Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano

Renata Fernández


Watch Interview | Listen to Podcast
This interview was recorded on the 03rd of July 2020 and released on the 01st of October 2020

It is through a complex combination of influences and inspirations that the body and meaning of Venezuelan artist Renata Fernández‘s work emerges. And while Renata studied visual arts in Caracas – at the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón – most of her artistic practices have been developed in London, where she has lived since 2003.

Disciplined, committed to her own creative process, and aware that she needs to be the main driving force behind her artistic ideas and ideals, Renata explains: “I don’t allow myself to suffer from creative blocks. I never stop the flow of my artistic process for any reason. That is the only rule that I place on my creativity. ‘Doing’ is where solutions come from and ‘doing’ is where ideas arise.”

It is not only thanks to talent, but also tenacity that Renata has managed to exhibit in Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain and other European countries; creating in the process a multidisciplinary, consistent and clearly relevant body of work. Renata works with lush ecosystems, in which nature plays an almost symbolic, yet representational role that forces us to reflect on our own human condition within the context of our contemporary existence. In around 1999 Renata started to draw voluptuous, beautifully monstrous, jungle-like plants that began to cross paths – with a certain persistence – with her interest in camouflage and human warfare. This marriage of concepts created within her an almost visceral attraction to the plants that adorn the tropics, and that we now frequently use to beautify our spaces, creating in her work volume and textures that are constantly threatening to displace us with their glorious relevance.

Renata’s work – like that of every artist with a solid and consistent voice – is highly self-referential, while her creative process is intricate and slow. Nothing that happens, or is consumed in her London studio comes from the need for instant satisfaction. And in this interview, Renata allows us a peek into her beautiful and creative universe, in order to understand how a woman who is also a mother, wife and responsible adult, has managed to consolidate herself within the diaspora without betraying any of her creative ambitions along the way.

And now, enjoy the interview!

Further Information:

Related Links
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

References during the interview
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón 00:58 | Tooting Broadway 01:12 | Museo Alejandro Otero 02:40 | Conceptual Artist 06:55 | Gerardo Rosales 08:30 | Time Magazine 10:50 | Rafael Alberti 12:32 | ATC (Altamira Tennis Club) 13:53 | National Gallery 16:38 | Daniela Galán L 17:08 | Figurative Art 17:29 | Abstract Art 17:30 | Modernism 19:23 | Peter Doig 20:42 | David Hockney 20:53 | The Grand Canyon 20:58 | Collage 21:02 | Christos Tsimaris 26:57 | Impostor Syndrome 29:33 | Brexit 32:14 | AMALGAMA 42:14 | Carnwarth Road, Fulham 49:35 | Block Printing 49:46 | Monoprinting 49:50 | Linocut 49:58 | Styrofoam 50:19 | Linoleum 51:05 | Collagraphy 51:13 | Urbanwise London 52:01 | Doris Lessing 53:25 | Jean-Michel Basquiat 55:57 | Urban Art 56:29 | Manuel Espinoza 57:18 | Guernica 01:00:07 | Museo del Prado 01:00:16 | Museo Reina Sofía 01:00:31 | Pablo Picasso 01:00:44 | ‎El Bosco (Hieronymus Bosch) 01:01:18 | El jardín de las delicias (The Garden of Earthly Delights) 01:01:27 | Francisco Goya 01:01:57 | Las Meninas 01:02:11 | Watercolour Painting 01:07:24 | Philodendron (uña de danta) 01:10:49 | La mosquera (dittrichia viscosa) 01:10:51 | Flor de Camarón (justicia brandegeeana) 01:11:00 | Flor de Tapara (Crescentia cujete) 01:11:02 | Antonio Briceño 01:11:11 | Peckham 01:12:03 | The Embankment 01:12:26 | River Thames 01:12:29 | Charcoal Drawing 01:12:52 | Araguaney (Tabebuia crysantha) 01:13:08


Tropico Camuflado in the Museo Alejandro Otero 

ATC Series 

Deck Chair Series

Soldiers & Camouflage Series

Negative Landscape Series

Building Blocks

LC & HP Series

Public Art

Renata in her studio, filmed by Marie Claire White

All images used by kind permission of Renata, taken from her website and Instagram.

Artista Visiva

Guarda l’Intervista | Ascolta il Podcast
Questa intervista è stata registrata il 03 luglio 2020 e rilasciata il 01 ottobre 2020

E’ come il risultato di una complessa connessione di suggestioni e ispirazioni che scaturiscono i dipinti, le sculture e i disegni che danno corpo e senso all’opera dell’artista venezuelana Renata Fernández. E sebbene Renata abbia studiato Belle Arti nella città di Caracas, nell’ Istituto Universitario d’Arte Armando Reverón, quasi tutta la sua attività artistica si è svolta a Londra, città in cui lei vive dal 2003.

Disciplinata, impegnata nel proprio processo creativo, e consapevole della responsabilità che ha come principale forza propulsiva della sua proposta artistica, parlando di sé stessa, Renata spiega: “Io non mi permetto blocchi creativi. Non trattengo mai il corso della mia creazione artistica, per nessun motivo. Questa è l’unica regola che impongo al mio processo creativo. Il fare è da dove provengono le soluzioni ed è nel fare la fonte delle idee”.

