Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Gaël Le Cornec

Actor | Writer | Director

Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 20th of April 2021 and released on the 1st of May 2021

To sit in front of a young woman, full of energy and plans for the future and who has, at the same time, already achieved so much artistically and creatively, is incredibly inspiring. Gaël Le Cornec – our guest for this episode of Metralla Rosa – is a multi award wining actress, a tireless creator of dreams and a storyteller who places the value of good narrative above all else. Gaël creates works that use the immediacy and intimacy of theatre to delve into people’s stories and memories in order to explore themes such as gender, migration, displacement and stereotypes.

Born in the Amazon, in northern Brazil, Gaël is a writer, director and actress who moved to London at a young age, having already qualified with a degree in environmental biology. Once in London she did a masters in cultural studies and took a course that used theatre to teach English, thereby igniting her vocation as a storyteller and her desire to create in order to bring communities together with her art, which was often developed in close collaboration with organisations dedicated to defending the rights of women, young adults and migrants.

Skilled in the art of the monologue and widely recognised in London for her success as a one-woman-show, Gaël has not only played Frida Kahlo, Camille Claudel and Ana Mendieta, but also every female immigrant whose voice has been unjustly silenced. Despite her self-sufficiency as an artist and creator, Gaël’s strength lies in building alliances with other actors, activists and theatre companies and proudly assumes the mantle of representative to the community of Latin American migrants in the UK who fight against stereotypes that restrict, limit and pigeonhole us. The many obstacles she has come up against have only served to reinforce her need to develop her own theatrical style and defend her voice – and message – through thick and thin. Today Gaël continues to create a dignified reputation for herself within the world of international theatre and juggles to act, write and direct, whilst at the same time pass on the valuable lessons she has learned and which she knows she can translate into invaluable and constructive inspiration for future generations.

And now, enjoy the interview!

If you would like to make a donation to Metralla Rosa, please use this PayPal link. Your generosity will help us continue to produce interviews with inspiring guests and will primarily be used for the creation of English, Spanish & Italian subtitles on all our content. Thank you so much.

Further Information:

Related Links
Gaël Le Cornec: Website | Instagram | Spotlight | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Footprint Productions: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Limbik Theatre: Ben Samuels | Website | Instagram | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter

Productions Mentioned
Frida Kahlo: Viva la vida | Camille Claudel | Silhouettes | Behind Closed Doors | The Other | Efêmera (research project by Cathy McIlwaine & King’s College, London) | Ana | Uncensored: Things I am Not | Un Nuevo Sol | The Forecast

References during the interview
Frida Kahlo 01:04 | Camille Claudel 01:06 | Ana Mendieta 01:10 | Footprint Productions 01:20 | Site Specific Theatre (Promenade Theatre) 01:58 | Behind Closed Doors 02:06 | 27 Degrees 02:50 | Immersive Theatre 02:54 | Shoreditch 03:04 | Stereotype 03:20 | Belém 09:59 | Pará 10:00 | Macapá 11:38 | Dia do Índio 13:22 | Indigenous Brazil 14:11 | Andean states 14:30 | Andean Culture 14:35 | Caribbean Culture 14:38 | Daiquiri 14:45 | São Paulo 16:02 | West London College (Hammersmith and City College) 17:43 | Theatre Director 20:04 | StoneCrabs Theatre 20:09 | Deptford 20:12 | Workshop Productions 20:53 | Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance 21:55 | East 15 Acting School 22:00 | CASA – London’s Festival of Latin American Arts 23:23 | Diego Rivera 26:49 | Day of the Dead 27:28 | Humberto Robles 27:42 | Luis Benkard 28:54 | The Vault Festival 29:02 | Camille Claudel (film) 30:28 | Isabelle Adjani 30:32 | Auguste Rodin 31:06 | Yuriria Fanjul 31:29 | Edinburgh Festival 32:07 | The Other 36:01 | Monologue 39:35 | English Renaissance Theatre 40:33 | Efêmera 43:11 | King’s College 44:02 | People’s Palace Projects 44:03 | Cathy McIlwaine 44:13 | Sherlock Holmes 44:38 | Rosie McPherson 46:31 | Social Worker 48:12 | Simultaneous Translation 49:27 | Favela da Maré (in Portuguese) 49:32 | Redes da Maré 49:36 | Psychological Violence 52:27 | Ana 53:16 | LegalAliens Theatre 54:58 | Things I am Not 55:06 | Uncensored | Inua Ellams 56:54 | Southbank Centre 57:03 | Free writing 57:17 | Un Nuevo Sol 01:05:00 | LatinX 01:05:36 | Nathalie Teitler 01:05:39 | Nii Ayikwei Parkes 01:05:41 | Limbik Theatre 01:07:51 | Ben Samuels 01:07:56 | The Lowry 01:08:00 | The Forecast 01:08:38

