Metralla Rosa con Carla Tofano
When I was little, I used to lock myself in the bathroom and play at being a journalist interviewing an artist. I was, of course, both of them. The journalist sat on the toilet, asking the questions, while the artist sat on the bidet, answering.
Without having to seek it out, this is precisely the double opportunity that life has offered me. And in this ‘Monólogo Rosa’ I explain to you why you can be both that which desires, as well as what is desired, without stepping on anyones toes.
Quando ero piccola mi chiudevo in bagno per interpretare una giornalista che intervistava a una artista. Io ero entrambi, ovviamente. Seduta nel gabinetto ero la giornalista che faceva le domande, e seduta nel bidet ero l’artista che rispondeva.
Col tempo, senza volerlo, è proprio questa doppia opportunità che la vita mi ha offerto! E in questo Monologo Rosa ti spiego ad alta voce, perché puoi essere l’oggetto che desidera e l’oggetto desiderato, senza calpestare a nessuno nel tentativo di diventare entrambi.
Cuando era pequeña me encerraba en el baño para jugar a ser una periodista que entrevistaba a una artista. Yo era ambas, claro. Sentada en la poceta era la periodista que preguntaba, sentada en el bidé la artista que respondía.
Sin querer queriendo es justamente esta doble oportunidad la que me ha ofrecido la vida! Y en este Monólogo Rosa les explico a viva voz, porque puedes ser el objeto que desea y el objeto deseado, sin llevarte por delante a nadie en el intento.
No One Is Illegal: Mi historia…
20th April 2021Deméter
7th April 2021Perséfone
7th March 2021La psicología del látex…
19th February 2021Artemisa
4th February 2021Atenea
26th January 2021Afrodita
19th January 2021Una Introducción
11th January 2021Como Mi Padre Dice…
2nd January 2021Yoni Magic…
26th December 2020El Poder de la Seducción…
12th November 2020Every little helps…
29th October 2020Buena mala madre…
25th October 2020Mis juguetes eróticos…
29th September 2020Rituales de Amor Proprio…
25th September 2020Love Sex Magic…
25th August 2020Aceptemos El Rechazo…
19th August 2020Fantasias Sexuales…
12th August 2020Orgasmo Mio…
31st July 2020Bienvenidos…
31st July 2020Yo Soy Deseo…
30th July 2020sobre Giuseppe Claudio Insalaco…
13th July 2020A Propósito del Narcisismo…
6th July 2020Día Del Periodista…
29th June 2020Yo me habito…
23rd June 2020Píntame angelitos negros…
11th June 2020Fist o Fizz…?
29th May 2020Bulímica…
23rd May 2020sobre Dulcie Ball…
22nd May 2020La Verdad al Desnudo…
20th May 2020True Romance…
18th May 2020La Llorona…
8th May 2020Hija de Neptuno…
5th May 2020sobre Nick Cuthell…
4th May 2020Ironias del Corona Virus…
29th April 2020sobre Gabriel Moreno…
28th April 2020Meditar…
26th April 2020Un año…
17th April 2020Bienvenidos…
16th April 2020