E’ per il suo talento, ma anche per la sua tenacia, che Renata è riuscita a esibire la sua opera in Venezuela, nel Regno Unito, in Belgio, in Spagna, e in altri paesi europei; e a svolgere, nel corso della sua carriera nel Regno Unito, un lavoro artistico multidisciplinare, costante e davvero importante. Renata crea frondosi ecosistemi in cui la natura ricopre un ruolo di rappresentazione quasi simbolica, che ci costringe a riflettere sulla nostra condizione umana nel contesto esistenziale contemporaneo. Più o meno dall’anno 1999, Renata ha iniziato a disegnare piante lussureggianti dall’aspetto selvatico, meravigliosamente mostruose, intrecciando il proprio interesse per il mimetico e i conflitti bellici umani, con una certa attrazione insistente – quasi viscerale – verso le piante che vegetano rigogliose nei paesi tropicali, e che spesso usiamo per abbellire i nostri spazi, riuscendo a creare volumi e consistenze che minacciano costantemente di prendere il nostro posto, a causa della loro gloriosa magniloquenza.

L’ opera di Renata – come quella di ogni artista che possieda una voce artistica solida e consistente – è estremamente auto-referenziale, e il suo processo creativo è complicato e lento. Nulla di ciò che accade o si svolge nel suo studio a Londra si verifica con lo scopo di soddisfare necessità sacrificabili. E in questa intervista Renata ci consente di affacciarci sul suo affascinante universo creativo per renderci conto di come, nonostante le difficoltà quotidiane, una donna che è madre, moglie e cittadina impegnata, sia riuscita ad affermarsi nella vita della diaspora, senza tradire le proprie ambizioni creative in nessuna iniziativa del suo eccezionale percorso.

E adesso, godetevi l’intervista!

Ulteriori informazioni:

Link correlati
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Riferimenti durante l’intervista
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón 00:58 | Tooting Broadway 01:12 | Museo Alejandro Otero 02:40 | Conceptual Artist 06:55 | Gerardo Rosales 08:30 | Time Magazine 10:50 | Rafael Alberti 12:32 | ATC (Altamira Tennis Club) 13:53 | National Gallery 16:38 | Daniela Galán L 17:08 | Figurative Art 17:29 | Abstract Art 17:30 | Modernism 19:23 | Peter Doig 20:42 | David Hockney 20:53 | The Grand Canyon 20:58 | Collage 21:02 | Christos Tsimaris 26:57 | Impostor Syndrome 29:33 | Brexit 32:14 | AMALGAMA 42:14 | Carnwarth Road, Fulham 49:35 | Block Printing 49:46 | Monoprinting 49:50 | Linocut 49:58 | Styrofoam 50:19 | Linoleum 51:05 | Collagraphy 51:13 | Urbanwise London 52:01 | Doris Lessing 53:25 | Jean-Michel Basquiat 55:57 | Urban Art 56:29 | Manuel Espinoza 57:18 | Guernica 01:00:07 | Museo del Prado 01:00:16 | Museo Reina Sofía 01:00:31 | Pablo Picasso 01:00:44 | ‎El Bosco (Hieronymus Bosch) 01:01:18 | El jardín de las delicias (The Garden of Earthly Delights) 01:01:27 | Francisco Goya 01:01:57 | Las Meninas 01:02:11 | Watercolour Painting 01:07:24 | Philodendron (uña de danta) 01:10:49 | La mosquera (dittrichia viscosa) 01:10:51 | Flor de Camarón (justicia brandegeeana) 01:11:00 | Flor de Tapara (Crescentia cujete) 01:11:02 | Antonio Briceño 01:11:11 | Peckham 01:12:03 | The Embankment 01:12:26 | River Thames 01:12:29 | Charcoal Drawing 01:12:52 | Araguaney (Tabebuia crysantha) 01:13:08

Opere d’arte:

Tropico Camuflado in the Museo Alejandro Otero 

ATC Series 

Deck Chair Series

Soldiers & Camouflage Series

Negative Landscape Series

Building Blocks

LC & HP Series

Public Art

Renata in her studio, filmed by Marie Claire White

All images used by kind permission of Renata, taken from her website and Instagram.

Artista Plástica

Ve la Entrevista | Escucha el Podcast
Esta entrevista se grabó el 03 de julio de 2020 y se publicó el 01 de octubre de 2020

Es como resultado de una compleja concatenación de influencias e inspiraciones que surgen las pinturas, las esculturas y los dibujos que dan cuerpo y sentido a la obra de la artista venezolana Renata Fernández. Y aunque Renata estudió artes plásticas en la ciudad de Caracas, en el Instituto de Arte Universitario Armando Reveron, casi la totalidad de su práctica artística se ha desarrollado en Londres, ciudad en la que vive desde el 2003.