Portrait of Gaël (above) by David Monteith-Hodge

Frida Kahlo: Viva la vida

Camille Claudel

The Other



The Forecast

Uncensored: ‘Things I Am Not’

All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Gaël Le Cornec and Limbik Theatre.

Attrice | Scrittrice | Regista

Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 20 aprile 2021 e rilasciata il 1 maggio 2021

Sedersi di fronte a una giovane donna piena di progetti e di entusiasmo che, contemporaneamente, ha conquistato un gran numero di settori dell’espressione artistica e della creatività, è molto incoraggiante. Gaël Le Cornec, la protagonista di questo episodio di Metralla Rosa, è un’attrice vincitrice di vari premi grazie al suo talento nell’interpretazione ed è anche un’instancabile produttrice di sogni, oltre a una narratrice che riesce a mettere il valore della storia prima di qualsiasi altro interesse. Gaël è una creatrice di opere che, grazie alla vivacità e all’intimità che offrono i palcoscenici teatrali, ha saputo narrare racconti e ricordi in cui si esplorano la questione di genere, la migrazione, gli spostamenti e gli stereotipi.

Scrittrice, regista e attrice, Gaël è nata nel nord del Brasile, in Amazzonia, ma si è trasferita a Londra quand’era molto giovane, con in tasca una laurea in biologia ambientale. A Londra ha frequentato un master in studi culturali e ha imparato l’inglese durante un corso di teatro che le confermò la sua vocazione di narratrice e il suo desiderio di trasformarsi in una creativa interessata a formare comunità attraverso le sue proposte artistiche, spesso svolte in stretta collaborazione con organizzazioni dedite alla difesa dei diritti delle donne, dei giovani adulti e dei migranti.

Abile nell’arte del monologo e notevolmente riconosciuta a Londra per la sua carriera di successo come ‘one woman show’, Gaël è stata Frida Kahlo, Camille Claudel, Ana Mendieta come anche tutte le donne migranti la cui voce è stata ingiustamente messa a tacere. Malgrado la sua indipendenza come artista e come creatrice, Gaël ottiene sempre delle collaborazioni con altri attori, attivisti e compagnie teatrali e si presenta con orgoglio come rappresentante della vasta comunità di migranti latinoamericani che combattono dal Regno Unito per abbattere i limitanti stereotipi che come un’etichetta razziale ci restringono, ci vincolano e ci classificano. Molte difficoltà lungo il cammino hanno finito per rafforzare il suo bisogno di creare un proprio stile teatrale e di difendere la sua voce, con il suo messaggio, contro il vento e le onde. Attualmente Gaël continua ad aprirsi uno spazio alla sua altezza nell’ambito teatrale internazionale e fa i salti mortali per recitare, scrivere e dirigere, e per insegnare inoltre le lezioni più preziose che lei stessa ha appreso perché sa che potrebbero tradursi in inestimabile e costruttiva ispirazione per le generazioni future.

E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!

Se desideri fare una donazione a Metralla Rosa, utilizza questo link di PayPal. La tua generosità verrà usata principalmente per la creazione di sottotitoli in inglese, spagnolo e italiano e ci aiuterà a continuare la produzione di contenuto gratuito. Grazie mille.

