Herbal 06:47 | Grenada 07:29 | Barbados 07:31 | Ray Charles 08:24 | Calypso 08:26 | Soca 08:27 | Kiss FM 08:28 | Pirate Radio 08:29 | Duran Duran 08:33 | The Manhattan Transfer 08:37 | Hanover Grand 08:47 | Disco House 08:51 | Knight Rider 09:24 | Airwolf 09:25 | Coronation Street 09:27 | EastEnders 09:28 | Sorry! 09:39 | Ronnie Corbett 09:47 | Sitcom 09:58 | The Two Ronnies 10:04 | Fairlight CMI 10:27 | Doctor Who 10:30 | Mike Post 10:33 | Hill Street Blues 10:35 | Dallas 10:35 | Dynasty 10:36 | Congo Natty (Rebel MC) 11:12 | Hip Hop 11:36 | Son Cubano 13:09 | Salsa 13:18 | Techno 14:31 | House 14:32 | Footwork Jungle 14:36 | Hipster 14:39 | Jazz 15:04 | R&S Records 15:12 | Aphex Twin 15:23 | Squarepusher 15:24 | Detroit 16:35 | Pittsburgh 16:42 | Poll Tax Riots 17:36 | Criminal Justice Bill 17:56 | Rave 17:59 | RAVE Act 18:02 | Joe Biden 18:04 | Drumfunk 20:47 | Paradox 20:59 | Break 21:16 | Sampling 21:32 | Soul 21:34 | Funk 21:35 | Amen Break 21:51 | Hospital Records 22:20 | DJ Metric 22:22 | Dimension 22:26 | Sub Focus 22:28 | Andy C 25:43 | Soulvent Records 29:39 | Med School 29:56 | Chris Dexta 30:03 | Rishi Sunak 33:25 | Matt Moss 35:05 | Jump-Up 35:29 | DJ Stretch 37:45 | EQ50 38:43 | Innersense at the Lazerdrone 39:23 | Shola Ama 39:29 | Sheba Q 42:22 | Double O 42:33 | BrandNewTrumpets 42:45 | Mizeyesis 43:08 | Repertoire 43:28 | Pyxis 46:28 | Blackout Tuesday 48:45 | Orbital 51:59 | Phil and Paul Hartnoll 52:04 | Black Market Records 59:53 | Blue Bird Records 01:00:16 | Section 5 01:00:20 | De Underground 01:00:24 | Blue Plaque 01:00:27 | Disc World 01:00:59 | Clashmouth 01:01:30 | Rough Trade 01:01:58 | Amoeba Music 01:02:12 | A&R 01:05:55 | Renaat Vandepapeliere 01:06:09