Disciplinada, comprometida con su propio proceso creativo, y consiente de su responsabilidad como principal fuerza propulsora de su propuesta plástica, en relación a sí misma Renata explica: “Yo no me permito bloqueos creativos. No detengo jamás el curso de mi producción plástica bajo ningún pretexto. Ese es el único reglamento que le impongo a mi proceso creador. Del hacer es de donde provienen las soluciones y es en el hacer donde surgen las ideas”.

Es con talento pero también con tenacidad que Renata ha logrado exhibir su trabajo en Venezuela, el Reino Unido, Bélgica, España, y otros países de Europa; y desarrollar a lo largo de su carrera en el Reino Unido, un trabajo plástico multidisciplinario, consistente y a todas luces relevante. Renata crea frondosos ecosistemas en los que la naturaleza cumple un rol de representación casi simbólica, que nos obliga a reflexionar acerca de nuestra condición humana en el contexto existencial contemporáneo. Aproximadamente alrededor del año 1999 Renata comenzó a dibujar voluptuosas plantas de apariencia selvática, hermosamente monstruosas, al interceptar su interés por el camuflaje y los conflictos bélicos humanos con cierta insistente atracción – casi visceral – hacia las plantas que adornan el trópico, y que usamos con frecuencia para embellecer nuestros espacios, creando volúmenes y texturas que amenazan constantemente con desplazarnos, gracias a su gloriosa grandilocuencia.

La obra de Renata – como la de toda artista dueña de una voz plástica sólida y consistente – es sumamente auto-referencial, y su proceso creativo es intrincado y pausado. Nada de lo que ocurre o se consuma en su estudio en Londres surge con la necesidad de satisfacer necesidades desechables. Y en esta entrevista Renata nos permite asomarnos a su hermoso universo creativo para comprender como al margen de las dificultades cotidianas, una mujer que es madre, esposa y ciudadana comprometida, ha logrado consolidarse en la diáspora, sin traicionar sus ambiciones creadoras en ninguna de las instancias de su admirable proceso.

¡Y ahora, disfruten la entrevista!

Más información:

Enlaces relacionados
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Menciones durante la entrevista
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón 00:58 | Tooting Broadway 01:12 | Museo Alejandro Otero 02:40 | Conceptual Artist 06:55 | Gerardo Rosales 08:30 | Time Magazine 10:50 | Rafael Alberti 12:32 | ATC (Altamira Tennis Club) 13:53 | National Gallery 16:38 | Daniela Galán L 17:08 | Figurative Art 17:29 | Abstract Art 17:30 | Modernism 19:23 | Peter Doig 20:42 | David Hockney 20:53 | The Grand Canyon 20:58 | Collage 21:02 | Christos Tsimaris 26:57 | Impostor Syndrome 29:33 | Brexit 32:14 | AMALGAMA 42:14 | Carnwarth Road, Fulham 49:35 | Block Printing 49:46 | Monoprinting 49:50 | Linocut 49:58 | Styrofoam 50:19 | Linoleum 51:05 | Collagraphy 51:13 | Urbanwise London 52:01 | Doris Lessing 53:25 | Jean-Michel Basquiat 55:57 | Urban Art 56:29 | Manuel Espinoza 57:18 | Guernica 01:00:07 | Museo del Prado 01:00:16 | Museo Reina Sofía 01:00:31 | Pablo Picasso 01:00:44 | ‎El Bosco (Hieronymus Bosch) 01:01:18 | El jardín de las delicias (The Garden of Earthly Delights) 01:01:27 | Francisco Goya 01:01:57 | Las Meninas 01:02:11 | Watercolour Painting 01:07:24 | Philodendron (uña de danta) 01:10:49 | La mosquera (dittrichia viscosa) 01:10:51 | Flor de Camarón (justicia brandegeeana) 01:11:00 | Flor de Tapara (Crescentia cujete) 01:11:02 | Antonio Briceño 01:11:11 | Peckham 01:12:03 | The Embankment 01:12:26 | River Thames 01:12:29 | Charcoal Drawing 01:12:52 | Araguaney (Tabebuia crysantha) 01:13:08

Obras de arte:

Tropico Camuflado en el Museo Alejandro Otero 

ATC Series 

Deck Chair Series

Soldiers & Camouflage Series

Negative Landscape Series

Building Blocks

LC & HP Series

Public Art

Renata in her studio, filmed by Marie Claire White

All images used by kind permission of Renata, taken from her website and Instagram.


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Alessandra Greco

Translator for Metralla Rosa
Email Alessandra

David Deveson

Film Director | Photographer
Photoshopping for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Jim Shannon

Art director | Photographer | Filmmaker
Website & Design for Metralla Rosa
Visit his Website

Maya Petrovna

Composer | Singer | Performer
Title Music for Metralla Rosa
Visit her Website

Valentina Sarno

Founder of La Pecora Nera
Translator for Metralla Rosa
Visit La Pecora Nera website

Sponsors, Partners & Supporters

La Pecora Nera

Associazione Culturale
Cultural Partners with Metralla Rosa
Visit their Website

O. T. Editores

Casa Editorial
Partners with Metralla Rosa
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