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Gaël Le Cornec: Website | Instagram | Spotlight | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Footprint Productions: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Limbik Theatre: Ben Samuels | Website | Instagram | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter

Produzioni Menzionate
Frida Kahlo: Viva la vida | Camille Claudel | Silhouettes | Behind Closed Doors | The Other | Efêmera (research project by Cathy McIlwaine & King’s College, London) | Ana | Uncensored: Things I am Not | Un Nuevo Sol | The Forecast

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Frida Kahlo 01:04 | Camille Claudel 01:06 | Ana Mendieta 01:10 | Footprint Productions 01:20 | Site Specific Theatre (Promenade Theatre) 01:58 | Behind Closed Doors 02:06 | 27 Degrees 02:50 | Immersive Theatre 02:54 | Shoreditch 03:04 | Stereotype 03:20 | Belém 09:59 | Pará 10:00 | Macapá 11:38 | Dia do Índio 13:22 | Indigenous Brazil 14:11 | Andean states 14:30 | Andean Culture 14:35 | Caribbean Culture 14:38 | Daiquiri 14:45 | São Paulo 16:02 | West London College (Hammersmith and City College) 17:43 | Theatre Director 20:04 | StoneCrabs Theatre 20:09 | Deptford 20:12 | Workshop Productions 20:53 | Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance 21:55 | East 15 Acting School 22:00 | CASA – London’s Festival of Latin American Arts 23:23 | Diego Rivera 26:49 | Day of the Dead 27:28 | Humberto Robles 27:42 | Luis Benkard 28:54 | The Vault Festival 29:02 | Camille Claudel (film) 30:28 | Isabelle Adjani 30:32 | Auguste Rodin 31:06 | Yuriria Fanjul 31:29 | Edinburgh Festival 32:07 | The Other 36:01 | Monologue 39:35 | English Renaissance Theatre 40:33 | Efêmera 43:11 | King’s College 44:02 | People’s Palace Projects 44:03 | Cathy McIlwaine 44:13 | Sherlock Holmes 44:38 | Rosie McPherson 46:31 | Social Worker 48:12 | Simultaneous Translation 49:27 | Favela da Maré (in Portuguese) 49:32 | Redes da Maré 49:36 | Psychological Violence 52:27 | Ana 53:16 | LegalAliens Theatre 54:58 | Things I am Not 55:06 | Uncensored | Inua Ellams 56:54 | Southbank Centre 57:03 | Free writing 57:17 | Un Nuevo Sol 01:05:00 | LatinX 01:05:36 | Nathalie Teitler 01:05:39 | Nii Ayikwei Parkes 01:05:41 | Limbik Theatre 01:07:51 | Ben Samuels 01:07:56 | The Lowry 01:08:00 | The Forecast 01:08:38

Ritratto di Gaël (sopra) di David Monteith-Hodge

Frida Kahlo: Viva la vida

Camille Claudel

The Other



The Forecast

Uncensored: ‘Things I Am Not’

All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Gaël Le Cornec and Limbik Theatre.

Actriz | Escritora | Directora

Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 20 de abril de 2021 y publicada el 1 de mayo de 2021

Sentarse frente a un mujer joven, llena de planes y de energía y que al mismo tiempo ha conquistado tantos terrenos de la expresión y la creación es muy esperanzador. Gaël Le Cornec, la protagonista de este episodio de Metralla rosa es una actriz galardonada con varios premios por su talento en la interpretación, es una incansable productora de sueños y una narradora que sabe poner antes de cualquier otro interés, el valor de la historia. Gaël es una creadora de obras que gracias a la vitalidad y a la intimidad que ofrecen los escenarios teatrales, ha sabido narrar cuentos y memorias en las que se explora la problemática de genero, la migración, los desplazamientos y los estereotipos.

Escritora, directora y actriz, Gaël nació en el norte de Brazil, en el Amazonas, pero se mudó a Londres siendo muy joven y con un título de biologa ambientalista bajo la manga. En Londres hizo un master en estudios culturales y aprendió el inglés gracias a un curso de teatro que le reiteró su vocación como cuenta cuentos y su interés por convertirse en una creadora interesada en crear comunidad a través de sus propuestas artísticas, a menudo desarrolladas en estrecha colaboración con organizaciones abocadas a la defensa de los derechos de la mujer, los adultos jóvenes y los migrantes.

Diestra en el arte del monologo y ampliamente reconocida en Londres por su exitosa carrera como ‘one woman show’: Gaël ha sido Frida Kahlo, Camille Claudel, Ana Mendieta y también cada mujer inmigrante cuya voz ha sido injustamente silenciada. A pesar de su autosuficiencia como artista y como creadora, Gaël siempre genera alianzas con otros actores, activistas y compañías teatrales, y se asume como orgullosa representante de la amplia comunidad de migrantes latinoamericanos que luchan desde el Reino Unido por derribar los restrictivos estereotipos que como gentilicio nos restringen, limitan y encasillan. Muchas negativas a lo largo del camino terminaron reforzando su necesidad de crear su propio estilo teatral, y de defender su voz y su mensaje contra viento y marea. Hoy por hoy Gaël continua abriéndose un espacio digno en el medio teatral internacional y hace malabares para actuar, escribir y dirigir, y además eseñar las lecciones más valiosas que ha aprendido y que sabe podrian traducirse en invaluable y constructiva inspiración para las generaciones de relevo.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Si deseas hacer una donación a Metralla Rosa, utiliza este enlace de PayPal. Tu generosidad nos ayudará a continuar produciendo contenido gratuito y lo recaudado se utilizará principalmente para la creación de subtítulos en inglés, español e italiano. Muchas gracias.

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Gaël Le Cornec: Website | Instagram | Spotlight | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
Footprint Productions: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Limbik Theatre: Ben Samuels | Website | Instagram | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter

Producciones Mencionadas
Frida Kahlo: Viva la vida | Camille Claudel | Silhouettes | Behind Closed Doors | The Other | Efêmera (research project by Cathy McIlwaine & King’s College, London) | Ana | Uncensored: Things I am Not | Un Nuevo Sol | The Forecast

Menciones durante la entrevista
Frida Kahlo 01:04 | Camille Claudel 01:06 | Ana Mendieta 01:10 | Footprint Productions 01:20 | Site Specific Theatre (Promenade Theatre) 01:58 | Behind Closed Doors 02:06 | 27 Degrees 02:50 | Immersive Theatre 02:54 | Shoreditch 03:04 | Stereotype 03:20 | Belém 09:59 | Pará 10:00 | Macapá 11:38 | Dia do Índio 13:22 | Indigenous Brazil 14:11 | Andean states 14:30 | Andean Culture 14:35 | Caribbean Culture 14:38 | Daiquiri 14:45 | São Paulo 16:02 | West London College (Hammersmith and City College) 17:43 | Theatre Director 20:04 | StoneCrabs Theatre 20:09 | Deptford 20:12 | Workshop Productions 20:53 | Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance 21:55 | East 15 Acting School 22:00 | CASA – London’s Festival of Latin American Arts 23:23 | Diego Rivera 26:49 | Day of the Dead 27:28 | Humberto Robles 27:42 | Luis Benkard 28:54 | The Vault Festival 29:02 | Camille Claudel (film) 30:28 | Isabelle Adjani 30:32 | Auguste Rodin 31:06 | Yuriria Fanjul 31:29 | Edinburgh Festival 32:07 | The Other 36:01 | Monologue 39:35 | English Renaissance Theatre 40:33 | Efêmera 43:11 | King’s College 44:02 | People’s Palace Projects 44:03 | Cathy McIlwaine 44:13 | Sherlock Holmes 44:38 | Rosie McPherson 46:31 | Social Worker 48:12 | Simultaneous Translation 49:27 | Favela da Maré (in Portuguese) 49:32 | Redes da Maré 49:36 | Psychological Violence 52:27 | Ana 53:16 | LegalAliens Theatre 54:58 | Things I am Not 55:06 | Uncensored | Inua Ellams 56:54 | Southbank Centre 57:03 | Free writing 57:17 | Un Nuevo Sol 01:05:00 | LatinX 01:05:36 | Nathalie Teitler 01:05:39 | Nii Ayikwei Parkes 01:05:41 | Limbik Theatre 01:07:51 | Ben Samuels 01:07:56 | The Lowry 01:08:00 | The Forecast 01:08:38

Retrato de Gaël (arriba) por David Monteith-Hodge

Frida Kahlo: Viva la vida

Camille Claudel

The Other



The Forecast

Uncensored: ‘Things I Am Not’

All images and videos used during the interview by kind permission of Gaël Le Cornec and Limbik Theatre.


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Jim Shannon

Art director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
Visit her Website

Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
Visit La Pecora Nera website

Sponsors, Partners & Supporters

La Pecora Nera

Associazione Culturale
Cultural Partners with Metralla Rosa
Visit their Website

O. T. Editores

Casa Editorial
Partners with Metralla Rosa
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